The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project. For more information, visit: If you would like to add to or amend information included in this guide, please complete this Google Form. If you have additions or suggestions for this website, please email



The Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide is intended to provide up-to-date information on grants, programs and plans that may assist tribes in addressing climate change through a broad range of sectors. We will update this guide regularly, so please check back often. If you have questions or updates for this guide, email: Please note that for entries that are accepting applications continuously, the grant deadline column will list "12/31/2024" as the grant deadline. This ensures that those grants will appear immediately after those grants with a set deadline.

Title Organization Grant Deadline Description Funding Amount Sort descending Geography Website
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), Tribal Engagement in Regional Ocean Partnership Priorities. Department of Commerce 10/31/2024

The purpose of this program is to encourage or enhance tribal engagement with or participation in existing Regional Ocean Partnerships (ROPs) around the country. Proposals submitted in response to this announcement must:

  • support tribal activities aligned with ROP priorities, including identification of ocean and coastal priorities;
  • provide opportunities for tribes to work together to define intertribal ocean and coastal management priorities and identify alignment and intersection with ROP priorities;
  • enhance or create capacity for tribes to engage with and in ROP activities (e.g., webinars, meetings, workshops);
  • support the development of partnerships or engagement between a tribal government and a ROP in the management of ocean and coastal resources; and/or
  • increase consideration and inclusion of tribal information and knowledge (as appropriate) in regional data portals, enhance tribes’ ability to access data developed by ROPs, or to inform which data and tools are available in regional data portals.

Categories: ocean, coastal management

National, Coastal Link
Small Surface Water and Groundwater Storage Projects (Small Storage Program) Bureau of Reclamation - Department of Interior 12/14/2024

The U.S. Department of the Interior, through the Bureau of Reclamation, administers the Small Surface and Groundwater Storage Program (Small Storage Program) to promote Federal assistance to enhance water storage opportunities for future generations in support of the Department’s priorities. Reclamation leverages Federal and non-Federal funding to support stakeholder efforts to stretch scarce water supplies and avoid conflicts over water.Congress enacted the BIL on November 15, 2021, with Title IX—Western Water Infrastructure to address water storage infrastructure critical to the Nation’s economic growth, health, and competitiveness. Section 40903 authorizes Reclamation to provide funding for small surface water storage and groundwater storage projects.Water storage projects are an important part of Reclamation and the Department’s priorities. Surface water and groundwater storage are essential tools in stretching the limited water supplies in the Western United States. Water storage projects enhance and increase the reliability of municipal and irrigation water supplies, provide opportunities to enhance groundwater management and provide water quality improvements and ecosystem benefits.

Categories: surface water storage

National Link
2025 Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund Department of Transportation 1/15/2025

Eligible projects described in section 148(a)(4) are strategies, activities, and projects on a public road that are consistent with a transportation safety plan and that (i) correct or improve a hazardous road location or feature, or (ii) address a highway safety problem. TTPSF emphasizes the development of strategic transportation safety plans using a data-driven process as a means for Tribes to identify transportation safety needs and determine how those needs will be addressed in Tribal communities. FHWA has identified four eligibility categories: transportation safety plans; data assessment, improvement, and analysis activities; systemic roadway departure countermeasures; and infrastructure improvements and other eligible activities as listed in 23 U.S.C. § 148(a)(4).

Categories: transportation, infrastructure,

National Link
Tribal Clean Energy Planning and Development Department of Energy - Office of Indian Energy 1/23/2025

Under this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the DOE Office of Indian Energy is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, which include Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organizations to:

(1) Conduct clean energy planning (Topic Area 1);

(2) Comprehensively assess the feasibility and viability of deploying clean energy technology (Topic Area 2); or,

(3) Conduct clean energy design and development activities (Topic Area 3).

National Link
2025 Landscape Scale Restoration Grant Program for Tribes USDA Forest Service 12/16/2024

The purpose of the Landscape Scale Restoration competitive grant program is to encourage collaborative, science-based restoration of priority rural forest landscapes. This program supports high impact projects that lead to measurable outcomes on the landscape, leverage public and private resources, and further priorities identified in science-based restoration strategies. This funding opportunity is for Federally recognized Tribes, Alaska Native Corporations/Villages, and Tribal organizations as defined in 25 USC 5304. For projects where the applicant is a nonprofit (not a Tribal organization), university, State agency, town, or county, view the funding opportunities for Northeast and Midwest, South, and West.

