The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project. For more information, visit: If you would like to add to or amend information included in this guide, please complete this Google Form. If you have additions or suggestions for this website, please email



The Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide is intended to provide up-to-date information on grants, programs and plans that may assist tribes in addressing climate change through a broad range of sectors. We will update this guide regularly, so please check back often. If you have questions or updates for this guide, email: Please note that for entries that are accepting applications continuously, the grant deadline column will list "12/31/2024" as the grant deadline. This ensures that those grants will appear immediately after those grants with a set deadline.

Title Organization Grant Deadline Description Funding Amount Sort ascending Geography Website
Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grants Environmental Protection Agency

Most Recent Deadline: July 25, 2024. This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications from eligible entities to incentivize and accelerate the replacement of existing non-ZE Class 6 and 7 heavy-duty vehicles with ZE vehicles. The EPA anticipates awarding up to $932 million in funds under this Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles (CHDV) Grants NOFO, subject to the availability of funds, the quantity and quality of applications received, support for communities overburdened by air pollution, applicability of different business models, and other applicable considerations described in this document. This funding to support ZE vehicles will benefit communities across the United States (U.S.), especially communities that are disproportionately burdened by air pollution and marginalized by underinvestment. These replacement vehicles will ensure cleaner air for the communities in which they operate. The reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from these vehicle replacements will also help address the outsized role of the transportation sector in fueling the climate crisis.

Categories: Vehicles (375), Air Pollution (392)

Estimated Total Program Funding: $ 932,000,000 National Link
Community Compass Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Program Department of Housing and Urban Development

Most Recent Deadline: June 2024. Through this NOFO, HUD is announcing the availability of approximately $91,000,000 in total funding including $88,500,000 in FY 2024 funding for its Community Compass Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Program (Community Compass) and up to $2,500,000 in FY 2023 Departmental Technical Assistance funding for the Thriving Communities Technical Assistance program (TCTA). Community Compass brings together TA investments from across HUD program offices, including the offices of Community Planning and Development, Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Housing, and Public and Indian Housing. This cross-funding approach allows TA to address the needs of grantees and subgrantees, often within the same engagement, and promotes intra- and inter-agency issue resolution. You are encouraged to procure contractors and consultants that demonstrate experience across a wide variety of HUD programs, as well as in specific skill and policy areas related to HUD programs. Through this NOFO, HUD will also address the TA needs of some emerging priorities that include: community violence intervention, implementation of and compliance with the Violence Against Women Act's (VAWA) 2022 Reauthorization, climate resilience, housing needs of youth, and environmental reviews. It is highly encouraged that applicants assemble a diverse team of professionals and people with lived experience from the communities HUD serves. Their perspectives can add immeasurable value in the development and delivery of technical assistance.

Categories: technical assistance (317) capacity building

Estimated Total Program Funding: $ 91,000,000
Award Ceiling: $42,500,000
Award Floor: $250,000
National Link
Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Pilot Program Department of Transportation

Most Recent Deadline: June 17, 2024. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the opportunity to apply for $49 million in competitive grants under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Pilot Program (ELEF) (Federal Assistance Listing #20.532). ELEF makes funding available competitively to assist in the financing of capital projects for the purchase of electric or low-emitting ferry vessels that reduce emissions by using alternative fuels or on-board energy storage systems and related charging infrastructure to reduce emissions or produce zero onboard emissions under normal operation. Eligible are capital projects that include the purchase of electric or low-emitting ferry vessels that reduce emissions by using alternative fuels or on-board energy storage systems and related charging infrastructure to reduce emissions or produce zero onboard emissions under normal operation.

Categories: Transporation, Electric Vehilces

Estimated Total Program Funding: $ 49,000,000
Award Ceiling: $49,000,000
EPA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act Grant EPA

RFP closed for 2016. The EPA is seeking applications for a noncompetitive $50 million grant program to establish and enhance state and tribal response programs. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) 128(a) response program grants are funded with State and Tribal Assistance Grant (STAG) appropriations. Generally, these response programs address the assessment, cleanup, and redevelopment of brownfields sites with actual or perceived contamination.

