The Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide is intended to provide up-to-date information on grants, programs and plans that may assist tribes in addressing climate change through a broad range of sectors. We will update this guide regularly, so please check back often. If you have questions or updates for this guide, email: Please note that for entries that are accepting applications continuously, the grant deadline column will list "12/31/2024" as the grant deadline. This ensures that those grants will appear immediately after those grants with a set deadline.
Title | Organization Sort ascending | Grant Deadline | Description | Funding Amount | Geography | Website |
California Resilience Challenge 2020 Grant Program | Bay Area Council Foundation | Deadline Passed 02/07/2020. Deadline Unknown for 2021. The California Resilience Challenge is a $2 million statewide competition to support innovative projects that address climate change-related threats and help safeguard the state against wildfire, drought, flood and extreme heat events. Recipients will receive grant awards of up to $200,000 for climate adaptation planning projects. The California Resilience Challenge will provide resources to local communities throughout the state, including cities, counties, California Native American tribes, special districts, and more, that are affected by climate change-related natural disasters. Categories: California, resilience, wildfire, drought, flood, extreme heat, adaptation |
$100,000-$200,000 | California | Link | |
Ayrshire Foundation: Grants for Climate Change | Ayrshire Foundation | Deadline Passed as of 3/15/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019. Besides its geographic preferences, the Ayrshire Foundation has very few hard-and-fast rules for giving. The bottom line is it gives a lot of money each year in order to invest in opportunities for a better world. Climate change is at the forefront of the environmental focus area. Categories: climate change, community engagement, development, planning, policy, ngo |
$10,000-$100,000 | California, Michigan | Link | |
Community Roots Program | Arbor Day Foundation, USDA | 9/30/2024 | Applications due: September 30, 2024. The Arbor Day Foundation (ADF) is pleased to be a recipient of grant funding from the USDA Forest Service Urban & Community Forestry Program, under the Inflation Reduction Act (Funding Opportunity #: USDA-FS-2023-UCF-IRA-01). We will serve as a national pass-through partner of the Forest Service, providing funding for Federally Recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations, as defined below. Through this opportunity, the Arbor Day Foundation aims to support investment in tree planting and maintenance, planning, and capacity building, led by the unique needs, knowledge, and ambitions of individual Tribal subawardees. Recipients will have access to a cohort of peers and experts within the Arbor Day Foundation and the Urban and Community Forestry Society (UCFS)’s networks and the opportunity to connect with mentors/coaches from around the nation. Subawardees will also be invited to attend the annual Partners in Community Forestry conference to further develop their urban forestry network. Categories: urban planning, tree planting, extreme heat mitigation |
$100,000 to $1,000,000 | National | Link |
2023 Air Quality Collaborative Projects | ANTHC | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: November 15, 2022. The Alaska Native Tribal Health Conortium (ANTHC) Air and Healthy Homes Program is accepting applications for funding to carry out air quality projects in rural Tribal Communities within the state of Alaska. Proposals should describe a project that will address air quality such as road dust, indoor air quality, solid waste burning, ambient air pollution, and wood smoke. If an air quality project includes any type of monitoring, assessments, or data collection, ANTHC will assist in the development of a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), which will be required. Award amounts vary from $5,000 to $25,000 and is provided by a US Environmental Protection Agency Clean Air Act 103 Grant. Categories: air quality, Alaska Tribes, rural community, air pollution, health |
$5,000 – $25,000 | Alaska | Link | |
Social and Economic Development Strategies for Native Americans | ANA, DHS | Deadline passed as of June 22, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. ANA promotes social and economic self-sufficiency in communities through SEDS grants. These competitive financial assistance grants support locally determined projects designed to reduce or eliminate community problems and achieve community goals. This approach to promoting self-sufficiency encourages communities to shift away from programs that result in dependency on services and move toward projects that increase community and individual productivity through community development. SEDS grants fund social and economic development projects in on- and off-reservation native communities and provide federal support for self-determination and self-governance among Native American people. ANA also provides technical assistance through contractors who will help potential applicants with the planning and program development needed for a successful proposal. See the ANA website for a listing of technical assistance providers in your region. Categories: Adaptation, Research, social justice, economic, infrastructure, management, sovereignty, self-determination |
Individuals awards between $50,000 and $375,000 | Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Pacific Islands/Hawaii | Link | |
Social and Economic Development Strategies for Alaska | ANA | Deadline passed as of June 22, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. The Administration for Native Americans (ANA), within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), announces the availability of Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 funds for new community-based projects under the ANA Social and Economic Development Strategies for Alaska-SEDS-AK. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is focused on community-driven projects designed to grow local economies, strengthen Alaskan Native families, including the preservation of Alaskan Native American cultures, and decrease the high rate of current challenges caused by the lack of community-based businesses, and social and economic infrastructure in Alaskan Native communities. Categories: adaptation, infrastructure, economic, planning, policy, management, social justice, community development |
