The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project (TCCP). The TCCP is part of the L.I.G.H.T. Foundation (LF), is an independent, Indigenous-led, conservation 501(c)(3) nonprofit established on the Colville Indian Reservation in the traditional territory of the Nespelem Tribe in present-day north central Washington State. LF supports the restoration and cultivation of native Plant and Pollinator Relatives and the culturally respectful conservation of habitats and ecosystems which are climate resilient and adaptive. For more information about LF, visit: For more information about the Tribal Climate Change Project, visit: If you would like to add information to this guide, please email



The Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide is intended to provide up-to-date information on grants, programs and plans that may assist tribes in addressing climate change through a broad range of sectors. We will update this guide regularly, so please check back often. If you have questions or updates for this guide, email: Please note that for entries that are accepting applications continuously, the grant deadline column will list "12/31/2024" as the grant deadline. This ensures that those grants will appear immediately after those grants with a set deadline.

Title Organization Grant Deadline Description Funding Amount Geography Website
Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), Research to Grassroots Grant Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: November 17, 2021. These projects take research results from previously funded SARE projects and bring those results into the field through education to agricultural professionals and producers. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Agriculture, research, education, sustainability, outreach

Funding limit is $100,000 per project. Western US Link
Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), Sabbatical Research and Education Grant Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: November 18, 2021. These grants provide an opportunity for faculty around the world to partner with farmers, ranchers, agricultural professionals, and researchers of the Western U.S. region for conducting research, education, and extension activities. Projects focused on unexplored topics in underserved communities and understudied geographic locations are of special interest. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Agriculture, research, education, sustainability

Grants cannot exceed $75,000 Western US Link
Pandemic Support for Certified Organic and Transitioning Operations USDA

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: February 4, 2022. The USDA has extended the deadline for the Organic and Transitional Education and Certification Program. This extension is eligible for expenses in 2020 and 2021. Organic farming may help farmers prepare for a changing climate, as organic practices can increase soil water-holding capacity, which can help crops grow in drought years. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Agriculture, organic, certification, education, pandemic

25% of a certified operation’s eligible certification expenses, up to $250 per certification category; 75% of a transitional operation’s eligible expenses, up to $750, for each year; OTECP covers 75% of the registration fees, up to $200, per year, for educational events National Link
Integrated Research, Education, and Extension Competitive Grants Program – Organic Transitions U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Most recent deadline: 3/15/2021. The overall goal of the Organic Transitions Program (ORG) is to support the development and implementation of research, extension and higher education programs to improve the competitiveness of organic livestock and crop producers, as well as those who are adopting organic practices. NIFA administers the ORG program by determining priorities in U.S. agriculture through Agency stakeholder input processes in consultation with the NAREEEAB. ORG will continue to prioritize environmental services provided by organic farming systems in the area of soil conservation, pollinator health, and climate change mitigation, including greenhouse gases (GHG), as well as the development of educational tools for Cooperative Extension personnel and other agricultural professionals who advise producers on organic practices, and development of cultural practices and other allowable alternatives to substances recommended for removal from the National Organic Program’s National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances. It is expected that all projects will integrate research, education and extension activities, as appropriate to project goals, although some projects may be weighted more heavily than others in one or more of these areas. However, all proposals should have activities and impact in research and at least one of the other areas: education and extension.

Categories: Agriculture, Organic

$0 - $500,000 National. Link
Native American Agriculture Fund 2019 RFA NAAF

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: 5/25/2021. NAAF’s mission, as a private charitable trust created for educational and charitable purposes, is to support Native American farmers and ranchers and promote their continued engagement in agriculture. NAAF was created after conclusion of the lengthy Keepseagle v. Vilsack litigation and was designed for the purpose of addressing four areas important to the success of Native farmers and ranchers:  business assistance, agricultural education, technical support and advocacy.

Categories: agriculture, Native Farmers, Native Ranchers, business assistance, agricultural education, technical support, advocacy

up to $75,000 National Link
National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program USDA

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: 9/9/2022. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is announcing the availability of up to $17 million in funds in the National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP) to support projects in topic areas including, but not limited to: Develop, enhance, and exercise state and Tribal animal disease outbreak emergency response plans; Support livestock and poultry biosecurity; enhance animal disease traceability for a disease outbreak; Support outreach and education on animal disease prevention, preparedness, and response topics. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Agriculture, livestock disease preparedness, education

Varies. National Link
Agriculture Innovation Center Grant Program USDA, Rural Business-Cooperative Service

Deadline Passed. Most recent deadline: March 6, 2023. The primary objective of the program is to provide grants to Agriculture Innovation Centers that will provide technical assistance to agricultural producers to market value-added agricultural products.