Categories: landscape scale restoration

National Link
Community Microgrid Assistance Partnership Department of Energy 12/20/2024

Participants in the Community Microgrid Assistance Partnership (C-MAP) will receive technical support and/or funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Electricity (OE) to design or deploy a microgrid that aligns with community-defined priorities to improve or to optimize existing microgrid technology. Microgrids that generate power from renewable energy reduce the dependency on imported fuels, contributing to community self-sufficiency and resilience.

Applications are now open. View program details below and apply on by Dec. 20, 2024.

Categories: microgrid, renewable energy

National Link
FY2025 National Aquaculture Initiative: Strengthening U.S. Coastal, Marine, and Great Lakes Aquaculture Through Business Support NOAA 12/4/2024

Subject to the availability of funding, Sea Grant anticipates that approximately $5,000,000 will be available in FY2024 and FY2025 federal funds for research projects and programs that will focus on strengthening U.S. coastal, marine, and Great Lakes aquaculture via support for the development of new aquaculture businesses, as well as enhancing existing aquaculture business output, efficiency, and profitability. Strong applications will integrate research and extension. Proposals are sought that will encompass broad, non-proprietary research to address topics and issues relevant to the support of new and existing aquaculture businesses and make that information available to the U.S. aquaculture community. Projects should be focused on supporting businesses that will be or are now involved with aquatic species currently being produced on a commercial scale in the U.S. Proposals are not being considered that involve new or emerging aquatic species, new or novel production methods, improving production of species, or restoration projects.

Federal funds ranging from $100,000-$1,000,000 may be requested per application. Projects may have a duration of up to three years. Applications will require 50% in non-federal match funding. The cumulative match at the end of each year of the grant must not fall below 50 percent of the cumulative federal request up to that point. All projects must take place within the United States or territories or their respective waterways. There is no guarantee that funds will be available to make awards, or that any application will be selected for funding. 

This opportunity is open to any individual; any public or private corporation, partnership, or other association or entity (including any Sea Grant College, Sea Grant Institute or other institution); or any State, political subdivision of a State, Tribal government or agency or officer thereof. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consider projects that involve Sea Grant extension personnel and members of the US aquaculture community.

Please carefully review the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for specific instructions on how to apply for the competition via

Categories: aquaculture, sea grant

The Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving (EJCPS) Cooperative Agreement Program EPA

Past Deadline: 5/7/2021. The Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving (EJCPS) Cooperative Agreement Program provides financial assistance to eligible organizations working on or planning to work on projects to address local environmental and/or public health issues in their communities. The program assists recipients in building collaborative partnerships with other stakeholders (e.g., local businesses and industry, local government, medical service providers, academia, etc.) to develop solutions that will significantly address environmental and/or public health issue(s) at the local level. Additionally, the EJCPS Program requires selected applicants, or recipients, to use the EPA’s Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Model as part of their projects. The model aims to address local environmental and/or public health issues in a collaborative manner with various stakeholders such as communities, industry, academic institutions, and others. Case Studies highlight some of the successful and effective strategies of previous projects.

Categories: environmental justice, health issues, environment, collaborative projects

$160,000 Inernational Link
Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities: First Funding Pool USDA

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 8, 2022. Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities pilot projects must focus on the on-farm, on-ranch or forest production of climate-smart commodities and associated reductions of greenhouse gas emissions and/or carbon sequestration. Proposals from $5 million to $100 million are in the first funding pool and should include large-scale pilot projects that emphasize the greenhouse gas benefits of climate-smart commodity production and include direct, meaningful benefits to a representative cross-section of production agriculture, including small and/or historically underserved producers. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Rural communities, agriculture, forestry, farmers, ranchers, emissions reduction, climate solutions, resilience

$5 million to $100 million National Link
International Engagement Ready Communities Competition USDOE

Deadline passed as of June 12, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. This program is designed to support empirical research on successful international engagement strategies and develop best practice reports and a competitiveness assessment tool. These elements will be incorporated into a user-friendly economic development organization (EDO) toolkit and training guide to help local communities assess and increase their ability to become globally competitive while enhancing their trade and FDI promotion activities.