Categories: Response program, assessment, redevelopment, cleanup

EPA will consider funding requests up to a maximum of $1.0 million per state or tribe for FY2015. National Link
Emerging Contaminants (EC) in Small or Disadvantaged Communities Grant (SDC) US EPA

The Emerging Contaminants in Small or Disadvantaged Communities grant program will provide states and territories with grants to public water systems in small or disadvantaged communities to address emerging contaminants, including PFAS. Grants will be awarded non‐competitively to states and territories. 

Categories: drinking water (1100), contaminants (784)

EPA awards funding to states based on an allocation formula that includes factors such as population, number of water systems, and data related to emerging contaminants.
National Link
Climate Solutions University NGO

Applications accepted throughout the year. CSU aids local rural communities, connected through a peer learning network, by offering training, expertise, and support in climate adaptation planning. Through this training, expertise, and support, CSU strengthens local leadership, public engagement, and ecosystem protection efforts in rural communities.

Categories: Adaptation

Each participating community receives $100K in training, mentoring, and access to tools/resources Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
Funding Opportunity: pre-proposal request Western AK LCC Terrestrial Systems Theme USFWS, Western AK LCC (Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative)

RFP closed. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) receives funds to support collaborative science and knowledge activities of the Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC). The Service administers these funds through financial assistance on a competitive basis for projects, studies, and events that advance the scientific and public community’s understanding of large-scale changes in landscape characteristics and the impacts of these changes on important species.

Categories: Terrestrial Systems

Due to the limited funds available, modest funding requests (< $100,000.00) are encouraged, however, higher amounts may be requested with appropriate justification. National Link
First Steps toward Developing Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency on Tribal Lands – 2016 DOE

Deadline passed as of October 20, 2016. Deadline for 2017 unknown. Under the planned FOA, the Office of Indian Energy intends to solicit applications from Indian Tribes (including Alaska Native regional corporations and village corporations) and Tribal Energy Resource Development Organizations under the following topic areas: (1) Conduct energy options analyses (Topic Area 1); (2) Establish baseline energy use (Topic Area 2); (3) Develop energy organizations (Topic Area 3); (4) Conduct climate resiliency planning (Topic Area 4); (5) Establish policy, regulations, and codes to reduce energy use or promote energy develop (Topic Area 5); and, (6) Obtain skills and training related to energy use and development (Topic Area 6). It is expected that proposed activities will result in specific measurable results or end-products that will lead to the development and deployment of energy solutions, and/or build knowledge or skills necessary to implement successful strategic energy solutions.

Categories: climate change, carbon emissions, clean energy, sustainable energy, energy planning

DOE currently anticipates making eight to twenty grant awards in amounts ranging from $50,000 to $250,000. The actual level of funding, if any, depends on Congressional appropriations. National Link
Family Forest Fish Passage Program Washington State Department of Natural Resources

Most Recent Deadline: July 2024. The Family Forest Fish Passage Program (FFFPP) assists private forestland owners in removing culverts and other stream crossing structures that keep trout, salmon, and other fish from reaching upstream habitat. Road culverts and other structures that are aging, too small, or improperly installed can block fish from reaching their spawning grounds, and young rearing salmon from reaching the ocean. The program funds the replacement of eligible barriers with new structures. Since 2003, some 376 landowners have taken advantage of the program to remove 433 barriers and open more than 1149 miles of stream habitat.

Categories: fish passage, culvert, salmon, trout

Culvert is funded when it becomes a high priority: The culvert or other form of barrier presenting the highest benefit to fish habitat are fixed first. Washignton State Link
Smart Growth Implementation Assistance (SGIA) Program EPA

Communities receive direct technical assistance from team of national experts in one of two areas: policy analysis (e.g., reviewing state and local codes, school siting guidelines,transportation policies, etc.) or public participatory processes (e.g., visioning, design workshops, alternative analysis, build-out analysis, etc.). The assistance is tailored to the community's unique situation and priorities. EPA provides the assistance through a contractor team –not a grant. Through a multiple-day site visit and a detailed final report, the multi-disciplinary teams provide information to help the community achieve its goal of encouraging growth that fosters economic progress and environmental protection.

