The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project. For more information, visit: If you would like to add to or amend information included in this guide, please complete this Google Form. If you have additions or suggestions for this website, please email



The Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide is intended to provide up-to-date information on grants, programs and plans that may assist tribes in addressing climate change through a broad range of sectors. We will update this guide regularly, so please check back often. If you have questions or updates for this guide, email: Please note that for entries that are accepting applications continuously, the grant deadline column will list "12/31/2024" as the grant deadline. This ensures that those grants will appear immediately after those grants with a set deadline.

Title Organization Grant Deadline Description Funding Amount Geography Website
Effects of Sea Level Rise (ESLR) Technical Assistance NOAA, Department of Commerce

Deadline Passed. Most recent deadline: March 15, 2023. The purpose of this document is to advise the public that NOAA/NOS/National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS)/Competitive Research Program (CRP) [formerly Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research/Coastal Ocean Program] is soliciting proposals for the Effects of Sea Level Rise Program (ESLR) Technical Assistance. The ESLR program name was shortened in 2020, and was formerly known as the Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise Program (EESLR). ESLR is a multidisciplinary research program that emphasizes the use of integrated models and tools of dynamic physical and biological processes capable of evaluating vulnerability and resilience of our coasts under multiple sea level rise (SLR), inundation, and management scenarios to inform coastal restoration, land management, and planning activities.

Categories: coasts, coastal inundation, sea level rise, infrastructure, ecology, adaptation, planning, modeling, evaluation

Up to $250,000 Coasts Link
Coastal Program U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Most Recent Deadline: September 30, 2023. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Coastal Program is a voluntary, community-based program that provides technical and financial assistance through cooperative agreements to coastal communities, conservation partners, and landowners to restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat on public and private lands. The Coastal Program staff coordinates with partners, stakeholders and other Service programs to identify geographic focus areas and develop habitat conservation goals and priorities within these focus areas. Geographic focus areas are where the Coastal Program directs resources to conserve habitat for Federal trust species. Projects are developed in collaboration with partners, and with substantial involvement from Service field staff. Coastal Program projects must support the missions of the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), and the Coastal Program, and be based on biological principles and the best available science. The Coastal Program takes an adaptive approach to designing and implementing coastal habitat protection and restoration strategies that anticipate and ameriorate the impacts of climate change and other environmental stressors. Coastal Program habitat improvement projects strive to increase coastal resiliency by improving the ability of coastal ecosystems to adapt to environmental changes and supporting natural and nature-based infrastructure projects to protect and enhance coastal habitats.

Categories: coasts, coastal communities, conservation, restoration, stewardship, fish health

up to $200,000 Pacific Region, Southwest, Midwest, Southeast, Northeast, Alaska, Pacific Southwest Link

NSF’s Coastal SEES program focuses on the sustainability of coastal systems, which include barrier islands, mudflats, beaches, estuaries, cities, towns, recreational areas, maritime facilities, continental seas and shelves, and the overlying atmosphere. The Coastal SEES program, in short, seeks to 1) advance understanding of fundamental, interconnected processes in coastal systems, 2) improve capabilities for predictingfuture coastal system states and impacts, and 3) identify pathways for research to be translated to policy and management domains, enhancing coastal resiliency.

Categories: Coastal, Research

$800,000-$2,000,000 Northweest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, Alaska, National, Coastal Link
Coastal Resilience Networks (CRest) DOC

Grant Status Unknown. The purpose of this notice is to solicit grant proposals from eligible organizations to implement activities that enhance resilience of coastal communities to natural hazard and climate risks through a regional or national network. Proposals must leverage, enhance, or create a system in which one or more coastal hazard issues can be addressed through partnerships to improve coordination and collaboration throughout the region. Partnerships must include multiple institutions, disciplines, and sectors at the local, state, and federal level. Proposals submitted in response to this announcement should provide beneficial public outcomes for coastal communities to address existing and potential future climate and hazard risks to coastal infrastructure, local economies, vulnerable populations, and the natural environment.