Varies. | Alaska | Link | |
2023 AmeriCorps Seniors Native Nations and Indigenous Elders Senior Demonstration Program | AmeriCorps | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 5, 2023. Through the Native Nations and Indigenous Elders SDP funding opportunity, applicants must demonstrate how they will engage adults ages 55 and older to address one or more of the Indigenous Elders SDP priorities. AmeriCorps Seniors is open to proposals that are reflective of the needs of Indigenous and Native communities served by the applicant’s proposed program. Some examples of programs selected as part of this opportunity might include the following: Programs promoting the preservation and teaching of Native and Indigenous languages and cultural practices. Programming focused on helping Native and indigenous communities respond to and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Programs that support the quality of life of Veterans and Military Families, Caregivers, and Survivors. Programs that provide social, economic, and/or educational services to Native and Indigenous people both on and off Native and Indigenous lands. Programming that advances justice and equality in areas such as food sovereignty, climate change & conservation, and mental health services. Programs that create workforce pathways for older adults, including deliberate training, certifications, and hiring preferences or support. Categories: seniors, veterans, language, food sovereignty, mental health, conservation, workforce training |
Varies | National | Link | |
2023 State and National Native Nations Grants and Planning Competition | Americorps | Dealine passed. Most recent deadline: April 5, 2023. Through the 2023 notice of funding opportunity, AmeriCorps seeks to prioritize the investment of national service resources into disaster services like COVID-19 response, economic opportunities, education, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Indigenous language, civic and social engagement, healthy futures and veterans and military families. Opportunities include three-year operating grants which engage AmeriCorps members in time-limited-service commitments and one-year planning grants to develop programs that implement evidence-based solutions to community needs. Categories: disaster response, education, TEK, language, health, economy, community, Veterans |
Varies | National | Link | |
Coastal CODE Grants | Alaskan Brewing Co. | Most Recent Deadline: 9/30/2021. Alaskan Brewing Co. has committed 1% of all proceeds from Alaskan Icy Bay IPA to support the cleanup of waterways and coastlines in an initiative call the Coastal CODE (Clean Oceans Depend on Everyone). The Coastal CODE provides grants to organizations and activities that promote the health of the Ocean and the waterways that lead to it, the Coastal CODE Fund grants money to projects that promote: beach, lake or waterway cleanup activities or water habitat restoration. Please note that this grant is on a rolling deadline. Categories: conservation, restoration, oceans, lakes |
varies | Alaska, Northwest | Link | |
ANA Funding Opportunity Native Language Preservation and Maintenance | Administration for Native Americans (ANA) | Deadline Passed. Most recent deadline: March 31, 2023. The purpose of the Native American Language Preservation and Maintenance (P&M) program is to assist Native Americans in ensuring the survival and continuing vitality of Native American languages. ANA is interested in supporting locally determined projects to reduce or eliminate community problems and achieve community goals. Funded projects reflect Specific, measureable, achievable, relevant and time-bound outcomes \and include specific strategies for achieving intended performance. Categories: Culture, Language, preservation |
$100,000-$300,000 | National, Pacific Islands, Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands... | Link | |
ANA Funding Opportunity Environmental Regulatory Enhancement | Administration for Native Americans (ANA) | Deadline Passed. Most recent deadline: March 31, 2023. The purpose of the Environmental Regulatory Enhancement (ERE) program is to provide funding for the costs of planning, developing, and implementing programs designed to improve the capability of tribal governing bodies to regulate environmental quality pursuant to federal and tribal environmental laws. The ERE program supports the principle that projects must follow tribal cultural preservation and natural resource management priorities in order to achieve environmentally healthy, sustainable Native American and Alaska Native communities. The Administration for Native Americans (ANA) is therefore interested in supporting locally designed projects that strengthen tribal environmental regulatory programs in a manner consistent with the goals of native communities. Categories: Planning, Development, Cultural Preservation, Native Communities, social justice,policy, infrastructure |
$100,000-$300,000 | Alaska, Indian Tribes | Link | |
ANA Funding Opportunity Esther Martinez Immersion | Administration for Native Americans | Deadline Passed. Most recent deadline: March 31, 2023.. The purposed of the Native American Language Preservation and Maintenance- Esther Martinez Immersion (EMI) program is to provide financial assistance to community driven projects designed to preserve Native American languages through Native American language nests, Native American language survival schools, and Native language restoration programs. ANA is interested in supporting locally determined projects designed to reduce or eliminate community problems and achieve community goals. Funded EMI projects reflect specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound outcomes and include specific strategies for achieving intended performance. All EMI grants must have a start date of 8/1. Categories: Cultural Preservation, Language, Native Communities |
