
Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.

Publication Year Sort ascending Geography Website
Co-producing Science and Tools for Drought Preparedness with the Wind River Reservation's Tribal Water Managers. DOI. 2016.

Categories: tribal water management, drought, climate science, Water rights, water health, climate adaptation

2016 Midwest, Wyoming, Montana, Eastern Oregon Link
Banegas, D. 2016. Between Two Worlds: Frank Lake heals the land using modern science and traditional ecological knowledge. USGS.

Categories: climate change, wildfire, tek, traditional ecological knowledge, management, technical knowledge, Indigenous climate science, cultural resources, human health

2016 Northern California, Pacific Northwest, Western United States Link
Hallum, Mark. 2016. Climate Change May Have Big Impact on American Indian Tribes Out West: The Inquisitr News

Categories: Climate Resilience, Climate Change Vulnerability, Drought & Agriculture.

2016 Western United States. Link
2015-2016: A YEAR IN 15 STORIES. Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium. 2016.

Categories: climate change, climate science, assessment, community outreach, summary, report, application, policy

2016 United States Link
Bronen, R. 2016. Climate Displacement Preparation and Planning in: Leckie, S.and Huggins, C. (editors) Repairing Domestic Displacement Peninsula Principles Taylor and Francis: New York.

Categories: Climate-induced displacement, tribe, indigenous

2016 International, National, Alaska Link
USFWS. 2016. The Service's: Native American Policy. 510 FW 1.

Categories: Policy, Conservation, Cultural Resources, Federal-Tribal Collaboration

2016 National Link
Isabelle Groc. 2016. Some Whales Like Global Warming Just Fine. National Geographic.

Categories: Whales, Climate Impacts, Temperature Change

2016 National, International Link
Historical baselines and the future of shell calcification for a foundation species in a changing ocean. University of Chicago. 2016.

Categories: climate science, fisheries, ocean acidification, Pleistocene era, shellfish, shell midden

2016 National, Coastal Ecosystems Link
Swanson, M, Trainor, F. 2016. Current Coastal Change Research/Management Projects and Priority Information Needs in from Cook Inlet through Southeastern Alaska

Categories: climate change, coastal, erosion, marine, management, resource,

2016 National, Coastal Link
Oregon State Interactive Communications. 2016. Native Perspective: Oregon State University. 2016 Oregon, Western United States. Link
Dolan, Maura. Species may be listed as threatened based on climate change projections, court says . LA Times. 2016.

Categories: arctic, climate change, oil, vulnerability assessment, endagered

2016 Arctic, Alaska Link
UBC News. 2016. Climate change could cut First Nations fisheries’ catch in half.

Categories: Salmon, Herring, Population Decline, Climate Impacts

2016 Northwest, International (Canada), British Columbia Link
n.a. 2016. Climate and Health Fact Sheets. North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies. EPA

Categories: climate change, human health, environmental health, air quality, wildfire risk, water quality, environmental justice, indigenous, disability, pregnancy,

2016 National Link
Gombay-McGill, Katherine. 2016. Climate and Politics Could Test Arctic People: Futurity.

Categories: Climate Resilience, Climate Vulnerability, Environmental Science, Social Stability, Future Generations.

2016 Alaska, Arctic, Canada. Link
Vinyeta, Kirsten and Whyte, Kyle Powys and Lynn, Kathy, Indigenous Masculinities in a Changing Climate: Vulnerability and Resilience in the United States (June 24, 2016). Men, Masculinities and Disaster. 2016. Edited by Elaine Enarson, Bob Pease. Routledge: Chapter 12, Available at SSRN:

Categories: Climate change, Indigenous peoples, feminism, gender, vulnerability, climate justice

2016 National Link
Arctic indigenous leaders from Alaska, Russia, and Canada to make historic London address on impacts of Arctic Ocean shipping. The Arctic Journal. 2016.

Categories: arctic, climate change, fossil fuels, policy, negotiation

2016 Arctic, Alaska, Russia, Siberia, Canada Link
Weatherdon, J.; Ota, Y.; Jones, M.; Close, D.; Cheung, W.2016. Projected Scenarios for Coastal First Nations’ Fisheries Catch Potential under Climate Change: Management Challenges and Opportunities. PLoS ONE. 11: e0145285.