Categories: Coastal, Conservation, Disaster, Research, Water

Individual awards of up to $100,000 Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, Pacific Islands, Coastal, National, International (US Territories) Link
National Estuary Program Coastal Watersheds Grant Program Restore Americas Estuaries

Deadline: 06/07/2021. The National Estuary Program (NEP) Coastal Watersheds Grant (CWG) Program is a nationally competitive grants program designed to support projects that address urgent and challenging issues threatening the well-being of coastal and estuarine areas within determined estuaries of national significance. Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE) will be administering the NEP CWG Program in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a pass-through entity with funding provided under Cooperative Agreement 83967501. The goals of the CWG Program are to: Address urgent and challenging issues that threaten the ecological and economic well-being of coastal areas and estuaries; Achieve on-the-ground or tangible quantifiable improvements in coastal and estuarine habitats conditions and the health of living resources; Apply new or innovative approaches, practices, methods, or techniques for preventing, treating, and removing pollution entering estuaries; Establish or improve sustainable local capacity to protect and restore coastal watersheds and their living resources; and Support and expand promising approaches for watershed resilience and adaptation.

Categories: coastal watersheds, habitat, flooding

$75,000 - $250,000 special boundaries see link Link
Coastal Zone Management Habitat Protection & Restoration Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding Program Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development 7/17/2024

Letters of Intent due July 17, 2024. The Oregon Coastal Management Program (OCMP) at Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) is pleased to announce a new National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) funding opportunity designed to build a Climate Ready Nation under the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)) and available only through coastal management programs. The objective of this initiative is to increase resilience through landscape-scale habitat restoration and conservation in coastal ecosystems nationwide and promote coastal resilience in underserved coastal communities as well as those most vulnerable to climate impacts.

These funds will be awarded through a competitive process to support coastal habitat restoration and conservation. The restoration and conservation of ecologically significant ecosystems such as wetlands, headlands, and natural shoreline will help reduce the impacts of coastal hazards, including flooding and climate change, to property, infrastructure and cultural resources, and at the same time provide economic and social benefits to coastal communities.

Funding for this initiative is expected to be at least $207 million over 5 years for Coastal Zone Management Programs.

Categories: coastal restoration, implementation, habitat restoration, land acquisition, conservation

Up to $6M Oregon Link
Climate Program Office (CPO), Earth System Science and Modeling Research for Coastal Inundation Department of Commerce, NOAA

Deadline Passed. Most recent deadline: March 17, 2023. This FY23 NOFO is being executed through CPO’s Earth System Science and Modeling (ESSM) Division, and two of its programs: the Climate Variability and Predictability (CVP) Program and the Modeling, Analysis, Predictions and Projections (MAPP) Program. Through this announcement, CPO is seeking applications for one individual competition in FY23. The competition solicits projects “to improve the understanding and modeling of coupled— ocean, climate, land, hydrologic, hydrodynamic, wave—drivers/contributions to mean and extreme total water levels”, focused on key processes that are most important to the seasonal to annual time scale. Outcomes from these projects will be used for guidance informing the development of future versions of coastal inundation observations and prediction/projection systems on a national level.

Categories: coastal resilience, sea level, data set, statistical modeling, coastal inundation

$250,000 - $750,000 National Link
Coastal Habitat Restoration and Resilience Grants for Tribes and Underserved Communities

Most Recent Deadline: December 19, 2023. $45 million in funding is available for projects that will advance the coastal habitat restoration and climate resilience priorities of tribes and underserved communities under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act. Through this funding, NOAA will help support community-driven habitat restoration and build the capacity of tribes and underserved communities to more fully participate in restoration activities. Of the $45 million in funding available, $20 million is specifically available to U.S. federally recognized tribes, Alaska Native Corporations, and organizations that represent tribes through formal legal agreements, through direct awards or subawards: A direct award is an award where the tribe is the applicant, receives an award from NOAA, and administers the award. A subaward to a tribe is an award where a non-tribal applicant receives a direct award from NOAA, but provides a specific amount of funding to a tribe to carry out a portion of the award. The remaining $25 million will be available to all eligible applicants, to support opportunities for tribes and underserved communities to meaningfully engage in coastal habitat restoration activities.