Categories: economy, global trade, business, support, planning, policy, management, growth, infrastructure

$600,000 National Link
Gulf Sea Level Variation and Rise Grants The Gulf Research Program

Most recent deadline: 8/18/2021. The Gulf Research Program announced the availability of the full Request for Applications (RFA) on June 17, 2021. This funding opportunity focuses on advancing the understanding of the regional components of sea level variation and rise and then incorporating this understanding into more reliable forecast models and projections of relative sea level rise. 

Categories: sea level rise, ocean,

Up to $5 million Gulf of Mexico Link
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Food Safety Challenge Area USDA, NIFA

Deadline passed as of June 21, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown.This AFRI Challenge Area promotes and enhances the scientific discipline of food safety, with an overall aim of protecting consumers from microbial and chemical contaminants that may occur during all stages of the food chain, from production to consumption. This requires an understanding of the interdependencies of human, animal, and ecosystem health as it pertains to foodborne pathogens. The long-term outcome for this program is to support the development and deployment of science based knowledge to improve the safety and nutritional quality of food without sacrificing flavor, acceptability, and affordability. In order to achieve this outcome, this program will support multi-function Integrated Research, Education, and/or Extension Projects, and Food and Agricultural Science Enhancement (FASE) Grants that address the Program Area Priority, Effective Mitigation Strategies for Antimicrobial Resistance (see Food Safety RFA for details).

Categories: Food Safety, Food Security, Community Development, Sustainable Agriculture, infrastructure, distribution, foundation, sustainability

$0 - $1,200,000 National Link
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Foundational and Applied Science Program USDA, NIFA. 12/31/2024

Deadline: December 31, 2024. View the RFA for more information. The AFRI Foundational and Applied Science Program supports grants in six AFRI priority areas to advance knowledge in both fundamental and applied sciences important to agriculture. The six priority areas are: Plant Health and Production and Plant Products; Animal Health and Production and Animal Products; Food Safety, Nutrition, and Health; Bioenergy, Natural Resources, and Environment; Agriculture Systems and Technology; and Agriculture Economics and Rural Communities. Research-only, extension-only, and integrated research, education and/or extension projects are solicited in this Request for Applications (RFA). See Foundational and Applied Science RFA for specific details.

Categories: social justice, community health, environmentalism, veterinary, food justice, energy, agriculture, technology, food science, agricultural science, rural

$0 - $15,000,000 United States, National Link
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Water for Food Production Systems Challenge Area NIFA

Deadline passed as of August 2, 2017 Deadline for 2018 unknown. This AFRI Challenge Area focuses on multidisciplinary systems approaches, which integrate new technologies and strategic management that solve water availability and quality challenges in food production systems. The long-term goal of this program is to sustainably increase agricultural productivity and availability of safe and nutritious food while significantly reducing water use and preserving water quality. The projects are expected to transform how abundant, safe, and nutritious food is produced, processed, distributed, and consumed within the limits of available water from traditional and non-traditional sources. Applications are invited from eligible entities to submit integrated Research, Education and/or Extension projects in two specific grant types: Coordinated Agricultural Projects (CAP) and Strengthening (Food and Agricultural Science Enhancement) CAP grants — see Water for Food Production Systems RFA for details.

Categories: food security, water, irrigation, resources, conservation, sustainability, infrastructure, management, planning, policy, farm, food, local economy, accessibility

$0 - $5,200,000 National Link
Integrated Research, Education, and Extension Competitive Grants Program – Organic Transitions U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Most recent deadline: 3/15/2021. The overall goal of the Organic Transitions Program (ORG) is to support the development and implementation of research, extension and higher education programs to improve the competitiveness of organic livestock and crop producers, as well as those who are adopting organic practices. NIFA administers the ORG program by determining priorities in U.S. agriculture through Agency stakeholder input processes in consultation with the NAREEEAB. ORG will continue to prioritize environmental services provided by organic farming systems in the area of soil conservation, pollinator health, and climate change mitigation, including greenhouse gases (GHG), as well as the development of educational tools for Cooperative Extension personnel and other agricultural professionals who advise producers on organic practices, and development of cultural practices and other allowable alternatives to substances recommended for removal from the National Organic Program’s National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances. It is expected that all projects will integrate research, education and extension activities, as appropriate to project goals, although some projects may be weighted more heavily than others in one or more of these areas. However, all proposals should have activities and impact in research and at least one of the other areas: education and extension.