$100,000-$300,000 | Alaska, Hawaii, Pacific Islands, Guam, National; | Link | |
ANA Funding Opportunity Social and Economic Development | Administration for Native Americans | Deadline Passed. Most recent deadline: March 31, 2023. The purpose of the Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS) program is to promote economic and social self-sufficiency for American Indians, Alaska Natives, native Hawaiians, and Native American Pacific Islanders from American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The SEDS program supports the principal that social and economic development are inter-related and essential for the development of thriving Native communities. The Administration for Native Americans (ANA) is interested in support community-driven projects designed to grow local economies, increase the capacity of tribal governments, strengthen families, preserve Native cultures, and increase self-sufficiency and community well-being. Funded SEDS projects will reflect specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timebound outcomes and include specific strategies for reducing or eliminating community problems and achieving long-range community goals. Categories: Economic development, Sustainable Development, Community Development |
$100,000-$400,000 | Alaska, Indian Tribes, Pacific Islands, Hawaii, Guam, National | Link | |
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program | Office of State and Community Energy Programs | Deadline Passed. Most Recent Deadline: January 31, 2024. Tribes can use flexible EECBG Program funding for projects and programs that cut carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency and reduce energy use. Tribal governments submit an EECBG Program Formula Application and receive their funds as a grant to utilize on an eligible activity of their choice. The funding has already been put aside, but a pre-award information sheets must be filled out and received by July 31, 2023. Final application period for Local and Tribal applicantions ends January 31, 2024. Read the final allocation of funds here. Categories: energy, greenhouse gas, carbon emissions, energy efficiency |
Varies | National | Link | |
Rural Health Network Development Planning Program | Department of Health and Human Services | Deadline Passed as of 2/23/2018. Deadline for 2019 Unknown. The goals of the Network Planning program are centered around approaches that will aid providers in better serving their communities given the changes taking place in health care, as providers move from focusing on the volume of services to focusing on the value of services. This program will bring together key parts of a rural health care delivery system, particularly those entities that may not have collaborated in the past under a formal relationship, to establish and improve local capacity and coordination of care. The program will support one year of planning with the primary goal of helping networks create a foundation for their infrastructure and focusing member efforts to address important regional or local community health needs. Categories: health, community health, rural health, social services, accessibility, quality, availability |
Amount varies. | United States, National | Link | |
Marine Debris Community Action Coalitions - FY2024-2025 National Sea Grant BIL | Most recent deadline: December 14, 2023. The Marine Debris Community Action Coalitions funding opportunity will support the creation of coalitions and partnerships among communities, groups, and localities, especially those that have been traditionally underserved, to address marine debris prevention and removal. Brief Description: The National Sea Grant Office (NSGO) anticipates approximately $3,000,000 in FY 2024 and 2025 federal funds will be available to individual Sea Grant programs in order to support approximately 10-20 Marine Debris Community Action Coalitions. Each award will be no greater than $300,000. Applications DO NOT require the standard 50% non-federal match for Sea Grant projects. Eligible Applicants: This competition is open to all Sea Grant programs. Please carefully review the specific instructions for the National Sea Grant IIJA Marine Debris Community Action Coalitions opportunity found on Inside Sea Grant. Categories: Marine Debris, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, BIL, Sea Grant |
Link | ||||
ReConnect Loan and Grant Program | Deadline Passed 07/12/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. The ReConnect Program is an innovative new pilot program that offers unique federal financing and funding options in the form of loans, grants, and loan/grant combinations to facilitate broadband deployment in areas of rural America that don’t currently have sufficient access to broadband. This pilot program will generate private sector investment to deploy broadband infrastructure to provide high-speed internet e-Connectivity to as many rural premises as possible, including homes, community facilities for healthcare and public safety, schools, libraries, farms, ranches, factories, and other production sites. For those who are applying for 100% loan, the deadline is July 12, 2019. Categories: broadband, rural areas, infrastructure, high-speed internet, capacity building |
Up to $200,000,000 is available for loan/grant combinations. The maximum amount that can be requested in an application is $25,000,000 for the loan and $25,000,000 for the grant. Loan and grant amounts will always be equal. | Rural Areas | Link | ||
