The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project. For more information, visit: If you would like to add to or amend information included in this guide, please complete this Google Form. If you have additions or suggestions for this website, please email



The Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide is intended to provide up-to-date information on grants, programs and plans that may assist tribes in addressing climate change through a broad range of sectors. We will update this guide regularly, so please check back often. If you have questions or updates for this guide, email: Please note that for entries that are accepting applications continuously, the grant deadline column will list "12/31/2024" as the grant deadline. This ensures that those grants will appear immediately after those grants with a set deadline.

Title Organization Grant Deadline Description Funding Amount Sort descending Geography Website
Graduate Research Innovation (GRIN) DOI, BLM, JFSP

Past deadline: May 16, 2019. The Graduate Research Innovation (GRIN) award is for current master and doctoral students enrolled at colleges or universities within the United States in the field of wildland fire and related physical, biological, and social sciences, to enhance student exposure to the management and policy relevance of their research to achieve beneficial outcomes of funded work.

Categories: graduate studies, science and technology, wild-land fire management, research

$25,000 National Link
Community Capacity Grants for Climate Solution Deployment Projects VertueLab

Most Recent Deadling: December 15, 2022. This grant opportunity is a part of VertueLab’s Frontline Impact Program, which seeks to improve access to climate solutions for frontline communities and ensure that these communities experience the long-term economic benefits of climate-related business ownership. Funding will be available only to projects within the State of Oregon, with awards of $25,000 and staff support from the Pacific Northwest’s leading climate tech accelerator. Read the request for proposals here.

Categories: frontline communities, climate change, tech solutions

$25,000 Oregon Link
Bureau of Land Management Headquarters (HQ) Wildlife Program DOI, BLM

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 3, 2023. The Bureau of Land Management Headquarters (HQ) Wildlife Program is focused on ensuring self-sustaining populations and a natural abundance and diversity of wildlife on public lands for the enjoyment and use of present and future generations. The program is responsible for managing habitats for wildlife species that depend on public lands for all or part of their life cycle. Program activities address habitat maintenance, restoration, and species conservation in cooperation with federal, state, Tribal governments, private landowners, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The HQ Wildlife Program works with partners and cooperating agencies/governments to align efforts to manage priority habitats and species, identify and implement strategies that promote building resiliency to climate change and environmental stressors, including drought; wild land fire; unusual weather events; and insects/disease.

Categories: wildlife, habitat restoration, hazard mitigation, climate resiliency, drought, wildfire, conservation, IRA

$25,000 - $1,500,000 National Link
Bureau of Land Management Oregon/Washington Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management BLM, DOI

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 19, 2023.  This program supports projects funded through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Section 40804 (b) Ecosystem Restoration. The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Oregon/Washington (ORWA) Aquatic Habitat Management Program conserves and restores riparian, fisheries, and water resources (hereafter referred to as aquatic resources) to provide resource values and ecosystem services necessary to achieve the BLM’s multiple use mandate. The BLM ORWA Aquatic Habitat Management Program continues to advance the Department of the Interior's priorities to address the climate crisis, restore balance on public lands and waters, advance environmental justice, and invest in a clean energy future. Specific BLM ORWA Aquatic Habitat Management Program focuses to implement the Department priorities include, but are not limited to those actions that: protect biodiversity; restore aquatic resources; increase resistance, resilience, and adaptability to climate change and help leverage natural climate solutions; contribute to conserving at least 30 percent of our lands and waters by the year 2030; engage communities of color, low income families, and rural and indigenous communities to enhance economic opportunities related to aquatics; and use the best science and data available to make decisions.

Categories: conservation, restoration, collaboration, aquatic resources, 30x30, biodiversity

$25,000 - $250,000 Oregon, Washington Link
Bureau of Land Management California Plant Conservation and Restoration Management Program DOI, BLM

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 17, 2023. The BLM California Plant Conservation and Restoration Program continues to advance the Department of the Interior's priorities to address the climate crisis, restore balance on public lands and waters, advance environmental justice, and invest in a clean energy future. Program Strategic Goals include:Implementing the National Native Seed StrategyDeveloping genetically appropriate native plant material/seed for use in habitat restoration;Implementing and assessing seed-based restoration techniques/efforts;Collaborating with farmers and conservationists to increase BLM Stock and Foundation seed amounts to use on larger Seed Increase IDIQ contracts so that commercial availability of genetically diverse, locally sourced seed for restoration, rehabilitation and reclamation projects is increased at a landscape scale;Supporting Source-Identified Seed Certification programs via partnerships with state seed certifying agencies;Inventorying, monitoring and restoring rare plant species and their associated communities to include development of conservation strategies/plans that include best management practices and reporting on the condition and trend of rare plant species and their habitat;Increasing and improving pollinator habitat;Expanding public education programs and outreach; andDatabase creation, and management and analyses, including geospatial, collaborative web service or support and training.