Categories: Agriculture, Organic

$0 - $500,000 National. Link
Alfalfa and Forage Research Program NIFA

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: May 25, 2023. Alfalfa and Forage Research Program (AFRP) will support the development of improved alfalfa forage and seed production systems. Proposals submitted to AFRP should address one or more of the following priorities: (1) Improving alfalfa forage and seed yield through better nutrient, water and/or pest management; (2) Improving persistence of alfalfa stands by lessening biotic or abiotic stresses; (3) Improving alfalfa forage and seed harvesting and storage systems to optimize economic returns; (4) Improving estimates of alfalfa forage quality as an animal feed to increase forage usage in animal feeds; and/or (5) Breeding to address biotic and abiotic stresses that impact forage yield and persistence and the production of seed for propagation.

Categories: cattle, livestock, sustainability, management, infrastructure, food supplies, feed supplies, wild foods, foraging

$0 - $900,000 National Link
Fertile Ground Grant Program Seeds of Native Health, AHA, AICAF

Deadline Passed 12/19/2017. Deadline for 2018 Unknown.The new Fertile Ground Grant Program funds tribes, Native advocates, Native youth, and Native-led organizations to create sustainable community health improvements through nutrition and food sovereignty efforts. The grants of up to $35,000 will provide support for:Native-led convenings to identify community health prioritiesAdvocacy and policy strategies that address improving health outcomesAccess to healthy foodFood sovereignty work rooted in tradition, culture, and Indigenous knowledge.The program is funded by $100,000 from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community through its Seeds of Native Health philanthropic campaign and $100,000 from the AHA through its Voices for Healthy Kids campaign. AICAF will serve as the intermediary partner and administer the program.

Categories: nutrition, food sovereignty, community health, tradition, culture, indigenous knowledge

$0-$35,000 National Link
Bureau of Land Management Headquarters (HQ) Youth and Conservation Corps DOI, BLM

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 3, 2023.  The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Headquarters (HQ) is seeking applicants for national Master Cooperative agreements for qualifying Youth and Conservation Organizations. This program’s projects provide employment for participants and opportunities to learn about and gain work experience in public lands and natural resources management while promoting long-term interest in public lands stewardship and the BLM. The BLM Youth Program partners with qualified youth and conservation corps to engage individuals between the ages of 16 and 30 (inclusive) and veterans up to age 35 (inclusive) including tribal members.

Categories: land management, youth, stewardship, habitat restoration, wildfire mitigation

$1,000 - $100,000 National Link
Candidate Species Conservation Fund DOI, FWS

Most Recent Deadline: September 30, 2023. The principle objective of this funding opportunity is to accomplish conservation tasks for high priority candidate species (based on our annual Candidate Species Assessments) or other at-risk species in the United States, such that identified threats to the species may be reduced or eliminated. These efforts are based on cooperative relationships with states, non-governmental organizations, private landowners and those interested in habitat restoration or undertaking candidate and at-risk species research, surveys and monitoring, or educational outreach efforts. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Conservation, candidate species, research, monitoring, education

$1,000 - $500,000 National Link
Powering Affordable Clean Energy (PACE) Program Rural Utilities Service, USDA

Letter of Interest Application Window: July 10-September 29, 2023. The goal of the PACE Program is to support clean, affordable energy growth across America. The PACE Program provides loans to eligible entities, with varying levels of loan forgiveness, for Projects that generate and/or store electricity from Renewable Energy Resource. The Agency encourages applicants to consider projects that will advance the following key priorities:• Assisting rural communities to recover economically through more and better market opportunities and through improved infrastructure;• Ensuring all rural residents have equitable access to Rural Development (RD) programs and benefits from RD funded projects; and• Reducing climate pollution and increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change through economic support to rural communities.There are three different categories for application, one of which provides up to 60 percent total loan forgiveness if the project serves areas with Tribal populations of 60 percent or greater, are owned by a Tribal government, or are in a Substantially Underserved Trust Area.