Categories: coastal habitat, NOAA, IRA, BIL, Inflation Reduction Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Act

National Link
Coastal Habitat Restoration and Resilience Grants for Underserved Communities NOAA

Most recent deadline was September 30, 2022. The principal objective of this solicitation is to support $10 million of opportunities for underserved communities, tribes, and/or tribal entities to meaningfully engage in coastal habitat restoration activities. Through this funding opportunity, NOAA intends to support capacity building and restoration project activities that have the greatest potential to lead to habitat restoration that enhances resilience of underserved communities in marine, estuarine, coastal, and Great Lakes areas. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Coastal habitat restoration, capacity building, equity, environmental justice

$75,000 - $1,000,000 National Link
Emergency Coastal Resilience Fund NWF, NOAA

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: February 3, 2022. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), in coordination with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), announces the 2021 Emergency Coastal Resilience Fund (ECRF) to support projects that increase the resilience of coastal communities impacted by hurricanes and wildfires in 2020 and 2021. The fund supports conservation projects that create and restore natural systems to help protect coastal communities from the impacts of coastal storms, floods, sea-level rise, inundation, coastal erosion, wildfires and associated landslides/debris flows, and enable communities to recover more quickly from these events, all while improving habitats for fish and wildlife species. The ECRF seeks to fund shovel-ready projects to improve wildlife habitat that also improves community resilience and recovery both in and around impacted areas. An Informational webinar will be held December 7, 2021 3-4 p.m., register here. 

Categories: Coastal communities, resilience, recovery, restoration, hurricanes, wildfires, floods, sea-level rise

The ECRF will award approximately $24 million in grants in 2022, with no minimum or maximum expected award amount. National Link
Coastal Ecosystems Climate Resilience U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Most recent deadline: May 1, 2024. This funding opportunity solicits research needed to advance our understanding of the properties and processes important to climate resilience in estuarine and coastal marine ecosystems to better inform coastal ecosystem management strategies

Types of Projects: 1) characterize, quantify, and define resilience for coastal ecosystems, especially those that have climate mitigation and adaptation and 2) develop methods to advance economic valuation of resilience benefits of coastal ecosystems.

Categories: Coast, Ecosystem, Climate, Resilience,

The EPA anticipates funding approximately 7 awards under this funding opportunity up to
$1,200,000 per award.
National Link
NOAA Climate Program Office FY2022 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: November 18, 2021. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Program Office is soliciting applications for eight individual competitive research programs through which high-priority climate science, assessment, decision support research, outreach, education, and capacity-building activities are funded to advance our understanding of the Earth’s climate system. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Climate, natural resources, outreach, education

$50,000 - 1,500,000 National Link
A Cooperative Agreement for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Competition NOAA

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: 05/24/2021. The NOAA Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program (CAMP) supports research, programs, projects and other activities related to NOAA’s mission, primarily through collaborations among scientists and professionals in areas of mutual interest across the full spectrum of NOAA climate sciences. This cooperative agreement will focus on the following four priority areas: 1) Improved scientific understanding of the changing climate system and its impacts; 2) Scientific assessments of current and future states of the climate system that identify potential impacts and inform science, service, and stewardship decisions; 3) Mitigation and adaptation efforts supported by sustained, reliable, and timely climate services; 4) A climate-literate public that understands its vulnerabilities to a changing climate and makes informed decisions. Eligible applicants must be academic institutions of higher learning which offer doctoral degrees in NOAA-related sciences; consortia of academic institutions of higher learning which offer doctoral degrees in NOAA-related sciences; or non-profit research institutions. Multi-institution applications will not be accepted.