Categories: habitat restoration, seed strategy, pollinators, conservation, education

$25,000 - $750,000 California Link
Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) NRCS-Idaho & NRCS-OregoC USDA, NRCS

Past Deadline: 05/03/2021. CIG is a voluntary program intended to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies for agriculture production. CIG promotes sharing of skills, knowledge, technologies, and facilities among communities, governments, and other institutions to ensure that scientific and technological developments are accessible to a wider range of users. Non-federal governmental or non-governmental organizations, Tribes or individuals are eligible. Applications are due via NRCS OR CIG Applications are due 7 May. NRCS ID CIG Applications due 3 May by 11:59 pm ET.

Categories: conservation, agriculture, natural resources, science and technology, research and development

$25,000 - 100,000 Iowa, Oregon Link
Water Conservation Field Services Program- Phoenix Area Office BoR, DOI

The objective of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite irrigation and water districts, states, local governments, water providers, and other entities that have an association with a Reclamation project to leverage their money and resources, by cost sharing with Reclamation, on projects/activities that make more efficient use of existing water supplies through water conservation and efficiency within the Phoenix Area Office boundaries. Eligibility includes tribes. R14SF32010.

Categories: Water Conservation

$25,000 ceiling Southwest, see application for details Link
EPA Healthy Communities Grant Program--Northeast EPA

The Healthy Communities Grant Program is EPA New England’s main competitive grant program to work directly with communities to reduce environmental risks, protect and improve human health and improve the quality of life. The Healthy Communities Grant Program will achieve this through identifying and funding projects that: 1) Target resources to benefit communities at risk [areas at risk from climate change impacts, areas impacted by stormwater run-off, environmental justice areas of potential concern, urban areas and sensitive populations (e.g. children, elderly, tribes, and others at increased risk)]; 2) Assess, understand, and reduce environmental and human health risks; 3) Increase collaboration through community-based projects; 4) Build institutional and community capacity to understand and solve environmental and human health problems; 5) Advance emergency preparedness and resilience; 6) Achieve measurable environmental and human health benefits. In order to qualify as eligible projects under the Healthy Communities Grant Program, proposted projects must take place within New England states and must meet several criteria including: (1) Be located in and/or directly benefit one or more of the Target Investment Areas; and (2) Identify how the proposed project will achieve measurable environmental and/or public health results in one or more of the Target Program Areas

Categories: Human Health, Risk Mitigation

$25,000 ceiling Northeast Link
Fox River Natural Resource Damage Assessment Fish and Wildlife Service

Deadline Passed 09/30/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019. The Fox River Green Bay Natural Resource Trustees restore natural resources injured by the release of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) into the Lower Fox River and Green Bay, WI. The Trustees allocate funding, provided by settlement dollars from responsible parties, to restoration projects that fulfill the natural resource objectives of the 2003 Joint Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment for The Lower Fox River and Green Bay Area and the 2016 Restoration Plan Update under the authority of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act. The Lower Fox River Green Bay NRDA is not a conventional grants program, in that it does not solicit for projects through a formal request for proposals on; instead project idea forms are developed strategically in coordination with the Trustee Council. Following the review process, if a project is selected a grant will be awarded. The Service will also award single source grant agreements based on the criteria outlined in Section VI without competition under justification 505DM 2.14.B.4 as appropriate. Applicants seeking funding under this program should review the requirements and selection criteria and contact the restoration coordinator to discuss their project concept prior to submitting an application for funding. Funding opportunity #: F18AS00023

Categories: natural resources, damage assessment, restoration, planning

$25,000-$1,000,000 Wisconsin, Fox River, Green Bay Link
FWS National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program FY 2015

Deadline passed as of June 30, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (Section 305, Title III, Public Law 101‐646, 16 U.S.C. 3954) established the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program (NCWCGP) to acquire, restore, and enhance wetlands in coastal States through competitive matching grants to State agencies. The primary goal of the NCWCGP is the long‐term conservation of coastal wetland ecosystems. In FY 2013, the NCWCGP will fund 24 to 26 individual projects encompassing 4,690 to 5,500 acres of coastal habitat.