Categories: agriculture, innovation, technical assistance, production

$600,000-$1,000,000 National Link
Farmers' Market SNAP Support Grants USDA, Food Nutrition and Consumer Services

Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services Under Secretary Kevin Concannonannounced the availability of up to $3.3 million in competitive funding to support the ability of farmers markets to accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits provided through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a form of payment.

Categories: Agriculture, Food, nutrition, farmers

$15,000 to $250,000 National Link
Food and Agricultural Sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship (NNF) Grants Program USDA, NIFA

Deadline Passed. Most recent deadline: 04/26/2022. This grant program supports: (1) training students for master's and doctoral degrees in food, agricultural and natural resource sciences; and (2) Special International Study or Thesis/Dissertation Research Travel Allowances (IRTA) for eligible USDA NNF beneficiaries. Awards are specifically intended to support traineeship programs that engage outstanding students to pursue and complete their degrees in USDA mission areas. Applicants provide clarity about the philosophy of their graduate training, and relevance to USDA mission sciences, NIFA priorities and national science education policies and statistics. Applications are being solicited from institutions that confer a graduate degree in at least one of the following Targeted Expertise Shortage Areas: 1) animal and plant production; 2) forest resources; 3) agricultural educators and communicators; 4) agricultural management and economics; 5) food science and human nutrition; 6) sciences for agricultural biosecurity; and 7) training in integrative biosciences for sustainable food and agricultural systems.

Categories: agriculture, food, natural resource sciences, training, animal and plant production, forest management, economics, education

up to $262,500 National Link
Nutrition Security for Indigenous Youth Newman's Own Foundation

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: August 26, 2022. In collaboration with Tahoma Peak Solutions, a Native woman-owned firm focused on empowering and building up communities in Indian Country, Newman’s Own Foundation has issued a request for proposals built on the strengths of Native communities to enhance nutrition security for Native youth. Examples of projects include but are not limited to: coalition building and goal setting; advocacy, education, and relationship building with key stakeholders and policy makers; gardens at youth centers and schools; youth culture camps focusing on traditional foods and/or gardening; educational sessions on traditional food cultures, harvesting, processing, and foodways; internship programs that develop Native youth leadership; support for Native youth attendance at relevant conferences or convenings; development of related programming at meetings or conferences; and films, storytelling, and art related to Native youth and food. The deadline to submit the eligibility quiz is August 26, 2022, with applications due September 15, 2022. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Agriculture, food security, traditional foods, youth

$20,000 to $50,000 National Link
Indian Tribal land Acquisition Loan Program USDA, FSA

FSA's Indian Tribal Land Acquisition Loan Program is a valuable resource to help Tribes become owners of additional property within the reservation to advance and increase current operations, provide financial prospects for Native American Communities, increase agricultural productivity, and save farmland for future generations. Through FSA’s innovative programming, American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments have the ability to create sustainable and community-driven solutions to rural community challenges. This loan program is financed and serviced by the Farm Service Agency. Funding comes from Congressional appropriations as part of the USDA budget.

Categories: agriculture, farmland, sustainable, rural communities

Varies National Link
Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP) USDA, Farm Service Agency

Grant deadline unknown for 2016. The Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP) provides financial assistance to owners and operators of agricultural and non-industrial private forest land who wish to establish, produce, and deliver biomass feedstocks.

Categories: Agriculture, farmers, Forrestry, Biomass

$12,500,000 to $22,500,000 National Link
NRCS Voluntary Public Access-Habitat Incentives Program competition FY 2020 NRCS

Deadline Passed 11/27/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is announcing the availability of up to $50 million in Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program (VPA-HIP) funding to create or enhance State and Tribal Government programs that encourage owners and operators of privately held farm, ranch, and forest land to voluntarily make that land available for access by the public for hunting, fishing, and other wildlife-dependent recreation. VPA-HIP is a competitive grants program and only State and Tribal Governments may apply. Projects may be up to three years in duration. The maximum amount for a single award is $3 million. Up to 25 percent of the funding for each award may be used to provide incentives to improve wildlife habitat on enrolled public access program lands.

Categories: agriculture, farm, forest, lands

3,000,000- 100,000 National Link
AgrAbility - Assistive Technology Program for Farmers with Disabilities USDA

Last deadline: January 19, 2023. The AgrAbility program increases the likelihood that farmers, ranchers, farm workers and farm family members with disabilities will experience success in agricultural production. The program supports projects between State Cooperative Extension System and private, non-profit disability organizations who work in partnership to provide agricultural education and assistance directed at accommodating disability in farm operations for individuals with disabilities, and their families, who engage in farming and farm-related occupations.

Categories: agriculture, equity, inclusion, social justice, disability services

$150,000 - $180,000 National Link
Oregon Environmental Quality Incentives Program USDA

The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is a voluntary program that provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers to plan and implement conservation practices that improve soil, water, plant, animal, air and related natural resources on agricultural land and non-industrial private forestland. Eligible program participants receive financial and technical assistance to implement conservation practices, or activities like conservation planning, that address natural resource concerns on their land. Payments are made to participants after conservation practices and activities identified in an EQIP plan of operations are implemented. Contracts can last up to ten years in duration.