Categories: climate, mitigation, adaptation

$30,000,000 - $50,000,000 National Link
Coordination and Collaboration in the Resilience Ecosystem (CCRE) Program Climate Resilience Fund (CRF), Natural Oceanic and Atmospherric Administration (NOAA),

Deadline: 06/18/2021. CRF is proud to administer the Coordination and Collaboration in the Resilience Ecosystem (CCRE) Program. The CCRE Program has provided targeted grants to qualifying organizations for projects that improve, combine, align, or scale existing resources, services, and tools in climate adaptation and resilience planning and implementation for the benefit of the “Resilience Ecosystem,” an open community of public and private entities that is working to build resilience to climate-related impacts and extreme events across the United States. The CCRE Program is made possible through a unique partnership between CRF and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), with generous support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Since 2017, the program has provided 21 grants totaling nearly $1 million for projects contributing to the advancement of the Resilience Ecosystem of climate services providers working to support communities across the nation. These grants have helped create widely applicable tools and resources - databases of effective resilience strategies and qualified adaptation experts, guidance for integrating equitable solutions into adaptation decision making, urban heat island maps, and tools for identifying neighborhoods and communities most at-risk from climate change.

Categories: climate, diversity, natural resources, ecosystem management,

$300,000 available National. Link
South Central CSC funding Opportunity USGS

Recent Deadline was 1/18/2017. Next Deadline Unknown. SOIs are invited for projects that support regional CSC science priorities. CSC funded projects cover a variety of topics that address the impacts of climate change on fish, wildlife, ecosystems, & the communities they support.

Categories: climate science, vulnerability assessment, climate change

Approximately $1,600,000 to $1,800,000 may be available.
South Central, United States Link
2022 Tribal Climate Resilience Annual Awards Program Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: July 6, 2022. The BIA Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience (Branch, TCR) is excited to announce the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Annual Awards Program Request for Proposals (RFP). The Branch will release approximately $46 million in funding through President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and FY 2022 annual appropriations. Please visit the TCR main homepage for more information and download the full solicitation here. For further questions about the 2022 Request for Proposals, please find your regional Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison here, or email for National and/or technical questions about the application process.

Categories: Climate resilience, planning, internship, trainings and workshops, youth engagement

Up to $3,000,000, depending on project category. National Link
Tribal Energy Plan Grant Tribal Solar Accelerator Fund

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: October 7, 2022. The Tribal Energy Plan Grant program is open until funding is fully subscribed. Applicants may apply for funding up to $25,000 for up to one year. The development of Tribal Energy Plans are intended to help tribal communities quickly and efficiently triage the known practical and impactful strategies to reduce greenhouse gas, reduce energy costs, and operate more sustainably. The grants can be used to compensate the planning team for their time, contract the services of consultants or other third-party experts, and cover the costs of public meetings and other methods soliciting public input. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Climate resilience, mitigation, research, adaptation, capacity building

Varies. California Link
Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program Region 10 FEMA

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: July 29, 2022. The purpose of the RCPGP is to build regional capacity to manage catastrophic incidents by improving and expanding collaboration for catastrophic incident preparedness. The strategic priorities for the FY 2022 RCPGP are equity, climate resilience, and readiness. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Climate resilience, disaster response, equity, hazards

Up to $1,200,000 Oregon, Washington, Idaho Link
NOAA Broad Agency Announcement NOAA

Past deadline: May 15, 2019. This broad agency announcement (BAA) is a mechanism to encourage research, education and outreach, innovative projects, or sponsorships that are not addressed through NOAA competitive discretionary programs. It is not a mechanism for awarding congressionally directed funds. Funding for potential projects in this notice is contingent upon the availability of Fiscal Year 2019 and Fiscal Year 2020 appropriations. NOAA issues this BAA for extramural research, innovative projects, and sponsorships (e.g., conferences, newsletters, etc.) that address one or more of the following four mission goal descriptions contained in the NOAA Strategic Plan: 1)  Climate Adaptation and Mitigation 2) Weather-Ready Nation 3) Healthy Oceans 4) Resilient Coastal Communities and Economies