Categories: Wetlands, Coasts, Conservation

$25,000-$1,000,000. Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Coastal Link
Forest Service Wildfire Risk Reduction / Wildfire Response RFA USDA Forest Service

Deadline Passed 12/20/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. The U.S. Forest Service supports Moving Toward Shared Stewardship Across Landscapes as part of a conceptual framework for making strategic investments across landscapes to co-manage wildfire risk and achieve positive outcomes at the most appropriate scale. Within this framework, Eastern Region Cohesive Fire Strategy Competitive Request for Applications is designed to support and carry out the goals of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy (NCS) across the Midwestern and Northeastern States as well as meet the intent of the current year budget direction. These national goals are to restore and maintain landscapes, create fire adapted communities, and improve wildfire response.

Categories: shared stewardship, co-management, wildfire management, fire adapted communities, wildfire response

$25,000-$150,000 National Link
GBLCC FY16 Funding Request for Pre-Proposals for Information Synthesis, Knowledge Discovery, and Conservation Planning USFWS

The Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative intends that awards under this announcement will support its mission and goals regarding how climate change and other stressors affect natural and cultural resources within the geographic range of the GBLCC.

Categories: Landscape Conservation, Climate Change, Cultural Resource.

$25,000-$200,000 per proposal award. National Link
Tribal Wetland Program Development U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Most recent deadline: 01/15/2021. Tribal Wetland Program Development Grants (WPDGs) assist tribal governments and intertribal consortia to develop or refine tribal programs which protect, manage, and restore wetlands. The primary focus of these grants is to develop/refine tribal wetland programs. The goals of EPA’s wetland program include increasing the quantity and quality of wetlands in the U.S. by conserving and restoring wetland acreage and improving wetland condition. In pursuing these goals, EPA seeks to develop the capacity of all levels of government to develop and refine effective, comprehensive programs for wetland protection and management.

Categories: wetlands, conservation, clean water act

$25,000-$250,000 National Link
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative DOI, FWS

Deadline Passed 03/29/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. The goal of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is to target the most significant environmental problems in the Great Lakes ecosystem by funding and implementing federal projects that address these problems. As part of this initiative, the two bird habitat joint ventures that are in the Great Lakes watershed, the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture and the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture, will be working with the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration programs in the Midwest and Northeast Regions of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to competitively fund state and other partner projects for long-term habitat protection, restoration, or enhancement, for conservation of native Great Lakes fish and wildlife populations, particularly migratory birds. Preference will be given to activities that help meet the habitat goals of the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture Implementation Plan or the Lower Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Plain (BCR 13) Bird Conservation Region Plan, other relevant bird conservation plans, and State Wildlife Action Plans. 

Categories: restoration, habitat protection, enhancement, conservation, Great Lakes species, implementation

$25,000-$300,000 Great Lakes Basin, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York Link
Great Lakes Climate Assessment Grants

GLISA is soliciting proposals from organizations that will engage networks of stakeholders in science-grounded processes to identify, assess, and/or resolve climate-related problems or management issues.

Categories: Natural Resource Management

$25,000-$50,000 Northeast, Midwest, International, Canada, Great Lakes Link
Landscape Scale Restoration RFA 2020 USFS

Deadline Passed 10/10/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. The purpose of this competitive grant program is to encourage collaborative, science-based restoration of priority forest landscapes and further priorities identified in the State’s Forest Action Plans.

Categories: landscape restoration, forest management, coordination

$25,000-$600,000 National Link
Water Conservation Field Services Program (BOR) Bureau of Reclamation

Deadline Passed 06/01/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019.  FOA: BOR-UC-18-F001. The Bureau of Reclamation's Upper Colorado Region is requesting applications for the Water Conservation Field Service Program (WCFSP). Through the WCFSP, which is managed by each of Reclamation’s regional offices, Reclamation makes cost-shared financial assistance available for the development of water conservation plans and design of water management improvements, identifying water management improvements through System Optimization Reviews, and improving the understanding of water conservation techniques through demonstration activities.

Categories: Water Conservation, Water resources, Natural resources.

