The Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide is intended to provide up-to-date information on grants, programs and plans that may assist tribes in addressing climate change through a broad range of sectors. We will update this guide regularly, so please check back often. If you have questions or updates for this guide, email: Please note that for entries that are accepting applications continuously, the grant deadline column will list "12/31/2024" as the grant deadline. This ensures that those grants will appear immediately after those grants with a set deadline.
Title | Organization | Grant Deadline | Description | Funding Amount Sort ascending | Geography | Website |
Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative | United States Department of Agriculture | Most recent deadline: 1/14/2021. The Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) seeks to solve critical organic agriculture issues, priorities, or problems through the integration of research, education, and extension activities. The purpose of this program is to fund projects that will enhance the ability of producers and processors who have already adopted organic standards to grow and market high quality organic agricultural products. Priority concerns include biological, physical, and social sciences, including economics. The OREI is particularly interested in projects that emphasize research, education and outreach that assist farmers and ranchers with whole farm planning by delivering practical research-based information. Projects should plan to deliver applied production information to producers. Fieldwork must be done on certified organic land or on land in transition to organic certification, as appropriate to project goals and objectives. Categories: Agriculture, social sciences, economics, biology, organic land |
$50,000 - $3,000,000 | National | Link | |
Tribal Engagement in Regional Ocean Partnership Priorities | NOAA | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: August 30, 2023. NOAA announced the availability of approximately $1.8 million for federally-recognized Tribes to support tribal participation in or engagement with existing regional ocean partnerships, with funding provided through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This Tribal funding complements a separate funding program for established regional ocean partnerships, which seeks to enhance and sustain the efforts of the established partnerships to coordinate inter-state and inter-Tribal management of ocean and coastal management issues. This Tribal engagement funding opportunity focuses on encouraging or enhancing Tribal participation with established regional ocean partnerships, and/or Tribal activities related to partnership priority actions. Learn more and apply here. Categories: Ocean and coastal management, Tribal leadership, regional ocean partnerships, BIL |
$50,000 - $200,000 | National | Link | |
Broadband Technical Assistance | USDA | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: June 20, 2023. The Rural Utilities Service (RUS or the Agency), a Rural Development (RD) agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), announces the acceptance of applications for Broadband Technical Assistance (BTA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023. Broadband Technical Assistance provides competitive cooperative agreement funding to eligible entities to receive or deliver broadband technical assistance and training that promotes the expansion of broadband into rural areas. Examples of broadband technical assistance projects may include conducting feasibility studies, completing network designs, and developing broadband financial assistance applications.The Agency encourages applicants to consider projects that will advance the following key priorities:Assisting rural communities recover economically through more and better market opportunities and through improved infrastructure;Ensuring all rural residents have equitable access to RD programs and benefits from RD funded projects; andReducing climate pollution and increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change through economic support to rural communities.In addition, the Agency encourages applicants to work with the Rural Partners Network. The Rural Partners Network is an all-of-government program that demonstrates to rural America that the federal government can work differently to serve their unique needs in a way this is community-centered and locally-driven. RPN is a recognition by the Biden Administration that it is time to do more for rural communities. Applicants to this funding opportunity are encouraged to include RPN Community Networks in their proposals by identifying Community Networks as collaborative partners or recipients of service. Categories: rural, broadband, pollution, internet, technical assistance, training |
$50,000 - $1,000,000 | National | Link | |
Protecting Bering Sea Marine Resources Grant | First Nations | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: May 25, 2022. First Nations is now accepting applications under our Stewarding Native Lands (SNL) program for Native communities that are working to protect marine resources in the Bering Sea ecoregion. Through this grant opportunity, First Nations will provide grant resources to Bering Sea Native communities to address the depletion of marine resources needed to sustain their communities and people. First Nations expects to award approximately 10 grants of $50,000 each to eligible organizations. Organizations that have not been formalized as a nonprofit are encouraged to apply through a fiscal sponsor. Learn more and apply here. Categories: Bering Sea, marine resources, sustainability, climate change |
$50,000 | Bering Sea | Link | |