Categories: IRA, renewable energy, pollution, economic support

$1,000,000 - $100,000,000 National Link
Restoring Fish Passage through Barrier Removal Grants NOAA Fisheries

Most Recent Deadline: October 16, 2023. Nearly $175 million in funding is available for fish passage projects under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act. This funding will support projects that reopen migratory pathways and restore access to healthy habitat for fish around the country. In collaboration with NOAA, selected partners will use these funds to implement locally-led removals of dams and other in-stream barriers. Selected projects will assist in sustaining our nation’s fisheries and contributing to the recovery of threatened and endangered species. They may also provide community and economic benefits, such as jobs and climate resilience. NOAA will accept proposals with a federal funding request of between $1 million and $20 million over the award period. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: BIL, IRA, Dam removals, sustainable fisheries, endangered species, conservation, watershed health

$1,000,000 - $20,000,000 National Link
RAISE Discretionary Grants DOT

Deadline Passed. Most recent deadline: February 28, 2023.  RAISE Discretionary Grants replace the pre-existing BUILD Transportation grants program. RAISE discretionary grants help project sponsors at the State and local levels, including municipalities, Tribal governments, counties, and others complete critical freight and passenger transportation infrastructure projects. The eligibility requirements of RAISE allow project sponsors to obtain funding for projects that are harder to support through other U.S. DOT grant programs.

Categories: Transportation, Infrastructure, Development

$1,000,000 - $25,000,000 National Link
Transformational Habitat Restoration and Coastal Resilience NOAA

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: November 17, 2023. $240 million in funding is available for habitat restoration and coastal resilience through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act. Projects selected through this funding opportunity will have a transformative impact for coastal communities and tribes across the country. They will help sustain our nation’s fisheries, make significant strides in the recovery of threatened and endangered species, and help protect coastal communities and ecosystems from the impacts of climate change. They will support efforts such as reconnecting rivers to their historic floodplains, outplanting corals to rebuild reefs, building living shorelines that protect coasts from erosion and sea level rise, and more. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: BIL, IRA, Coastal restoration, marine areas, estuaries, fisheries, conservation, climate resilience

$1,000,000 - $25,000,000 National Link
North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) U.S. Small Grants FWA

Deadline Passed 10/18/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019.  The U.S. Small Grants Program is a competitive, matching grants program that supports public-private partnerships carrying out projects in the United States that further the goals of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. Projects must involve only long-term protection, restoration, enhancement and/or establishment of wetland and associated upland habitats to benefit migratory birds. The program requires a 1:1 non-federal match and research funding is ineligible. This program supports the DOI and FWS mission of protecting and managing the nation's natural resources by collaborating with partners and stakeholders to conserve land and water and to expand outdoor recreation and access.

Categories: Wetlands Conservation, Migratory Bird Conservation

$1,000-$100,000 Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, National, Alaska Link
Honor the Earth Grant Programs NGO

Honor the Earth programs focus on nurturing resilience in indigenous communities who are faced with daunting environmental and social realities. Resilience theory is a discussion in academic and environmenal arenas about how communities and societies will adapt to climate change. Our Building Resilience in Indigenous Communities Initiative focuses on two areas: Food Sovereignty and Energy Justice. In specific, Honor the Earth will fund restoration of indigenous food systems in Native communities, and Energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in Native communities. We work to support and forward the development of culturally-based, indigenous solutions to climate change and peak oil based on re-localizing food and energy economies. We also hope to foster restoration of traditional knowledge as a key adaptation and mitigation strategy to ensure a safe and healthy future for our children and the next seven generations. Honor the Earth is currently accepting applications on an ongoing basis.  Please check their site to ensure you the have the most up-to-date information. 

Categories: Environmental Justice, Energy, Adaptation, Agriculture, Mitigation, Health

$1,000-$5,000 Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, International (Canada) Link
Choice Neighborhood Planning Grant US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development

Most Recent Deadline: June 2024. Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants support the development of comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plans which focus on directing resources to address three core goals: Housing, People and Neighborhood. To achieve these core goals, communities must develop and implement a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization strategy, or Transformation Plan. The Transformation Plan will become the guiding document for the revitalization of the public and/or assisted housing units while simultaneously directing the transformation of the surrounding neighborhood and positive outcomes for families. The Planning Grants NOFO was posted to on April 9, 2024 and announced up to $10 million for Planning Grant awards. The maximum grant award is $500,000. Applications are due June 10, 2024. 