Categories: Infrastructure, Smart Growth

Competitive program in which awardees receive technical assistance from experts; no funds dispersed Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
FDPIR Program Nutrition Education Grants FDPIR, USDA

Deadline Passed April 30, 2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. Since 2008, FNS awards funding for nutrition education projects through Food Distribution Program Nutrition Education (FDPNE) grants each fiscal year. Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs) and State agencies (SAs) that are current FDPIR allowance holders (have a direct agreement with FNS to administer FDPIR) are eligible to apply for funds to conduct projects that provide nutrition information and services to FDPIR participants. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 SNAP Education Plan Guidance is the basis for FDPNE nutrition, gardening, and physical activities

Categories: food, nutrition, distribution. gardening

Ceiling $220,000
Floor $2,000
National Link
Farmers Market Promotion Program USDA

Deadline Passed for 2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), AMS, requests applications for the fiscal year (FY) 2016 Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) to competitively award grants to eligible applicants for projects that establish, expand, and promote direct producer-to-consumer marketing.

Categories: Farmers Market, Local Foods, Sustainability, Bioregionalism, Sustainable Agriculture, Community Development.

Capacity Building: Minimum grant award is $50,000. Maximum award is $250,000.
Community Development, Training, and Technical Assistance: Minimum grant award is $250,000. Maximum award $500,000.
United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Link
Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Most recent deadline: March 22, 2024. The Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP) is a $3 billion program, from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, to support Tribal governments bringing high-speed Internet to Tribal lands, including telehealth, distance learning, affordability, and digital inclusion initiatives. The program seeks to improve quality of life, spur economic development, and create opportunities for remote employment, online entrepreneurship, remote learning, and telehealth by expanding broadband access and by providing digital training and inclusion programs to Native American communities.

Categories: Broadband, communications, internet

Broadband Internet infrastructure deployment projects proposed by a single applicant: $1 million to $50 million
Broadband Internet adoption and use projects: $100,000 to $2.5 million

These funding ranges are not required minimums and maximums, but eligible entities requesting funding for projects outside of these ranges must provide a reasonable explanation for the variance in their project size.
National Link
Tribal Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program FY 2018 EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality

Deadline Passed 04/03/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) is soliciting proposals nationwide for projects that achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions in terms of tons of pollution produced by diesel engines and diesel emissions exposure, particularly from fleets located in areas designated as having poor air quality. Further, priority for funding will be given to projects which result in outcomes that benefit affected communities, those that engage affected communities with respect to the design and performance of the project, and those which can demonstrate the ability to promote and continue efforts to reduce emissions after the project has ended. 

Categories: emissions, alternative energy, sustainability, climate adaptation, air quality

Awards will range from $0-$800,000. United States Link
Homeland Security National Training Program Department of Homeland Security, FEMA

Deadline passed as of August 22, 2016. Deadline for 2017 unkonown. The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Homeland Security National Training Program (HSNTP), Continuing Training Grants (CTG) program plays an important role in the implementation of the National Preparedness System by supporting the building, sustainment, and delivery of core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. Delivering core capabilities requires the combined effort of the whole community, rather than the exclusive effort of any single organization or level of government. The FY 2016 HSNTP/CTG supports efforts to build and sustain core capabilities across Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery mission areas, with specific focus on addressing the training needs of our Nation. Objectives: FY 2016 HSNTP/CTG training programs will provide training solutions to address specific national preparedness gaps, correlate training needs with exercise activities and outcomes, incorporate the core capabilities identified in the National Preparedness Goal, and ensure training is available and accessible to a nationwide audience.

Categories: homeland security, mitigation, hazard preparedness, natural disaster

Awards vary. Total program funding: $11,521,000.
National Link
NIF Food Soveriegnty Grant Opportunity Na'ah Illahee Fund

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: February 16, 2023. Na’ah Illahee Fund (NIF) provides resources for Native Communities across the Pacific Northwest who are located in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. As Native people, Na’ah Illahee sees the land as a living entity and tailors all of our community work and grantmaking to support this concept. We work in relationship with Mother Earth to strengthen her living systems in acts of support, reciprocity and respect. NIF places a high value on sharing old teachings of growing and harvesting our own foods and medicines. We encourage sharing of these teachings in new ways. NIF is looking to provide grants to community based food program efforts led by Native people. NIF also encourages the teachings and sustaining of hunting and fishing practices and those being passed on to the younger generations. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on Native Communities and has shed light on the structural inequities in access to basic needs such as food. As we move forward from COVID to post-pandemic, we strive to advance a “just recovery” by helping tribal communities, to not only meet the healthy food needs of the people, but to support their right to choose their own foods into the future. NIF seeks to preserve our gather, hunter, grower way of life by funding organizations who help preserve these cultural practices.

