The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project. For more information, visit: If you would like to add to or amend information included in this guide, please complete this Google Form. If you have additions or suggestions for this website, please email



The Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide is intended to provide up-to-date information on grants, programs and plans that may assist tribes in addressing climate change through a broad range of sectors. We will update this guide regularly, so please check back often. If you have questions or updates for this guide, email: Please note that for entries that are accepting applications continuously, the grant deadline column will list "12/31/2024" as the grant deadline. This ensures that those grants will appear immediately after those grants with a set deadline.

Title Organization Grant Deadline Description Funding Amount Geography Website
Community-Scale Clean Energy Projects in Indian Country Grants

DOE is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, Tribal Energy Resource Development Organizations and Tribal Consortia to install “community-scale” or “facility-scale” clean energy systems on Indian lands to provide electricity and/or heating and cooling for local use in tribal buildings. For purposes of this announcement, “clean energy systems” include “renewable energy systems” and “combined heat and power systems.” Projects selected under this Funding Opportunity Announcement are intended to reduce energy costs and increase energy security for Indian Tribes and tribal members. Please note that on DOE website this grant can be found by searching for: DE-FOA-0000852.

Categories: Renewable energy

$50,000-1,500,000 Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
Tribal Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Deployment Assistance DOE

DOE is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, Tribal Energy Resource Development Organizations and Tribal Consortia, to install “community-scale” or “facility-scale” renewable energy and/or energy efficiency energy projects on Indian lands. The renewable energy and/or energy efficiency projects are intended to provide electricity and/or heating and cooling or efficiency measures for existing tribal buildings, including homes, businesses, community buildings, government buildings, or other tribal facilities. Projects selected under this Funding Opportunity Announcement are intended to reduce energy costs and increase energy security for Indian Tribes and tribal members. Please note that this grant can be found on the DOE website provided by searching for: DE-FOA-0000853

Categories: Renewable energy

$50,000-250,000 Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
USDA Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans USDA

The USDA Rural Business Cooperative-Service Agency is accepting applications for Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans to assist agricultural producers and rural small businesses with evaluating energy efficiency and the potential to incorporate renewable energy technologies into their operations.

Categories: Renewable energy, Agriculture, small businesses

Unknown National, agriculture & small rural business Link
USDA Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance Grants USDA

The USDA Rural Business Cooperative-Service Agency is accepting applications for Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance grants to establish programs to assist agricultural producers and rural small businesses with evaluating energy efficiency and the potential to incorporate renewable energy technologies into their operations.

Categories: Renewable energy, Agriculture, small businesses

Unspecified National Link
Community Renewable Energy Grant Program Oregon Department of Energy

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: June 10, 2022. The Community Renewable Energy Grant Program is open to Oregon Tribes, public bodies, and consumer-owned utilities. Up to $100,000 for planning and $1M for developing a community renewable energy and/or resilience project. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Renewable energy, community energy resilience, environmental justice, energy efficiency, solar energy, wind energy, equity

Up to $100,000 for planning and $1M for developing a community renewable energy and/or resilience project Oregon Link
Tribal Energy Program Deployment of Clean Energy and Energy on Indian Lands DOE

Dealine unknown for 2019. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Tribal Energy Program, in conjunction with the DOE Office of Indian Energy, is pleased to announce the availability of up to $7 million in funding to accelerate clean energy development on tribal lands. For more tribal grant opportunites use this link… 

Categories: Renewable energy, Development

Varies National, Alaska, Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast Link
Statewide Wood Energy Teams Grants FS, DOA

The U.S. Forest Service is providing leadership and funding on behalf of a USDA multiagency Wood to Energy Initiative by offering this Request for Proposals to support collaborative statewide wood energy teams that advance the installation of commercially viable wood energy systems in the public and private sectors that use woody biomass generated from National Forest System lands and other land ownerships. Public-private statewide teams are invited to seek funding to support the development of geographic and/or sector-based clusters of wood energy projects. Activities may include, but are not limited to, a) workshops and assistance that provide technical, financial, and environmental information; b) preliminary engineering assessments; and c) community outreach needed to support development of wood energy projects in the public and private sectors. Only proposals for work planned in States that have National Forest System lands will be considered.