Categories: agriculture, conservation planning, natural resources

Oregon Link
Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program (2501 Program) USDA

Deadline passed as of July 29, 2016. Deadline for 2017 unknown. The 2501 Program provides funding to eligible organizations for training and technical assistance projects designed to assist socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers and ranchers in owning and operating viable agricultural enterprises. The 2501 Program extends USDA's capacity to work with members of farming and ranching communities by funding projects that enhance the equitable participation of socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers and ranchers in USDA programs. It is OAO's (Office of Advocacy and Outreach) intention to build lasting relationships between USDA, awardee organizations, and socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers and ranchers.

Categories: agricultural, food security, veterans, ranching, environmental justice, technical assistance, business,

Award amounts vary; total program funds $8.4 million. National, Rural Link
Extension Risk Management Education Competitive Grants Program

Most recent deadline: 11/14/2024. The Agricultural Risk Protection Act (ARPA) of 2000, Public Law 106-224 authorized the Secretary of USDA, acting through the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, herein referred to as NIFA, to carry out the program Partnerships for Risk Management Education. Under this authority NIFA partners with four regional Extension Risk Management Education (ERME) Centers to carry out a national competitive grants program in Risk Management Education to educate agricultural producers about the full range of risk management activities. Community-based organizations, higher education institutions and eligible tribal entities can play a critical role with training that provides decision tools, practices and other risk management strategies that producers can adopt to improve their economic viability.

Categories: agricultural, crops, risk management

National Link
Region 6 Indian General Assistance Program Environmental Protection Agency

Deadline: 2/5/2021. EPA provides Indian Environmental General Assistance Program (GAP) financial and technical assistance to tribal governments and intertribal consortia to assist tribes in planning, developing, and establishing the capacity to implement federal environmental programs administered by the EPA and to assist in implementation of tribal solid and hazardous waste programs in accordance with applicable provisions of law, including the Solid Waste Disposal Act (commonly known as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, or RCRA. EPA administers this program in accordance with the statute, applicable federal regulations, including 40 CFR part 35, subpart B, and national guidance, including the Indian Environmental General Assistance Program Guidance on the Award and Management of General Assistance Agreements for Tribes and Intertribal Consortia (2013; hereafter GAP Guidance).

Categories: administrative, financial management, information management, environmental baseline needs assessment, public education/communication, legal, ambient air quality, water quality, managing waste

No more than $115,000 Southwest Link
Individual Water & Wastewater Grants USDA

Applications accepted continuously. The purpose of this grant is to provide water and waste disposal facilities and services to low income rural communities whose residents face significant health risks. Every effort is made to identify and fund the neediest projects. This program is only eligible in states with Colonias, and those are Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas.

Categories: Adaptation, Water, Health, Natural Resources

Generally, applicants are expected to borrow as much as they can afford to repay, as in the regular loan program. However, water and waste disposal systems can obtain up to 100 percent grants to construct basic drinking water, sanitary sewer, solid waste disposal and storm drainage to serve the residents. Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas Link
Social and Economic Development Strategies for Native Americans ANA, DHS

Deadline passed as of June 22, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. ANA promotes social and economic self-sufficiency in communities through SEDS grants. These competitive financial assistance grants support locally determined projects designed to reduce or eliminate community problems and achieve community goals. This approach to promoting self-sufficiency encourages communities to shift away from programs that result in dependency on services and move toward projects that increase community and individual productivity through community development. SEDS grants fund social and economic development projects in on- and off-reservation native communities and provide federal support for self-determination and self-governance among Native American people. ANA also provides technical assistance through contractors who will help potential applicants with the planning and program development needed for a successful proposal. See the ANA website for a listing of technical assistance providers in your region.

Categories: Adaptation, Research, social justice, economic, infrastructure, management, sovereignty, self-determination

Individuals awards between $50,000 and $375,000 Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Pacific Islands/Hawaii Link
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Programs FEMA

Recent Deadline: 1/29/2021. FEMA's hazard mitigation assistance provides funding for eligible mitigation measures that reduce disaster losses. Mitigation planning breaks the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction and repeated damage. Hazard mitigation includes long-term solutions that reduce the impact of disasters in the future. FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance has five grant programs. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). Assists in implementing long-term hazard mitigation planning and projects following a Presidential major disaster declaration.Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program. Provides funds for planning and projects to reduce or eliminate risk of flood damage to buildings that are insured annually under the National Flood Insurance Program.Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Program. Provides funds annually for hazard mitigation planning and projects.HMGP Post Fire Grant. Assistance available to help communities implement hazard mitigation measures after wildfire disasters.Building Resilient Infastructure and Communities (BRIC). Support for states, local communities, tribes and territories as they undertake hazard mitigation projects, reducing the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards.