Categories: Climate Mitigation, Climate Adaptation, Disaster Preparedness, Biodiversity, Planning

There are no funds specifically appropriated by Congress for this BAA. Funding for potential projects in this notice is contingent upon the availability of Fiscal Year 2018, Fiscal Year 2019, and Fiscal Year 2020 appropriations. Applicants are hereby given notice that funds have not yet been appropriated for any proposed activities in this notice. Northweest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, Alaska, National, Coastal Link
Coastal Nature-Based Solutions - Small Grants Program Coastal Quest

Deadline to apply: April 16, 2024. Coastal Quest provides technical assistance, offers small grants, delivers webinars and virtual learning opportunities. Our goal is to work with our partners to accelerate the development and implementation of their coastal natural solutions to build resilient coasts and communities.

Categories: Climate mitigation, adaptation, Biodiversity protection, Clean water, Increased access to nature, public health, Livelihoods, strong economies, Food security, food sovereignty
Cultural resources

Pacific Northwest Link
Community Action Fund NDN Collective 10/31/2024

Application Deadline: October 31, 2024. The Community Action Fund Grant supports efforts that include community organizing, amplification of community voices, and utilize a wide variety of tactics imperative to shifting the political and financial systems that are impacting our communities. The Grant is available on an ongoing basis as funds are available.Areas of emphasis may include: climate justice and racial equity efforts, challenging the extractive industry, accelerating the just energy transition in Indigenous communities, healing justice work within the movement, and training the next generation of community organizers.  Direct expenses may include funding for travel, supplies, equipment, consultants, contractual services and staff that support various forms of NVDA (non-violent direct action), i.e.;  marches, camps, boycotts, prayer vigils as a form of resistance, organizing or protest to affect change.  Action may also include community-based response to climate events such as flooding, fires, earthquakes.

Categories: climate justice, tribal sovereignty, community action

$15,000 to $40,000 North America Link
ECOSOLUTION GRANT Captain PLanet Foundation

Deadline passed as of January 31, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. ecoSolution Grants are intended to support solution-oriented, youth-led projects that result in real environmental outcomes. ecoSolution Grants are available to educators working with youth in the United States (international projects are by invitation only).

Categories: climate impacts, adaptaion, mitigation, solution, youth, student

$500-2500. United States Link
Strengthening Partnerships and Engaging Networks The Gulf Research Program

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: 7/20/2021. The Gulf Research Program (GRP) is seeking projects from Communities of Practice (CoP) that work in the area of climate adaptation or disaster resilience to build the knowledge base and capacity of their members to apply an equity lens to their activities in order to address the needs and challenges of communities that are disproportionately at risk from climate hazards or other disasters.

Categories: climate hazards, communities

Up to $1.0 million Link
OIA Technical Assistance Program DOI

Deadline passed as of March 1, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. The Technical Assistance Program (TAP) provides grant funding for short-term projects intended to meet the immediate needs of the insular areas. OIA's priorities are as follows: Climate change, accountability, financial management, economic development, training, education, energy, management control initiatives, safety, emergency, historical & cultural preservation, capacity building, health initiatives, and outdoor youth initiatives.

Categories: climate change, youth, planning, policy, management

Up to $250,000. United States, International (US Territories) Link
George P Hanley Foundation George P Hanley Foundation

They do not accept unsolicited proposals. Visit page for contacs. George is a Chicago trader who started his philanthropy giving scholarships and supporting universities. This foundation gives to sustainability and clean energy projects, focused in the Midwest, particularly when it comes to schools.