Categories: Renewable energy, Development

Varies Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Midwest Link
START Renewable Energy Project Development Assistance U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Indian Energy

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Offi ce of Indian Energy is now accepting applications for the third round of
its Strategic Technical Assistance Response Team (START) Renewable Energy Project Development Assistance
Program. Through START, Tribes can get customized technical assistance for furthering the development of
community- and commercial-scale renewable energy projects. Applications are due May 1, 2015; up to fi ve
projects will be selected in June 2015.

Categories: Renewable energy, Development

Unknown National, Tribes, Alaska Link
Transitioning Tribal Colleges and Universities to Clean Energy DOE Office of Indian Energy

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: July 27, 2023. The DOE Office of Indian Energy is soliciting applications from Tribal Colleges and Universities for clean energy project planning to transition the Tribal College or University to a clean energy campus and clean energy curriculum planning to complement the transition to clean energy (Topic Area 1); and the deployment of clean energy technology(ies) to transition the Tribal College or University to a clean energy campus, and implementation of a related clean energy curriculum (Topic Area 2).

Categories: renewable energy, education, energy efficiency,

Topic Area 1: $100,000 - $250,000; Topic Area 2: $250,000 - $4,000,000 National Link
Expressions of Interest (RFEI) to Determine B.C. Local Governments and First Nations Interest in a Potential Call for Applications Under the New Community Energy Leadership Program (CELP) Community Energy Leadership Program (CELP), The Ministry of Energy and Mines

Communities will be eligible for funding if they undertake either: One of a range of renewable energy capital projects that the local government or First Nation has part (e.g., IPP equity stake) or full ownership of; or a major energy efficiency initiative applied specifically to the local government's or First Nation's own infrastructure. Interested communities are invited to respond to this RFEI by no later than Monday, May 4th 2015 by email referring to RFEI Number "CELP2015".

Categories: Renewable energy, Energy efficiency, Local Government, First Nations, Infrastructure

The objective of the Ministry’s Community Energy Leadership Program (CELP) is to provide local
governments and First Nations with pivotal funding ranging from $20,000 to $80,000 per Application.
National Link
Strategic Technical Assistance Response Team (START) Program DOE

The Strategic Technical Assistance Response Team (START) Program is part of the DOE Office of Indian Energy effort to assist in the development of tribal renewable energy projects. Through START, Tribes in the 48 contiguous states and Alaska can apply for and are selected to receive technical assistance from DOE and national laboratory experts to move projects closer to implementation.

Categories: Renewable energy, Infrastructure

technical assistance, not funds, are provided Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
START Renewable Energy Project Development Assistance DOE, Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs

The DOE Office of Indian Energy is now accepting applications for the third round of the Strategic Technical Assistance Response Team (START) Renewable Energy Project Development Assistance Program to provide Tribes with technical assistance with furthering the development of community- and commercial-scale renewable energy projects.

Categories: Renewable energy, Infrastructure

See application National, Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, Alaska Link
REAP Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance Program USDA 12/31/2024

Rolling Deadlines. REAP Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance Program.Refer to Application Package AND Application Instruction links to obtain all necessary forms for a complete application

Categories: Renewable energy, Infrastructure, Development, IRA

Varies Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
USFS Hazardous Fuels Wood to Energy Grant Program FS, DOA