$25,000-$75,000 Colorado, Western United States Link
USFS Hazardous Fuels Wood to Energy Grant Program FS, DOA

The U.S Forest Service Wood Education and Resource Center (WERC) requests proposals for wood energy projects that require engineering services necessary for final design and cost analysis. The Hazardous Fuels Wood to Energy (W2E) Grant Program will fund projects for which some or all of the woody biomass is generated from National Forest Service System lands as a result of hazardous fuel treatments, forest restoration activities, insect and disease mitigation, catastrophic weather events, or thinning overstocked stands. Projects that use woody biomass from multiple land ownerships (State, Tribal, or private lands) and multiple sources (wood products facilities, urban wood waste, etc.) will be considered as long as some of the woody biomass is generated from National Forest System lands. Projects that do not anticipate using any wood from National Forest System lands will not be eligible. The woody biomass must be used in commercially proven wood energy systems to produce thermal, electrical, liquid, or gaseous energy. Examples of projects might include, but are not limited to, engineering design of a woody biomass boiler that generates steam at a sawmill, hospital, or school; a nonpressurized hot water system; a biomass power generation facility; or geographic or sector-based clusters of wood energy systems. The lack of a professional engineering design often limits the ability of an applicant to secure Federal, State, or private funding. This program is intended for applicants seeking financial assistance to complete the necessary engineering design work, including permitting or other preconstruction analyses, required to secure public or private funding for construction of wood energy projects.

Categories: Renewable energy, Natural Resource Management, Disaster Mitigation

$25,000-250,000 Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Midwest Link
Rockefeller Family Fund NGO

Applications accepted continuously. This foundation focuses on public education of the risks of global warming, conservation of natural resources, protection of health as affected by the environment, meaning implementation of environmental laws, and public participation in national environmental policy debates. Grant applicants must submit a letter of inquiry online. If accepted, the applicant will be invited to submit a full proposal for evaluation.

Categories: Climate Change Impacts, Conservation, public health

$25,000-30,000 National Link
Funders' Network Local Sustainability Matching Fund NGO

The Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities (TFN) announces round 3 of the Local Sustainability Matching Fund. The Matching Fund is intended both to support significant urban sustainability projects and to build bridges between public sector sustainability leaders and local foundations. The Fund will provide matching investments from national foundations on a competitive basis to build partnerships between sustainability directors and local place-based foundations to advance discrete sustainability initiatives that demonstrate broad-based community support and engagement.

Categories: Development, Sustainability

$25,000-75,000 Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services Department of Health and Human Services

Deadline Passed 07/17/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019. Funding Opportunity #: HHS-2018-ACL-AOA-INNU-0300. This funding opportunity is for competitive grants to be awarded under the OAA Title IV authority to increase the evidenced based knowledge base of nutrition providers, drive improved health outcomes for program recipients by promoting higher service quality, and increase program efficiency through innovative nutrition service delivery models. Funding will support innovative and promising practices that move the aging network towards evidenced based practices that enhance the quality, effectiveness of nutrition services programs or outcomes within the aging services network. Innovation can include service products that appeal to caregivers (such as web-based ordering systems and carryout food products), increased involvement of volunteers (such as retired chefs), consideration of eating habits and choice (such as variable meal times, salad bars, or more fresh fruits and vegetables), new service models (testing variations and hybrid strategies) and other innovations to better serve a generation of consumers whose needs and preferences are different. Through this program, funds may be used to help develop and test additional models or to replicate models that have already been tested in other community-based settings.

Categories: nutrition, health, community health, efficiency

$250,000 National Link
Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities: Second Funding Pool. USDA

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: June 10, 2022. Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities pilot projects must focus on the on-farm, on-ranch or forest production of climate-smart commodities and associated reductions of greenhouse gas emissions and/or carbon sequestration. Proposals from $250,000 to $4,999,999 are in the second funding pool and are limited to particularly innovative pilot projects. These projects should place an emphasis on: enrollment of small and/or underserved producers; and/or monitoring, reporting and verification activities developed at minority-serving institutions. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Rural communities, innovation, underserved communities, agriculture, forestry, farmers, ranchers, emissions reduction, climate solutions, resilience

$250,000 - $4,999,999 National Link
Climate Program Office (CPO), Earth System Science and Modeling Research for Coastal Inundation Department of Commerce, NOAA

Deadline Passed. Most recent deadline: March 17, 2023. This FY23 NOFO is being executed through CPO’s Earth System Science and Modeling (ESSM) Division, and two of its programs: the Climate Variability and Predictability (CVP) Program and the Modeling, Analysis, Predictions and Projections (MAPP) Program. Through this announcement, CPO is seeking applications for one individual competition in FY23. The competition solicits projects “to improve the understanding and modeling of coupled— ocean, climate, land, hydrologic, hydrodynamic, wave—drivers/contributions to mean and extreme total water levels”, focused on key processes that are most important to the seasonal to annual time scale. Outcomes from these projects will be used for guidance informing the development of future versions of coastal inundation observations and prediction/projection systems on a national level.