Marine Debris Challenge Competition. | Deadline Passed:: January 31, 2024. The Marine Debris Challenge Competition will support original, innovative, and transformational marine debris prevention and removal research that pushes the boundaries of existing technologies and approaches, changes the current landscape of marine debris mitigation, and ties that research to tangible outputs. Brief Description: Sea Grant anticipates approximately $16,000,000 in FY 2024 and 2025 federal funds will be available to support research to application projects that will address the prevention and/or removal of marine debris, with award periods of three years. Applications DO NOT require the standard 50% non-federal match for Sea Grant projects. However, applicants are strongly encouraged to combine NOAA federal funding with formal matching contributions and informal leverage from a broad range of sources in the public and private sectors. Eligible Applicants: This opportunity is open to any person or group within the United States or its territories, as well as tribal nations within those geographies. Applicants must submit proposals in partnership with a relevant Sea Grant program. Please note that it is not a requirement that investigators, including the PI, are part of a Sea Grant program. Applicants and awardees from the FY22 National Sea Grant Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Marine Debris Challenge Competition are eligible to apply for these funds. Please carefully review the specific instructions for the Marine Debris Challenge Competition opportunity found on the Sea Grant Funding page. Questions about the competitions may be sent to Categories: Marine Debris, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, BIL, Sea Grant |
National | Link | |||
FY24 NOAA Marine Debris Removal under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Applicant Resources | Latest Deadline: October 27, 2023. The NOAA Marine Debris Program will award up to $24 million through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to support the removal of large marine debris throughout the coastal United States, Great Lakes, territories, and Freely Associated States. These removal projects should focus on large marine debris, including abandoned and derelict vessels, derelict fishing gear, and other debris that is generally unable to be collected by hand. Required Letter of Intent Deadline: Friday, October 27, 2023 Full Proposal Deadline: Friday, February 23, 2024* Categories: marine debries, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law |
National | Link | |||
Hazardous Fuels Transportation Assistance Grants | 9/5/2028 | Applications Due: September 5, 2024. Hazardous Fuels Transportation Assistance grants support projects that remove hazardous fuels from national forests and grasslands to a location where the materials may be used for various wood products and services. This program contributes to the Wildfire Crisis Strategy implementation by removing hazardous fuels from forests and supports local forest product facilities and rural economies. The forest products industry and infrastructure are key are partners to maintain forest health and resilience while reducing wildfire risk. Successful forest restoration and implementation of the 10-year Wildfire Risk Reduction Strategy are dependent on a robust forest products industry. The Forest Service is partnering with industry to discover creative solutions and explore new markets. For more information and to apply, visit: Detailed information about the application process, selection criteria and eligible expenses can be found in the Forest Service Hazardous Fuels Transportation Assistance Program Notice of Funding Opportunity and Frequently Asked Questions. Public webinars will be hosted in partnership with the National Wild Turkey Federation. |
Link | |||
FY24 NOAA Marine Debris Interception Technologies under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Applicant Resources | Deadline Passed. Most Recent Deadline: November 15, 2023. The NOAA Marine Debris Program will award up to $4 million through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to support the installation of proven marine debris interception technologies, throughout the coastal United States, Great Lakes, territories, and Freely Associated States. Projects will focus on the installation, monitoring, and maintenance of proven marine debris interception technologies that will capture marine debris at or close to known marine debris sources or pathways. Application Deadlines: Required Letter of Intent Deadline: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 Full Proposal Deadline: Friday, March 15, 2024* Categories: Marine Debris, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law |
National | Link | |||
The Lawrence Foundation | Deadline Passed 11/01/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019. The Lawrence Foundation is a private family foundation focused on making grants to support environmental, education, human services and other causes. Grants are awarded twice a year. The foundation makes grants to US based qualified charitable organizations. To date we have funded organizations that address the following areas of interest: Environment (US headquartered organizations operating programs in the US or elsewhere in the world),Human ServicesDisaster relief (US headquartered organizations responding to disasters in the US or elsewhere in the world on an occasional basis),Other (US headquartered organizations operating programs in the US or elsewhere in the world). Categories: environment, human services, disaster relief |
unknown | National | Link | ||
FWS National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program FY 2015 | Deadline passed as of June 30, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (Section 305, Title III, Public Law 101‐646, 16 U.S.C. 3954) established the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program (NCWCGP) to acquire, restore, and enhance wetlands in coastal States through competitive matching grants to State agencies. The primary goal of the NCWCGP is the long‐term conservation of coastal wetland ecosystems. In FY 2013, the NCWCGP will fund 24 to 26 individual projects encompassing 4,690 to 5,500 acres of coastal habitat. Categories: Wetlands, Coasts, Conservation |
$25,000-$1,000,000. | Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Coastal | Link | ||