The U.S Forest Service Wood Education and Resource Center (WERC) requests proposals for wood energy projects that require engineering services necessary for final design and cost analysis. The Hazardous Fuels Wood to Energy (W2E) Grant Program will fund projects for which some or all of the woody biomass is generated from National Forest Service System lands as a result of hazardous fuel treatments, forest restoration activities, insect and disease mitigation, catastrophic weather events, or thinning overstocked stands. Projects that use woody biomass from multiple land ownerships (State, Tribal, or private lands) and multiple sources (wood products facilities, urban wood waste, etc.) will be considered as long as some of the woody biomass is generated from National Forest System lands. Projects that do not anticipate using any wood from National Forest System lands will not be eligible. The woody biomass must be used in commercially proven wood energy systems to produce thermal, electrical, liquid, or gaseous energy. Examples of projects might include, but are not limited to, engineering design of a woody biomass boiler that generates steam at a sawmill, hospital, or school; a nonpressurized hot water system; a biomass power generation facility; or geographic or sector-based clusters of wood energy systems. The lack of a professional engineering design often limits the ability of an applicant to secure Federal, State, or private funding. This program is intended for applicants seeking financial assistance to complete the necessary engineering design work, including permitting or other preconstruction analyses, required to secure public or private funding for construction of wood energy projects.

Categories: Renewable energy, Natural Resource Management, Disaster Mitigation

$25,000-250,000 Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Midwest Link
Rural Energy Pilot Program (REPP) USDA

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 19, 2022. USDA has opened up grant applications for communities to further develop renewable energy through REPP. Funds can be used to support community energy planning, community efficiency and weatherization, installing and equipping community scale renewable energy. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Renewable energy, rural areas, efficiency, weatherization, community development

Awards to successful applicants will be in the form of cost-share grants for up to 80 percent of total eligible project costs, not to exceed $2 million. National Link
Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Renewable Energy Systems in Oregon Grants USDA, RD 12/31/2024

Rolling deadline. REAP (formerly known as the "006" program) offers grants and/or loan guarantees for the purchase and installation of renewable energy generating systems. Assistance is limited to small businesses, farmers and ranchers. Projects must be located in a rural area. REAP grants and guarantees may be used individually or in combination. Together, they may finance up to 75 percent of a project's total cost. Grants can never finance more than 25 percent if a project or $500,000 -- whichever is less. While applications are accepted continuously, funding is not always available. Please see website for opportunity to sign up to be notified about funding availability.

Categories: Renewable energy, Rural Development, IRA

Varies, includes loans Oregon, Northwest Link
Solar Grant Program Washington Department of Commerce

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: May 25, 2022. Solar Energy grants provide competitive funding to install solar at public buildings and facilities, such as schools, hospitals, civic buildings and wastewater treatment plants, maximum award $250,000 per applicant. Projects must provide 50% of the total project cost, or 33% if developed by federally recognized Tribal Governments or located in highly impacted communities, lower income communities, rural communities. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Renewable energy, solar, Tribally-owned facilities, highly impacted communities, rural communities

Up to $250,000 ‎Washington Link
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation NGO

Applications accepted continuously. This foundation offers grant assistance in 6 major program areas. Two such areas are the “Public Understanding of Science,” and the “Basic Research” areas. Through these programs, the foundation offers grants for high-quality, original STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) research that benefits the scientific community, as well as increases the public understanding of relevant and complex scientific issues. A grant applicant must first submit a letter of inquiry that outlines the idea of the grant, since the foundation does not accept unsolicited grant proposals. If accepted, the applicant will receive notice to submit a full proposal for evaluation.

Categories: Research

Varies Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program Western SARE, Montana State University

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: 05/20/2021.The Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program announces the Call for Pre- proposals for Research & Education grants for 2022. With a Research and Education grant, a researcher and at least three (3) Producers work together to develop a proposal to conduct both research and education on a sustainable agriculture topic. Outreach activities may include on-farm/ranch demonstrations, farmer-to-farmer educational activities, and other approaches to assist producer adoption of sustainable agricultural practices. The goal of this program is to achieve results that can be communicated to producers and professionals; sustain and improve the environmental quality and natural resource base on which agriculture depends; improve the profitability of farmers/ranchers and associated agricultural businesses; and enhance the quality of life for farmers/ranchers in their local communities.