Categories: housing

$10 million for Planning Grant awards. The maximum grant award is $500,000 National Link
Crown Family Philanthropies: Grants for Climate & Energy Crown Family Philanthropies

The successor to the Arie and Ida Crown foundation, Crown Family Philanthropies funds a bevy of social causes in Chicago and in the Midwest more broadly. Grants for environmental issues, including climate change, constitute some of this largesse. The award amounts are large, but relatively few, and an organization must meet numerous criteria to get them.

Categories: climate change, adaptation, community, education, curriculum, social justice. conservation, sustainability

$10 million in total programming. Chicago, Cook county, Michigan Link
Equator Prize 2019 Call for Nominations The Equator Initiative

Deadline Passed 02/26/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. The Equator Prize 2019 will be awarded to outstanding community and indigenous initiatives that are advancing nature-based solutions for climate change and local sustainable development. The Equator Prize winners will join a prestigious network of 223 community-based organizations from 78 countries that have been awarded the Equator Prize since 2002. Each winning group will receive USD 10,000 and will be invited to participate in a series of policy dialogues and special events during the United Nations General Assembly in New York in September 2019, culminating in an award ceremony at the beginning of Climate Week.

Categories: community, indigenous, climate change, adaptation, innovation, sustainable development

$10,000 National, International Link
National Forest Foundation 2024 Collaborative Capacity Program National Forest Foundation

National Forest Foundation 2024 Collaborative Capacity Program. Most Recent Deadline: July 12, 2024. The National Forest Foundation is thrilled to announce the 2024 funding round of the Collaborative Capacity Program for Forests & Communities (CCP). Financial awards available through the CCP will provide resources, invest in skills and tools, and support activities that make collaboration with the USDA Forest Service and co-stewardship with Tribes for forest stewardship successful. Eligible applicants must describe how investments in collaboration will support a long-term strategy for achieving stewardship outcomes into the future and how these outcomes benefit National Forest System lands. There are two funding pathways — one for federally-recognized Tribal Applicants and one for All Applicants. Interested applicants should review the Request for Proposals and attend an upcoming informational webinar to best understand how to submit a strong proposal. These FAQs may also be helpful in clarifying any questions. Collaboration for forest stewardship involves different perspectives working together to find shared solutions to complex forest management challenges. We are at a pivotal inflection point for addressing climate change issues, like extreme wildfire and biodiversity loss, and finding adequate resources to address them. Successful collaboration is paramount for sustained and adaptive forest restoration, sustainable and accessible recreation, wildfire resilience projects, and co-stewardship with Tribes. More information is available here:

Categories: forests, communities, collaborative capacity

$10,000 - $150,000 per award National Link
WaterSMART Cooperative Watershed Management Program Phase I for Fiscal Year 2023 DOI Bureau of Reclamation

Most recent deadline: September 3, 2024. The objective of this NOFO is to invite states, Indian Tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, local governmental entities, non-profit organizations, Existing Watershed Groups, and local and special districts (e.g., irrigation and water districts, conservation districts, natural resource districts) to submit proposals for Phase I activities to develop a watershed group, complete watershed restoration planning activities, and design watershed management projects. See Section C.4. Eligible Projects for a more comprehensive description of eligible activities.A “watershed group,” as defined in Section 6001(6) of the Cooperative Watershed Management Act (see Section A.1. Authority for full citation) is a grassroots, non-regulatory entity that addresses water availability and quality issues within the relevant watershed, is capable of promoting the sustainable use of water resources in the watershed, makes decisions on a consensus basis, and represents a diverse group of stakeholders, including hydroelectric producers, livestock grazing, timber production, land development, recreation or tourism, irrigated agriculture, the environment, municipal water supplies, private property owners, Federal, state and local governments, Tribes, and disadvantaged communities. 

Categories: watershed, water resources

$10,000 - $300,000 National Link