Categories: Traditional Knowledges, Site-Specific Mitigation and Adaptation, Joint-Management, Salmon, Species Decline, Species Range Shift

2016 Northwest, International (Canada), British Columbia Link
K.R. Jones, J.E.M. Watson, H.P. Possingham, C.J. Klein. 2016. Incorporating climate change into spatial conservation prioritisation: A review. Biological Conservation, Volume 194, 121–130. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2015.12.008

Categories: Climate Impacts, Conservation, Climate Modeling, Ecological Restoration

2016 National, International Link
Couch, J. 2016. Tribal Food Sovereignty: Beyond the Community Garden. FNDI.

Categories: food sovereignty, food justice, economy, self-determination, sustainability, self-sufficiency

2016 United States, Canada Link
Ban, S.S., Alidina, H.M., Okey, T.A., Gregg, R.M. and Ban, N.C., 2016. Identifying potential marine climate change refugia: A case study in Canada’s Pacific marine ecosystems. Global Ecology and Conservation, 8, pp.41-54.

Categories: climate change, refugia, canada, pacific, marine, sea, coastal

2016 Coastal, Canada Link
Koszan, Tiffany. Adapting to climate change on tribal land explored at upcoming summit. Nevada Today. 2016.

Categories: climate change, water health, farming practices, conference

2016 Great Basin, American Southwest Link
Chan, F., Boehm, A.B., Barth, J.A., Chornesky, E.A., Dickson, A.G., Feely, R.A., Hales, B., Hill, T.M., Hofmann, G., Ianson, D., Klinger, T., Largier, J., Newton, J., Pedersen, T.F., Somero, G.N., Sutula, M., Wakefield, W.W., Waldbusser, G.G., Weisberg, S.B., and Whiteman, E.A. The West Coast Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Science Panel: Major Findings, Recommendations, and Actions. California Ocean Science Trust, Oakland, California, USA. April 2016.

Categories: Ocean Acidification, Climate Impacts, Hypoxia, Plankton

2016 Puget Sound, Northwest Link
EPA. 2016. Climate Change Indicators in the United States (Fourth Edition).

Categories: climate change, human health, social justice, coastal, forest, climate science

2016 National, United States Link
James H. Thorne, Ryan M. Boynton, Andrew J. Holguin, Joseph A.E. Stewart and Jacquelyn Bjorkman. 2016. A Climate Change Vulnerabillity Assessment of California's Terrestrial Vegetation. Information Center for the Environment: UC Davis. Report Prepared for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Categories: Assessment, Vegetation, Climate Impacts, Climate Modeling, California

2016 California, Northwest, Southwest, West Link
Reuters, Thompson. 'Dangerous' move by climate-change activists cuts off pipeline flow from Canada to U.S. CBC News. 2016.

Categories: necessity, climate change, fossil fuels, crude oil, tar, pipeline, corporations, activism

2016 United States, Canada Link
Rising sea levels are forcing an indigenous tribe from home and could be an example of the future.

Categories: Biloxi, Choctaw, Florida, Native land, climate change, sea level, sea rise, island

2016 Southeast, Bayou, Florida Link
Anaya, S. James and Puig, Sergio, Mitigating State Sovereignty: The Duty to Consult with Indigenous Peoples (November 28, 2016). 67 University of Toronto Law Journal ___ (Forthcoming); Arizona Legal Studies Discussion Paper No. 16-42. Available at SSRN:

Categories: Internatnional Law, International Human Rights, Right of Consultation, Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Sovereignty

2016 National Link
Abbey Kessler. 2016. Western tribes struggle to adapt as reservoirs shrivel. Greenwire: E&E News.

Categories: Drought, Climate Adaptation, Disaster

2016 West, National Link
The Salmon People at Risk: What Climate Change Means for the Puyallup Tribe. LRInspire. 2016.

Categories: ppuyallup, salmon, fisheries, traditional foods, TEK, sovereignty, climate change, water health

2016 Washignton State Link
Stephen B. Weisberg, Nina Bednaršek, Richard A. Feely, Francis Chan, Alexandria B. Boehm, Martha Sutula, Jennifer L. Ruesink, Burke Hales, John L. Largier, Jan A. Newton. 2016. Water quality criteria for an acidifying ocean: Challenges and opportunities for improvement. Ocean & Coastal Management. vol. 126 p. 31-41. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.03.010

Categories: Ocean Acidification, Hypoxia, Climate Impacts, Climate Monitoring

2016 West, Coastal Link