Categories: research and education, agriculture, sustainability farming, natural resources, ranching

Projects may be one to three years in length. Total funds requested may not exceed $350,000 over the entire budget period.
Air Climate and Energy (ACE) Centers EPA

Deadline Unknown. Closed. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is seeking applications for Air, Climate and Energy (ACE) Centers. EPA is interested in supporting research on the development of sound science to systematically inform policy makers at the state and local levels regarding the development of innovative approaches to enable effective implementation of air pollution control strategies to achieve the greatest public health benefits by reducing exposure to harmful air pollution

Categories: Research, Air Pollution Control, public health

Up to $10,000,000 Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Midwest Link
Tribal College Research Area of Expertise USDA, NIFA

Deadline Passed 08/30/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019. The Tribal College Research Area of Expertise (TCRAE) for fiscal year (FY) 2018 to assist 1994 Land-Grant Institutions in building research capacity through competitive funding of applied projects that address student educational needs and solve community, reservation or regional problems consistent with the 1994 Research Grants (Equity in Educational Land-Grant Status Act of 1994) (Public Law 103–382; 7 U.S.C. 301 note).

Categories: research, capacity building, education, community engagement

$200,000- $500,000 National Link
Systems-Based Research for Evaluating Ecological Impacts of Manufactured Chemicals EPA

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR), and Chemical Safety for Sustainability (CSS) research programs is funding grants with the goal of applying systems-based approaches for identifying, addressing, and reducing uncertainties from limited exposure data and stressor-response relationships.EPA is seeking applications focusing on integrated, transdisciplinary research that would advance scientific understanding of potential for impacts to ecosystem wellbeing associated with the use of manufactured chemicals.Specifically, the RFA solicits proposals for systems-based research to develop and apply innovative metrics and modeling approaches to improve evaluation of ecological resilience and impact analyses, and to support environmental sustainability. Successful proposals will translate emerging and advanced methods, data, and computational tools to address complexity of these systems and distill drivers of adverse outcomes to ecological organisms and populations.

Categories: Research, Chemical Pollution

Up to $800,000 Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Alaska, National Link
National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) Collaborative Science Program 2019 NOAA

Deadline Passed 12/03/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019. The purpose of this document is to advise the public that NOAA is soliciting applications to administer a 5-year, applied research program that supports collaborative research in the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS). This funding opportunity will provide support for the grantee to develop and administer a comprehensive national program that funds extramural collaborative science projects to address the system-wide research and management needs of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System, while being responsive to local and regional reserve priorities and those of NOAA. 

Categories: research, collaboration, management, coastal management, estuarine management, implementation

Total Program Funding: $20,000,000 US coastlines Link
Coastal Research Application Funding Opportunity Sea Grant and the U.S. Coastal Research Program (USCRP)

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: June 15, 2022. Sea Grant and the U.S. Coastal Research Program (USCRP) announced a new funding opportunity for collaborative projects to integrate research, its application, and community engagement in thematic areas of long-term coastal evolution, extreme storms, and human and ecosystem health. Proposals should address the needs or gaps that have been identified by or are evident from USCRP-funded projects, to move research project findings toward application through service delivery and decision support for coastal community decision-makers, planners, and other coastal stakeholders. It is anticipated that approximately $4,000,000 will be available to fund 10-20 projects at up to $150,000 over two years (Tier 1) or up to $500,000 over four years (Tier 2). Matching funds will not be required for this competition. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Research, community engagement, coastal communities, climate change, ecosystem health

Up to $150,000 over two years (Tier 1) or up to $500,000 over four years (Tier 2) National Link
Decision, Risk and Management Sciences (DRMS) National Science Foundation

Deadline Passed 08/19/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. The Decision, Risk and Management Sciences program supports scientific research directed at increasing the understanding and effectiveness of decision making by individuals, groups, organizations, and society. Disciplinary and interdisciplinary research, doctoral dissertation research improvement grants (DDRIGs), and workshops are funded in the areas of judgment and decision making; decision analysis and decision aids; risk analysis, perception, and communication; societal and public policy decision making; management science and organizational design. The program also supports small grants that are time-critical (Rapid Response Research - RAPID) and small grants that are high-risk and of a potentially transformative nature (EArly-Concept Grants for Exploratory Research - EAGER).