Categories: coastal resilience, sea level, data set, statistical modeling, coastal inundation

$250,000 - $750,000 National Link
Small Innovative Projects in Solar 2022- Concentrating Solar Thermal Power and Photovoltaics DOE

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: March 21, 2022. The DOE will invest up to $400,000 in the large-scale development and deployment of solar technologies for a decarbonized electricity system by 2035 and decarbonized energy sector by 2050. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Solar technologies, renewable development, decarbonized energy, emission reductions

$250,000 - 400,000 National Link
Climate Program Office (CPO), Climate and Societal Interactions (CSI) Division — Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) NOAA

Deadline Passed. Most recent deadline: March 29, 2023. The goal of this Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support collaborative research and community engagement projects that improve climate adaptation planning and action. Outcomes from this work will support and inform the identification of equitable andinclusive infrastructure investments that mitigate flooding and wildfire risks. This funding opportunity serves to support national adaptive capacity by 1) generating new, locally relevant knowledge and strategies to reduce risks from flooding and wildfire in frontline communities, 2) testing and evaluating the scalability and transferability of existing methods of engagement and/or approaches for integrating social and interdisciplinary knowledge into climate adaptation planning for flooding and wildfire, and 3) piloting new methods of engagement and/or approaches for integrating social and interdisciplinary knowledge into climate adaptation planning for flooding and wildfire.

Categories: BIL, flooding, wildfire, adaptation planning, hazard mitigation

$250,000 to $500,000 National Link
Conservation Collaboration Grants or Agreements USDA, NRCS

Deadline Passed 02/07/2020. Deadline Unknown for 2020. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), an agency under the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is announcing potential availability of grants and agreements for the purpose of leveraging NRCS resources, addressing local natural resource issues, encouraging collaboration and developing state- and community-level conservation leadership for historically underserved agricultural producers.

Categories: natural resources, collaboration, conservation, leadership, community

$250,000- $2,000,000 National Link
Specialty Crop Multi-State Program USDA, AMS

Deadline Passed 10/1/2019. Deadline unknown for 2020. The Specialty Crop Multi-State Program (SCMP) offers grants to solely enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops by funding collaborative, multi-state projects that address the following regional or national level specialty crop issues: food safety; plant pests and disease; research; crop-specific projects addressing common issues; and marketing and promotion.

Categories: crops, food safety, invasive species, disease, research, marketing

$250,000-$1,000,000 National Link
HQ NWRS System Enhancements DOI, FWS

Deadline Passed 08/31/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020.  Headquarters National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS) is accepting proposals for financial assistance from organizations that support Department of Interior (DOI) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) priorities and have the capacity to work cooperatively with the Service to identify, conserve, manage and enhance the physical and ecological infrastructure of the NWRS; deliver public access and high-quality recreational opportunities; identify organizations and support projects that provide recreational activities for disabled persons, youth, and veterans; build a volunteer cadre, and inspire the next generation of hunters, anglers and wildlife enthusiasts through work on and off NWRS managed lands and waters.

Categories: National Wildlife Refuge System, conservation, management, ecological infrastructure, recreation

$250,000-$400,000 National Link
Climate and Societal Interactions Department of Commerce, NOAA

Deadline Past. Last deadline: March 29, 2023. The mission of the NOAA Climate and Societal Interactions (CSI) research portfolio is to inform improvements in planning and preparedness in diverse socio-economic regions and sectors throughout the U.S. and abroad via the integration of knowledge and information about extreme weather and climate. Our research advances the nation’s understanding of climate-related risks and vulnerabilities across sectors and regions - within and beyond our borders - and the development of tools to foster more informed decision making. These efforts support NOAA's vision to create and sustain enhanced resilience in ecosystems, communities, and economies. The overall objectives of the CSI portfolio are the following: 1. Support innovative, applicable, and transferable approaches for decision making, especially for risk characterization in the context of a variable and changing climate; 2. Establishment of a network of regionally scoped, long-term efforts to inform climate risk management and decision making; and 3. Promotion of the transfer of climate knowledge, tools, products, and services within NOAA, across the federal government, nationally, and internationally.

Categories: planning, extreme weather preparedness, climate change preparedness, innovation, risk management, BIL

$250,000-$500,000 National Link
Intermediary Relending Program USDA 12/31/2024

Applications accepted year round. This program provides 1 percent low-interest loans to local intermediaries that re-lend to businesses to improve economic conditions and create jobs in rural communities.

Categories: rural communities, local economy, jobs, development

$250,000; or 75 % of the total cost of the ultimate recipient's project for which the loan is being made, whichever is less. Rural Areas Link