Community-Based Collaborative Action Grants | UDOE | Deadline passed as of June 9, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. By design, Collaborative Actions allow conversations to emerge that shape the community and social context, and catalyze positive dynamics. These actions may be permanent or temporary, tangible or intangible, and may include creative placemaking, mapping, art installations or community events. They are typically small-scale, low-cost, and short in duration, but often fit into a larger community effort. Categories: social justice, community building, human health, peace courts, community organizing, relationship building |
$5,000. | National | Link | |
Bureau of Land Management Oregon/Washington Threatened and Endangered Species | DOI, BLM | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 14, 2023. BLM Oregon/Washington has an opportunity to work with partner organizations to assist with the conservation of various species, to include federally-listed, candidate and Bureau of sensitive species. Conservation includes, but is not limited to, gaining knowledge about species and their habitats, providing for protection or management of species and their habitats, augmenting species, restoring, and enhancing rare species habitat. Categories: endangered species, conservation, habitat protection, habitat enhancement, stewardship, monitoring, restoration |
$5,000-$500,000 | Oregon, Washington | Link | |
Explore Fund--The North Face Annual Grant | The North Face (Corporation) | Deadline unknown for FY 2017. The North Face Explore Fund provides $500,000 annually in grants to nonprofit organizations working in powerful and creative ways to encourage participants to experience outdoor activities and develop an enduring appreciation of the outdoors. Since its founding in 2010, the Explore Fund has provided more than 400 grants to nonprofit organizations that serve thousands of people in communities around the country. The Explore Fund reflects a significant commitment by The North Face to introduce more people to the joy of exploring the outdoors and the natural world. Categories: Environmental Education |
$5,000-$25,000 | National | Link | |
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) | EPA | Deadline Passed 07/31/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019. The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 2014 (WIFIA) established the WIFIA program, a federal credit program administered by EPA for eligible water and wastewater infrastructure projects. Categories: wastewater, infrastructure, energy efficiency, drinking water, drought prevention, mitigation |
$5,000,000-$20,000,000 | National | Link | |
Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment Financing | US Dept. of Energy | 9/30/2026 | This program will guarantee loans to projects that retool, repower, repurpose, or replace energy infrastructure that has ceased operations or that enable operating energy infrastructure to avoid, reduce, utilize, or sequester air pollutants or anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. The IRA placed a total cap on loan guarantees of up to $250 billion and appropriated $5 billion in credit subsidy to support these loan guarantees under section 1706 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Categories: Energy (136), Infrastructure (46) |
$5,000,000,000 of credit subsidy appropriations Loan guarantee authority of up to $250,000,000,000 |
National | Link |
Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas | DOE | 2/27/2025 | DOE’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations - Energy Improvements in Rural of Remote Areas. Concept Papers Due: February 27, 2025. This Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas (ERA) funding opportunity provides support for rural and remote communities to build clean energy projects that benefit their communities. The goals of the program are to: 1) Deliver measurable and sustained benefits to people who live in rural or remote areas; 2) Demonstrate effective rural or remote energy system approaches; 3) Build clean energy knowledge, experience, capacity, and self-reliance in rural and remote parts of America. Categories: BIL, energy, infrastructure, community engagement, clean energy, rural |
$5,000,000 - $100,000,000 | National, Rural | Link |
Build and Broaden 2.0: Enhancing Social, Behavioral and Economic Science Research and Capacity at Minority-Serving Institutions | National Science Foundation, Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) | Recent Deadline: 03/05/2021. Build and Broaden 2.0 is designed to support fundamental research in the SBE sciences by scholars at minority-serving institutions (MSIs). Proposals are invited from single Principal Investigators based at MSIs and from multiple co-investigators from a group of MSIs. Principal Investigators who are not affiliated with MSIs may submit proposals, but must collaborate with PIs, co-PIs, or Senior Personnel from MSIs and describe how their project will foster research partnerships or capacity-building with at least one MSI as a primary goal of the proposed work. Proposals may address any of the scientific areas supported by SBE. Categories: scholars, science, STEM, |
$5,000,000 | National | Link | |
2023 Air Quality Collaborative Projects | ANTHC | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: November 15, 2022. The Alaska Native Tribal Health Conortium (ANTHC) Air and Healthy Homes Program is accepting applications for funding to carry out air quality projects in rural Tribal Communities within the state of Alaska. Proposals should describe a project that will address air quality such as road dust, indoor air quality, solid waste burning, ambient air pollution, and wood smoke. If an air quality project includes any type of monitoring, assessments, or data collection, ANTHC will assist in the development of a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), which will be required. Award amounts vary from $5,000 to $25,000 and is provided by a US Environmental Protection Agency Clean Air Act 103 Grant. Categories: air quality, Alaska Tribes, rural community, air pollution, health |