Categories: research, decision making, public policy, science

Varies National Link
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Education and Workforce Development USDA, NIFA

Deadline Passed 07/19/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019. The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Education and Workforce Development (EWD) (formerly the Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences Education and Literacy Initiative, or ELI) focuses on developing the next generation of research, education, and extension professionals in the food and agricultural sciences. In FY 2018, EWD invites applications in four areas: professional development opportunities for K-14 teachers and education professionals; training of undergraduate students in research and extension; fellowships for predoctoral candidates; and fellowships for postdoctoral scholars. See EWD Request for Applications for specific details.

Categories: research, education, food, agriculture, training

up to $500,000 National Link
Tribal Colleges Research Grants Program USDA, NIFA

Deadline Passed 11/01/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. This program was designed to assist 1994 Land-Grant Institutions (Tribal Colleges) in building institutional research capacity through applied projects that address student educational needs and meet community, reservation or regional challenges. 

Categories: Research, Education, Land, Natural Resources, curriculum, higher education

$60,000-$500,000 Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National. Midwest, Alaska Link
Fiscal Year 14 Funding Opportunity:Select LCCs and CSCs CSC

Seven of the eight U.S. Department of the Interior Climate Science Centers (Alaska, North Central, Northeast, Pacific Islands, South Central, Southeast and Southwest) and the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWSC) are seeking Statements of Interest (SOIs) and Proposals for funding in Fiscal Year 2015. Projects are invited that support CSC/NCCWSC science priorities as described in the guidance document below. PLEASE NOTE: 6/17/2014 is the deadline for statements of interest, while 8/1/2014 is the deadline for proposals.

Categories: Research, Education, Vulnerability Assessment, Ecosystem Function

Varies Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Midwest Link
CDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response Applied Research (PHEPRAR) CDC

Deadline Passed 05/17/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019. OPHPR aims to support innovative research to improve the ability of CDC and its partners, especially state and local health departments, to effectively prepare for and respond to public health emergencies and disasters. Research topics were identified and prioritized through a systematic process, based on the needs of OPHPR. Topic areas in this solicitation are as follows (refer to the announcement for detailed explanations and requirements): Topic 1: Determining Requirements to Ensure Entities Have Effectively Inactivated Biological Select Agents and Regulated Nucleic Acids. Topic 2: Utility of the National Health Security Preparedness Index (NHSPI) for State and Local Public Health Preparedness Activities. Topic 3: Incident Management Systems (IMS) Promising Measures of Performance and Effectiveness. Topic 4: Evidence-Based Interventions to Mitigate Adverse Impacts on At-Risk Populations. Topic 5: Identifying Information Needs and Communication Channels for Reaching At-Risk Populations during Emergencies

Categories: research, health, public health, emergency preparedness, management, mitigation, at-risk populations

National Link
California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment Tribal Research Grant Program California Energy Commission

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: November 17, 2023. The purpose of this solicitation is to provide funding for tribes, tribal organizations, and tribal-serving non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to conduct tribally-led climate change research, assessments, and similar projects deemed a priority by the applying tribe. Senate Bill 170 (Skinner, Chapter 240, Statutes of 2021) appropriated $3.625 million in grant funds for the California Energy Commission (CEC) to administer pursuant to this purpose. The Tribal Research Grant Program will fund tribally led climate change research, assessments, and similar projects deemed a priority by the applying tribe. This includes projects that have an indigenous knowledge focus, a body of observations, oral and written knowledge, and practices that have been historically underfunded in climate initiatives, as well as Western science approaches, and the collaboration of the two knowledge systems. The program will accommodate a diversity of geographies, environments, project types, and climate impacts with tribal governments and tribal communities. The CEC encourages, but does not require, grant recipients to share the results of projects funded under this solicitation with the Fifth California Climate Change Assessment. Recipients shall inform the CEC whether and how project results can be shared with the Fifth California Climate Change Assessment during the agreement development phase.

Categories: research, IK, culture, climate assessment, implementation, tool development, restoration

$20,000 - $400,000 California Link