Categories: climate change, sustainability, social justice, conservation, education

Varies. National Link
Tomkat Charitable Trust: Grants for Climate & Energy Tomkat Charitable

Tomkat does not accept proposals, but they can be reached by email. This fund is strongly and vocally in support of clean energy development and sustainable living. Aside from energy, Steyer and wife Taylor (get it, Tomkat), are also invested in healthy foods and sustainable food systems, going so far as to start their own ranch. They also back some education stuff and more run-of-the-mill environmentalism, but their biggest giving to date has gone to energy and climate. 

Categories: climate change, sustainability, food justice, subsistence, emissions, conservation, coal, carbon

Varies. International Link
Colorado Conservation Innovation Grant NCRS

Deadline passed as of June 2, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. The purpose of CIG is to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies, while leveraging the Federal investment in environmental enhancement and protection in conjunction with agricultural production. CIG projects are expected to lead to the transfer of conservation technologies, management systems, and innovative approaches (such as market-based systems) into NRCS technical manuals and guides or to the private sector. CIG is used to apply or demonstrate previously proven technology in order to increase adoption with an emphasis on opportunities to scale proven, emerging conservation strategies. CIG promotes sharing of skills, knowledge, technologies, and facilities among communities, governments, and other institutions to ensure that scientific and technological developments are accessible to a wider range of users. CIG funds projects targeting innovative on-the-ground conservation, including pilot projects and field demonstrations.

Categories: climate change, sustainability, conservation, management, prevention, restoration

Up to $75,000. Colorado Link
WCS Graduate Scholarship Program NGO

Deadline Passed April 2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. The WCS Graduate Scholarship Program (GSP) is part of a WCS strategy to invest in developing individual conservation leaders around the world. The GSP provides access to international graduate education opportunities (masters or doctoral programs) to exceptional conservationists from Asia/Pacific, Africa, Latin America, and North American indigenous groups. Scholars are nominated by WCS global conservation staff and are selected based on their exceptional abilities and potential to become leaders of the conservation movement in their home countries. The short-form deadline will be April 2019. Applicants who are approved at this stage will be asked to fill out a full application, with a deadlin of June 2019. Completed nominations/ applications should be submitted electronically to 

Categories: climate change, scholarship, school, funding, conservation, environment, science, humanities

$30,000-$36,000 toward tuition, board, and fees. United States, International Link
Climate Hubs Funding Opportunity USDA, US Forest Service

Deadline passed as of April 17, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. This funding supports syntheses, tools, or best management practices to forest and rangeland managers including the National Forest System. Funding will support work fulfilling the needs of forest landowners, forest managers, ranchers, and farmers (agroforestry only) to adapt and/or mitigate for climate change within the United States.

Categories: climate change, mitigation, adaption, management, forestry, conservation, sustainability, collaboration

Up to $50,000. National, Northwest, Southeast, Northeast, South Central, South, Midwest Link

SoI is required and due by 5 pm on Friday, March 3, 2017. Full Proposals: Full Proposals will only be accepted on May 22, 2017 if a SoI was submitted. For this funding opportunity, Louisiana Sea Grant seeks responsive research that provides scientific and socioeconomic information, design innovation, as well as policy guidance, for fisheries management, climate change adaptation, resilient communities, and ecosystem restoration in coastal systems and communities in Louisiana. Coastal Louisiana offers a laboratory of restoration, protection, and adaptation projects that together with laboratory studies, field investigations, models, and/or socioeconomic tools and synthesis products, offer innovative opportunities for research projects that should improve understanding of coastal ecosystem function and help predict the responses of ecosystems and communities to a changing climate and/or planning activities. SoIs must include an outreach plan that demonstrates a connection with user groups, such as resource managers, communities, and/or informal and formal learners. Proposed projects should be for a 24-month maximum duration (but may be less than 24 months). PIs should focus on outcomes that can be achieved during this timeframe.

Categories: climate change, marine, fisheries, aquaculture, commercial, industrial, ocean, health, adaptation, mitigation, estuary

Varies. Louisiana, Delta Link