Categories: food, gardens, seeds, traditional food, fishing, hunting, food systems, education, community

Awards up to $25,000 Pacific Northwest Link
Food Sovereignty Fund Na’ah Illahee Fund

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: February 17, 2022. Na’ah Illahee Fund works in relationship with Mother Earth to strengthen her living systems in acts of support, reciprocity, and respect. This Food Sovereignty Grant seeks to support our hunter, gather, grower way of life by funding Native organizations and individuals who preserve and practice these ways. NIF is looking to provide grants to Native people who are leading community-based food sovereignty and sustainability efforts in their communities. We will award financial support to projects, or organized activities led by Indigenous people that aim to revitalize or increase the practice of Indigenous lifeways and create access to traditional foods and medicines through community programming, workshops, and skill sharing. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Food sovereignty, Indigenous lifeways, traditional foods, community programming, sustainability

Awards up to $25,000 Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia Link
Recovery Implementation Fund DOI, FWS

The Notification of Funding Availability is released in annually. The Recovery Implementation Program coordinates with federal, state, Tribal and private partners to restore habitat and recover species listed under the Endangered Species Act throughout Washington.  The Recovery Program funds high priority recovery actions that achieve species recovery, actions that may preclude the need to list candidate species and actions that conserve the ecosystems upon which these species depend.

Categories: habitat restoration, education, outreach, research, assessment, endangered species

Awards typically range from $10,000-$80,000 National Link
Rural Energy Pilot Program (REPP) USDA

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 19, 2022. USDA has opened up grant applications for communities to further develop renewable energy through REPP. Funds can be used to support community energy planning, community efficiency and weatherization, installing and equipping community scale renewable energy. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Renewable energy, rural areas, efficiency, weatherization, community development

Awards to successful applicants will be in the form of cost-share grants for up to 80 percent of total eligible project costs, not to exceed $2 million. National Link
Long Term Research in Environmental Biology (LTREB) NSF 12/31/2024

Rolling Deadline. The Long Term Research in Environmental Biology (LTREB) Program supports the generation of extended time series of data to address important questions in evolutionary biology, ecology, and ecosystem science. Research areas include, but are not limited to, the effects of natural selection or other evolutionary processes on populations, communities, or ecosystems; the effects of interspecific interactions that vary over time and space; population or community dynamics for organisms that have extended life spans and long turnover times; feedbacks between ecological and evolutionary processes; pools of materials such as nutrients in soils that turn over at intermediate to longer time scales; and external forcing functions such as climatic cycles that operate over long return intervals.

Categories: Environmental Biology, Scientific Research, Ecosystem Science, Community Research, Feedbacks.

Awards are not to exceed $90,000 total per year and $450,000 over a five-year effort. The foundation anticipates making six awards annually, pending availability of funds. The solicitation outlines renewal procedures following the initial award. National Link
Wildfire Community Assistance in Montana, North Dakota & South Dakota DOI, BLM

This grant will be awarded to projects that 1) promote community assistance programs that will be used to develop local capability including, but not limited to; Wildfire planning, wildfire mitigation actions, and wildland fire education/prevention, 2) promote community-wide wildfire protection planning; conduct education programs about wildfire; and implement hazardous fuels reduction activities and related monitoring, on federal land, or on adjacent non-federal land, that reduce the wildfire risk to communities and benefit resources on federal land, and/or 3) promote Fire Adapted Communities.