$5,000 – $25,000 | Alaska | Link | |
Patagonia Environmental Grant | Patagonia Environmental Grant | Deadline passed as of April 30, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. Patagonia funds only environmental work. We are most interested in making grants to organizations that identify and work on the root causes of problems and that approach issues with a commitment to long-term change. Because we believe that the most direct path to real change is through building grassroots momentum, our funding focuses on organizations that create a strong base of citizen support. We support small, grassroots, activist organizations with provocative direct-action agendas, working on multi-pronged campaigns to preserve and protect our environment. We think the individual battles to protect a specific stand of forest, stretch of river or indigenous wild species are the most effective in raising more complicated issues—particularly those of biodiversity and ecosystem protection—in the public mind. We help local groups working to protect local habitat and frontline communities through bold, original actions. We look for innovative groups that produce measurable results, and we like to support efforts that force the government to abide by its own—our own—laws. Categories: climate change, adaptation, mitigation, natural resources |
$5,000 and $20,000. |
National | Link | |
Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) for FY22 (Alaska) | USDA | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 11, 2022. This funding seeks to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies. Applications are accepted from eligible entities for projects carried out in the state of Alaska. A total of up to $415,000 is available for the Alaska (State) CIG competition in FY 2022. Learn more and apply here. Categories: Conservation, innovation, Alaska, technology |
$5,000 - 415,000 | Alaska | Link | |
Marine Debris Awards For Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Accessibility | National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, NOAA | Most Recent Deadline: December 18, 2023. The objective of the Marine Debris awards for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Accessibility (DEIJA) is to further DEIJA initiatives to address and investigate the adverse impacts of marine debris by supporting marine debris prevention, research, monitoring, detection, response, removal, and coordination activities. The Foundation anticipates funding 10-15 implementation projects for 1 year. Potential projects can include support for marine debris removal events, curriculum development, small-scale removal of marine debris, coordination activities, and more. Categories: ocean, community impact, pollution, education |
$5,000 - $7,500 | US, US territories | Link | |
Bureau of Land Management ORWA Plant Conservation and Restoration Management | DOI, BLM | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 14, 2023. The BLM ORWA Plant Conservation and Restoration Program continues to advance the Department of the Interior's priorities to address the climate crisis, restore balance on public lands and waters, advance environmental justice, and invest in a clean energy future. Program Strategic Goals include:Implementing the National Native Seed StrategyDeveloping genetically appropriate native plant material/seed for use in habitat restoration;Implementing and assessing seed-based restoration techniques/efforts;Collaborating with farmers and conservationists to increase BLM Stock and Foundation seed amounts to use on larger Seed Increase IDIQ contracts so that commercial availability of genetically diverse, locally sourced seed for restoration, rehabilitation and reclamation projects is increased at a landscape scale;Supporting Source-Identified Seed Certification programs via partnerships with state seed certifying agencies;Inventorying, monitoring and restoring rare plant species and their associated communities to include development of conservation strategies/plans that include best management practices and reporting on the condition and trend of rare plant species and their habitat;Increasing and improving pollinator habitat;Expanding public education programs and outreach; andDatabase creation, and management and analyses, including geospatial, collaborative web service or support and training. Categories: habitat restoration, seed strategy, pollinators, conservation, education |
$5,000 - $500,000 | Oregon, Washington | Link | |
Risk Management Education Partnership Program | USDA | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 24, 2023. The purpose of this cooperative agreement program is to deliver crop insurance education and risk management training to U.S. agricultural producers to assist them in identifying and managing production, marketing, legal, financial, and human risk. Categories: climate change, human health, sustainability, agriculture, economy, management, planning, policy |
$5,000 - $300,000 | National | Link | |
Bureau of Land Management Alaska Wildlife Resources Management Program | DOI, BLM | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 10, 2023. The Bureau of Land Management Alaska Wildlife Program is focused on ensuring self-sustaining populations and a natural abundance and diversity of wildlife on public lands for the enjoyment and use of present and future generations. The program is responsible for managing habitats for wildlife species that depend on public lands for all or part of their lifecycle. Program activities address habitat maintenance, restoration, and species conservation in cooperation with federal, state, Tribal governments, private landowners, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This program will fund projects under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act PL 117-58, Section 40804(b) Ecosystem Restoration. This program supports projects funded through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Sections 50221 Resilience, 50222 Ecosystems Restoration and 50303 DOI. Categories: IRA, habitat maintenance, restoration, conservation, biodiversity, resilience, natural climate solutions |