2023 Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects Program | Deadline Passed. Most Recent Deadline: November 6, 2023. The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act established the NSFLTP Program to provide Federal financial assistance to projects of national significance for construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of transportation facilities within, adjacent to, or providing access to Federal or Tribal lands. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Pub. L. 117-58, November 15, 2021, “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,” or “BIL”) modified the program in several ways, including providing $55 million per year from the Highway Trust Fund, as well as authorizing up to an additional $300 million per year from the General Fund, for each of FYs 2022 through 2026. The BIL also reduced minimum project sizes from $25 million to $12.5 million, directed 50 percent of the funds towards Tribal transportation facilities, increased the Federal share of projects on Tribal transportation facilities to 100 percent and required funding of at least one eligible project submitted by the National Park Service for a unit of the National Park System with 3,000,000 annual visitors or more. Categories: Transportation, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, BIL |
National | Link | |||
Great Lakes Climate Assessment Grants | GLISA is soliciting proposals from organizations that will engage networks of stakeholders in science-grounded processes to identify, assess, and/or resolve climate-related problems or management issues. Categories: Natural Resource Management |
$25,000-$50,000 | Northeast, Midwest, International, Canada, Great Lakes | Link | ||
Coastal Habitat Restoration and Resilience Grants for Tribes and Underserved Communities | Most Recent Deadline: December 19, 2023. $45 million in funding is available for projects that will advance the coastal habitat restoration and climate resilience priorities of tribes and underserved communities under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act. Through this funding, NOAA will help support community-driven habitat restoration and build the capacity of tribes and underserved communities to more fully participate in restoration activities. Of the $45 million in funding available, $20 million is specifically available to U.S. federally recognized tribes, Alaska Native Corporations, and organizations that represent tribes through formal legal agreements, through direct awards or subawards: A direct award is an award where the tribe is the applicant, receives an award from NOAA, and administers the award. A subaward to a tribe is an award where a non-tribal applicant receives a direct award from NOAA, but provides a specific amount of funding to a tribe to carry out a portion of the award. The remaining $25 million will be available to all eligible applicants, to support opportunities for tribes and underserved communities to meaningfully engage in coastal habitat restoration activities. Categories: coastal habitat, NOAA, IRA, BIL, Inflation Reduction Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Act |
National | Link | |||
Tribal Government Challenge Planning Grant Program. | Previous Deadline: 05/22/2020. Funded by the California Energy Commission (CEC) and administered by the California Strategic Growth Council (SGC), the Tribal Government Challenge Planning Grant Program will provide funds for California Tribes to conduct planning to identify solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve clean energy access, and advance climate adaptation and resiliency on Tribal lands and in Tribal communities. For more information and to apply, click here. |
California | Link | |||
NCAI Business Stabilization Grant | Deadline passed. Application window will be open until funds are exhausted. With generous support from, NCAI is issuing business stabilization grants in the amount of $5,000 each to a total of 28 selected Native-owned small businesses that have been severely impacted by the curtailing of commercial activity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Awarded applicants can use the funds to address their most urgent needs to stabilize and strengthen their businesses, such as (but not limited to): making monthly payments on small business loans that have lapsed due to declining business revenues; keeping employees employed; paying their vendors; and/or purchasing equipment/software to transition or grow their businesses online. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Rolling application process; application window will remain open until all funds are exhausted. Categories: COVID-19, business stabilization |
$5000 | Link | |||
Indian Energy Purchase Preference Inquiries | Solicitation Opens for Tribes to Sell Clean Energy Credits to Federal Agencies under Indian Energy Purchase Preference. Most Recent Deadline: May 20, 2024. The GSA has opened a solicitation for 47,500 MWh of clean energy credits from Tribes in a move that both boosts opportunity for Tribal energy businesses and advances federal clean energy goals of running on 100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2030 (E.O. 14057). The solicitation has the potential to lead to the first ever procurement under the Indian Energy Purchase Preference.
For inquiries about selling power to federal entities under the IEPP, see the Office of Indian Energy’s pag Categories: clean energy credits |
National | Link | |||
Inflation Reduction Act Forest Landowner Support | Most Recent Deadline for Track B & C: August 21, 2024. The Inflation Reduction Act Forest Landowner Support programming provides financial assistance grants for projects that support underserved and small-acreage forest landowner participation in emerging private markets for climate mitigation and forest resilience. The Inflation Reduction Act provides the Forest Service $450 million for Forest Landowner Support which will be made available through a series of funding opportunities. Bookmark this webpage to stay up to date on current opportunities and deadlines or contact to be added to an email distribution list. Categories: forest landowners, IRA, inflation reduction act |
See description. | National | Link |
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