Categories: Wildfire Mitigation and Adaptation, Community Resilience

Awards are for $125,000 Northwest, Midwest Link
USFWS/NPLCC 2016 Funding Opportunity Announcement USFWS, NPLCC

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) receives funds to support collaborative science and knowledge activities of the NPLCC. The USFWS Pacific Region awards these funds for financial assistance through a competitive process for projects, studies, and events that support natural and cultural resource conservation in the face of climate change and other landscape-scale stressors. The NPLCC recognizes the importance of considering both western science and traditional knowledges to advance landscape-scale conservation and sustainable resource management.

Categories: Natural Resource Conservation, Cultural Resource Conservation, Climate Change, Financial Assistance

Awards are contingent on the availability of funds. A total estimated amount of $50,000 to $200,000 USFWS funding for 1 to 5 projects may be awarded under this announcement... (see link for details) North Pacific Link
Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Youth Initiative (TYI) Program Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)

Most recent deadline: January 13, 2023. "Initiative funding for the support and development of tribal youth programs focused on science in line with conservation and resource management. The programs will provide opportunities for youth to become engaged in the field of natural resource management and foster their interest in pursuing educational opportunities and a career in natural resources management" (Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal Youth Initiative (TYI) Program, Ranking Criteria and Application Process). 

Categories: Conservation Science, Resource Management, Tribal Youth Programs.

Award packages can range from $2,000 - $50,000 per application. Northwest, National Link
Tribal Organization Support for Tribal Climate Resilience Liaisons- North Central, Midwest, Northeast/Southeast Bureau of Indian Affairs

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: December 17, 2021. The BIA Tribal Climate Resilience Program is pleased to announce the availability of funding to support the hiring of Tribal Climate Resilience Liaisons in the North Central, Midwest and Northeast/Southeast regions of the DOI Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASCs) through the BIA's Tribal Resilience Program (Program). Eligible applicants include tribal non-profit, non-governmental organizations and tribally-controlled colleges or universities (TCUs) that serve federally-recognized tribes. Other entities may participate as sub-grantees. The BIA is collaborating with the Department of Interior (DOI) Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASCs) to continue supporting tribal climate resilience needs and selected tribal organizations will enter into cooperative agreements with the BIA. This provides a mechanism for the BIA to provide the selected Tribal organizations with non-recurring funding for mutually agreed upon tasks in keeping with the climate science needs of the BIA and all tribal communities in the North Central, Midwest, and Northeast/Southeast CASC regions. The solicitation is available on, and named TCRP-16241:

Categories: Tribal governance, climate resilience, scientific research

Award ceiling: $400,000. North Central U.S., Midwest, Northeast, Southeast Link
Sea Grant FY 2024 National Aquaculture Initiative: Enhancing Production of Coastal, Marine, and Great Lakes Aquaculture Species. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Most recent deadline: May 4, 2024. Sea Grant FY 2024 National Aquaculture Initiative: Enhancing Production of Coastal, Marine, and Great Lakes Aquaculture Species. Deadline: April 3, 2024. Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Sea Grant FY 2024 National Aquaculture Initiative: Enhancing Production of Coastal, Marine, and Great Lakes Aquaculture Species is now live. Subject to the availability of funding, Sea Grant anticipates $5,000,000 to $6,000,000 will be available for research projects and programs that will develop and refine methods, protocols, techniques, and/or strategies to enhance the production of one or more life stages of aquaculture species (described below) with the overall goal of improving the efficiency, output, and profitability of commercial coastal, marine, or Great Lakes region aquaculture businesses. Proposals are sought that will support broad, non-proprietary research to address issues and/or barriers to aquaculture production; make that information available to aquaculture businesses; and preferably include participation and involvement of Sea Grant extension personnel and industry stakeholders. This opportunity is open to: any individual; any public or private corporation, partnership, or other association or entity (including any Sea Grant College, Sea Grant Institute or other institution); or any State, political subdivision of a State, Tribal government or agency or officer thereof. Applications require the standard 50% non-federal match for Sea Grant projects. Please carefully review the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for specific instructions on how to apply for the competition via

Categories: aquaculture, coastal, marine, great lakes, sea grant

Award Ceiling: $1,200,000
Award Floor: $250,000
National Link
Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program (2501 Program) USDA

Deadline passed as of July 29, 2016. Deadline for 2017 unknown. The 2501 Program provides funding to eligible organizations for training and technical assistance projects designed to assist socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers and ranchers in owning and operating viable agricultural enterprises. The 2501 Program extends USDA's capacity to work with members of farming and ranching communities by funding projects that enhance the equitable participation of socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers and ranchers in USDA programs. It is OAO's (Office of Advocacy and Outreach) intention to build lasting relationships between USDA, awardee organizations, and socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers and ranchers.