$5,000 - $200,000 | Alaska | Link | |
Water is Life Fund Grant Applications | Dig Deep | Recent Deadline: 3/31/2021. The Water is Life Fund is a grant program focused on high-impact solutions to the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene access crisis in the United States, US territories, and sovereign tribal nations within US borders. Initiatives of interest should be unique, community-led, and long-lasting. Categories: Water |
$5,000 - $20,000 | National | Link | |
IIJA/IRA Bureau of Land Management Alaska Threatened and Endangered Species Program | DOI, BLM | Most Recent Deadline: August 19, 2024. The BLM Alaska Threatened and Endangered Species Program works to conserve and recover federally-listed and Bureau sensitive animal and plant species and their habitat on public lands. The BLM Alaska Threatened and Endangered Species Program priorities in FY 2023are addressing the impact of the climate crisis and ecosystem approaches for managing multiple listed and sensitive species, pollinator conservation and management, ensuring habitat connectivity, and updating outreach/education materials, including the Program’s public facing website. The Alaska program is looking for projects that will result in or facilitate national implementation or outreach of tangible on the ground actions that will improve species populations (numbers, representation, or resilience) or reduce population level threats. This program supports project funded through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Section 40804 (b) Ecosystem Restoration. This program supports projects funded through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Sections 50221 Resilience, 50222 Ecosystems Restoration and 50303 DOI. Categories: IRA, conservation, pollinators, habitat connectivity, youth engagement |
$5,000 - $140,00 | Alaska | Link | |
Sovereign Futures Leadership Society Grant 2023 | Na'ah Illahee Fund | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: January 31, 2023. The Na'ah Illaheed Fund is accepting applications to a grant program titles, "Sovereign Futures Green Infrastructure Leadership Society." The Na'ah Illahee is a Seattle-based Indigenous women-led organization dedicated to teh ongoing regeneration of Indigenous communities. Grant awards are $5 each and participants in the 2023 Society's Cohort will explore and identify environmental/climate solutions through a community-centered project based on learning framework. Over a 6-month period, participants will identify ways to omplement and increase more regenerative and recipricol energy systems within their communities. Examples incluse: Integrated Water Systems; Clean, Renewable Energy; Water Treatment; Energy Sovereignty; Solid Waste Management; Food Sovereignty Infrastructure etc. The application is open to all of those who identify as Indigenous and currently reside in the PNW Region (WA, OR, ID, MT, AK, and BC). Categories: energy, water, sovereignty, solid waste management, food sovereignty, infrastructure |
$5,000 | Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, BC | Link | |
Office of Tribal Self-Governance Negotiation Cooperative Agreement | DHHS, IHS | Deadline passed on June 18, 2018. Next deadline unknown. The purpose of this Negotiation Cooperative Agreement is to provide Tribes with resources to help defray the costs associated with preparing for and engaging in Tribal Self-Governance Program (TSGP) negotiations. TSGP negotiations are a dynamic, evolving, and tribally driven process that requires careful planning, preparation and sharing of precise, up-to-date information by both Tribal and Federal parties. Because each Tribal situation is unique, a Tribe's successful transition into the TSGP, or expansion of their current program, requires focused discussions between the Federal and Tribal negotiation teams about the Tribe's specific health care concerns and plans. One of the hallmarks of the TSGP is the collaborative nature of the negotiations process, which is designed to: 1) enable a Tribe to set its own priorities when assuming responsibility for IHS Programs, Services, Functions and Activities (PSFAs), 2) observe and respect the Government-to-Government relationship between the U.S. and each Tribe, and 3) involve the active participation of both Tribal and IHS representatives, including the Office of Tribal Self-Governance (OTSG). Categories: health, self-governance, planning, collaboration |
$48,000 | National | Link | |
Connecting with our Homelands | Hopa Mountain, NPS | Most recent deadline: March 15, 2024. These funds are made possible by the National Park Service and are available for organizations and schools that want to bring youth ages 5 -18 and elders to a National Park to share Indigenous knowledge, cultural heritage, and traditions. A limited number of travel grants of up to $4,000 are available to Indian Tribes, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiian organizations. Eligible candidates include tribal programs, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Funds can only be used for direct costs for a trip, such as bus travel, lodging, and meals. Only one travel grant will be awarded per organization or tribe in order to allow as many youth as possible an opportunity to visit a park. Categories: IK, TEK, cultural heritage, education, youth, recreation |
$4000 travel grants | National | Link | |
Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change (P2C2) | NSF | Most Recent Deadline: October 20, 2023. The goal of research funded under the interdisciplinary P2C2 solicitation is to utilize key geological, chemical, atmospheric (gas in ice cores), and biological records of climate system variability to provide insights into the mechanisms and rate of change that characterized Earth's past climate variability, the sensitivity of Earth's climate system to changes in forcing, and the response of key components of the Earth system to these changes. Important scientific objectives of P2C2 are to: 1) provide comprehensive paleoclimate data sets that can serve as model test data sets analogous to instrumental observations; and 2) enable transformative syntheses of paleoclimate data and modeling outcomes to understand the response of the longer-term and higher magnitude variability of the climate system that is observed in the geological and cryospheric records. Categories: Scientific Research, Adaptation, Mitigation, Statistical Modeling |
$400,000-$14,000,000 | Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska | Link | |
Accelerate R2 Network Challenge | DOC | Deadline Passed. Most Recent Deadline: 3/11/2020. EDA, in collaboration with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet), is seeking applications from eligible parties to create a strategic nationwide network of organizations working to address disaster response and resiliency (R2) challenges with innovative technologies. The Accelerate R2 Network Challenge seeks to create a nationwide network or networks that will enable and support innovators, entrepreneurs, researchers, and investors to bring transformative technologies into the response and resiliency markets. Categories: disaster response, resiliency, network, technology, development |
$400,000- $1,000,000 | National | Link | |
Fisheries Resource Monitoring Program | FWS | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: February 24, 2023. The mission of the Fisheries Resource Monitoring Program (Monitoring Program) is to identify and provide information needed to sustain subsistence fisheries on Federal public lands for rural Alaskans through a multidisciplinary, collaborative program. The main focus of the Monitoring Program will continue to be projects whose purpose is the collection, dissemination, and application of information used in the management of Federal subsistence fisheries in Alaska. However, it is also the intent of the Monitoring Program to support partnerships and provide opportunities for capacity building of rural organizations, communities, and individuals. Categories: subsistence fisheries, collaboration, monitoring, information, federal lands, rural Alaska, partnerships, capacity building |
$40,000-$940,000 | Alaska, Rural Alaska | Link | |
EPA Pollution Prevention Grant Program | EPA | Pollution Prevention (P2) Grants provide technical assistance to businesses in order to help them develop and adopt source reduction practices (also known as “pollution prevention” or “P2”). P2 means reducing or eliminating pollutants from entering any waste stream or otherwise released into the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal. In keeping with the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, EPA is encouraging P2 because implementing these approaches can result in reductions in toxic pollutants, the use of water, energy and other raw materials, while also lowering business costs. P2 grants are awarded to States, colleges and universities (recognized as instrumentalities of the state), and federally-recognized tribes and intertribal consortia. Categories: Pollution Prevention, Conservation, Efficiency, Greenhouse Gas Reduction |
$40,000-$500,000 | Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Midwest | Link | |
Region 9: Water Pollution Control Program | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Recent Deadline: 2/01/2021. The Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 106 – Water Pollution Control Program assists federally-recognized Indian tribes with achieving environmental results by developing institutional capacity for administering water quality programs to protect, improve and enhance natural resources. Categories: Water Pollution, Clean Water |
$40,000-$200,000. First-time eligible applicants may receive grants for $40,000. | Pacific Southwest | Link | |
1994 Tribal College Extension Special Emphasis (TCEP-SE) | USDA, NIFA | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: 4/30/2020. The purpose of the TCEP is to enable 1994 institutions to deliver science-based, culturally relevant extension education programs designed to address public needs and improve quality of life. The TCEP is intended to be a component of the applicant 1994 institution's land-grant roadmap or strategic planning process. To the extent practicable, priorities should reflect NIFA's national critical needs areas: 1) Development of sustainable energy; 2) Increased global food security; 3) Adaptation of agriculture and natural resources to global climate change; 4) Reduction of childhood and adolescent obesity; and 5) Improved food safety. Categories: tribal college extension program, sustainable energy, global food security, adaptation, agriculture, natural resources, climate change, food safety |
$40,000-$200,000 | National | Link | |
OCF 2022 Community Grants | Oregon Community Foundation | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: March 30, 2022. OCF seeks to support healthy, thriving and sustainable communities with funding awarded through an open, responsive grantmaking program that offers flexible types of support to organizations in response to community-defined needs. This program prioritizes communities in Oregon most impacted by social, economic and/or racial injustices and inequities. Learn more and apply here. Categories: Community involvement, environmental justice, racial justice, DEI, sustainability |
$40,000 maximum award and average award size of $20,000 | Oregon | Link |
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