Categories: agricultural, food security, veterans, ranching, environmental justice, technical assistance, business,

Award amounts vary; total program funds $8.4 million. National, Rural Link
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Sustainable Bioenergy and Bioproducts (SBEBP) Challenge Area USDA, NIFA

Deadline passed as of November 17, 2016. Deadline for 2017 unknown. In the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Sustainable Bioenergy and Bioproducts (SBEBP) Challenge Area specific program areas are designed to achieve the long term outcome of reducing the national dependence on foreign oil through the development and production of regionally-appropriate sustainable bioenergy systems that materially deliver advanced liquid transportation biofuels, biopower, and bioproducts.

Categories: alternative energy, biofuel, sustainability, bioenergy

Award amount varies. $21,000,000 in total program funding. United States Link
Deployment of Clean Energy Technology on Indian Lands DOE, Office of Indian Energy

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: May 16, 2023. The DOE Office of Indian Energy is soliciting applications for Tribes to install clean energy generating system(s) and energy efficiency measure(s) for Tribal buildings; deploy community-scale clean energy generating system(s) or energy storage on Tribal lands; or install integrated energy system(s) for autonomous operation to power essential Tribal facilities during  emergency situations or for Tribal community resilience. Individual awards vary depending on type of project with a range $100,000 to $5,000,000. This opportunity builds on the important discussions at the 7th biennial Tribal Clean Energy Summit, where U.S Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm held a nation-to-nation roundtable with Tribal leaders to share ideas and explore cost-effective approaches to clean energy that strengthen Tribal energy and economic infrastructure, address climate resilience, and build stronger and safer communities.

Categories: Energy efficiency, Renewable energy, Energy, clean energy, community, development, BIL

Award amount varies. National Link
Water Management, Planning and Pre-Development (N34) (Water Management) and the Water Rights Negotiation/Litigation (R31) (Water Rights) Programs United States Department of the Interior, BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, Northwest Regional Office

Deadline passed as of September 2, 2016. Deadline for 2017 unknown. Programs support the litigation and negotiation of Indian water rights, studies to determine the quantity of surface and groundwater supplies, identify arable lands, determine historical water use, water requirements for resources such as fish and wildlife, and the amounts of water required for irrigates agriculture, and relates engineering and economic studies for water delivery.

Categories: water rights, irrigation, watershed, water health, water,

Award amount varies. National Link
Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead Puget Sound Natural Estuary Program and Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife

Most Recent Deadline: May 23, 2024. To address the challenges facing kelp and eelgrass, a holistic and inclusive approach to research is needed. Proposals are encouraged from diverse fields of study to include (but not limited to) biophysical science, social science, and Indigenous science.

The Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead 2023 Investment Plan contains five investment priorities (A-E)
recommended by the Habitat Strategic Initiative Advisory Team. The Plan informs the upcoming
allocation of up to $11 million in Puget Sound Geographic Program funds. The following five priorities
are not listed in prioritized order:

A. Increase capacity and workforce development to meet Puget Sound habitat recovery goals.
B. Local support for habitat protection, monitoring, and adaptive management.
C. New science, synthesis, and analysis for improved protection and restoration of kelp and
eelgrass in Puget Sound.
D. Restoration effectiveness of soft shore alternatives to hard armor.
E. HSIL-Hosted recovery community engagement.
E.1 Understanding and planning for sea level rise and climate related hazards to shorelines
in Puget Sound.
E.2 Increased marine vegetation awareness and support through place-based community
leader engagement.
E.3 E.3: Integrating across the terrestrial-nearshore-marine interface to scale up nearshore
habitat restoration and protection

Categories: habitat, restoration, kelp, and eelgrass

Available Funding: Up to $2,000,000 with a minimum of $200,000 and a maximum $500,000 per application. Puget Sound Link