Categories: Adaptation, Research, Mitigation, Water, Disaster, Emergency Management, Land, Fire, Flood

Varies Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
Region 10 Indian Environmental General Assistance Program EPA

Recent Deadline: 1/29/2021 EPA provides GAP financial and technical assistance to tribal governments and intertribal consortia to assist tribes in planning, developing, and establishing the capacity to implement federal environmental programs administered by the EPA and to assist in implementation of tribal solid and hazardous waste programs in accordance with applicable provisions of law, including the Solid Waste Disposal Act (commonly known as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, or RCRA). As described in the GAP Guiding Principles, this support promotes tribal government efforts to develop core environmental program capacities (administrative, financial management, information management, environmental baseline needs assessment, public education/communication, legal, and technical/analytical) and baseline capacities for media-specific programs (e.g., ambient air quality, water quality, managing waste, and other EPA-administered statutory programs).

Categories: Adaptation, Regulatory, Environmental Justice, Natural Resources, Conservation, Health

$75,000 - $125,000 per year. Tribes with large reservations may request a higher level of funding. Northwest, Alaska Link
Region 9 Indian Environmental General Assistance Program EPA

Most recent deadline: 1/14/2021. EPA provides GAP financial and technical assistance to tribal governments and intertribal consortia to assist tribes in planning, developing, and establishing the capacity to implement federal environmental programs administered by the EPA and to assist in implementation of tribal solid and hazardous waste programs in accordance with applicable provisions of law, including the Solid Waste Disposal Act (commonly known as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, or RCRA). As described in the GAP Guiding Principles, this support promotes tribal government efforts to develop core environmental program capacities (administrative, financial management, information management, environmental baseline needs assessment, public education/communication, legal, and technical/analytical) and baseline capacities for media-specific programs (e.g., ambient air quality, water quality, managing waste, and other EPA-administered statutory programs).

Categories: Adaptation, Regulatory, Environmental Justice, Natural Resources, Conservation, Health

$75,000 for first-time applicants. Total Funding will be determined after EPA receives its full budget from Congress. Pacific Southwest Link
Climate Action Champions Competition

FY 2016 funding status unknown. The Obama Administration is committed to taking decisive action to combat climate change. Today, the Administration announced a new Climate Action Champions competition that will identify, showcase, and invest in up to 15 local and tribal governments across the country that demonstrate an ongoing commitment to cutting carbon pollution and preparing for the impacts of a changing climate. The competition will be administered by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and will be implemented in collaboration with a broad range of Federal agencies.The Climate Action Champions’ dual focus on both mitigation of greenhouse gas pollution and building resilience to climate impacts at the local level makes this competition unique.

Categories: Adaptation, Mitigation, Implementation

Non-monetary--see application for details Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Alaska, National Link
NOAA Sea Grant Coastal Community Climate Adaptation Initiative 2013 NOAA, DOC

This climate adaptation initiative is designed to support action to prepare for the current and predicted impacts of climate variability and change on America's coastal communities. Applications to this competition must propose projects that identify and address the vulnerabilities a coastal community may face in adapting to climate change. Projects must be carried out in active partnership with local (county or municipal) leadership, and should include cooperation with relevant state, NOAA, and other Federal agencies, or other organizations, as appropriate.

Categories: Adaptation, Mitigation, Conservation, Coastal

Individual awards of up to $100,000 Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, Northeast, National, Alaska, Coastal Link
Social and Economic Development Strategies for Alaska ANA

Deadline passed as of June 22, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. The Administration for Native Americans (ANA), within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), announces the availability of Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 funds for new community-based projects under the ANA Social and Economic Development Strategies for Alaska-SEDS-AK. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is focused on community-driven projects designed to grow local economies, strengthen Alaskan Native families, including the preservation of Alaskan Native American cultures, and decrease the high rate of current challenges caused by the lack of community-based businesses, and social and economic infrastructure in Alaskan Native communities.

Categories: adaptation, infrastructure, economic, planning, policy, management, social justice, community development

Varies. Alaska Link
Grants for Rural and Native Alaskan Villages USDA 12/31/2025

Applications accepted continuously. Meant to fund water and waste disposal systems in rural Alaskan Villages. Funds must be used for development and construction of water and wastewater systems to correct dire health and sanitation conditions in those villages. Many communities in remote rural Alaska, where villages are accessible by plane or boat only, are essentially inaccessible during the long, hard winters. They lag far behind the lower 48 States in having safe and dependable drinking water and suitable waste disposal systems available. Construction costs are extremely high. This is due in part to the severe weather conditions, which makes laying pipe difficult, if not impossible. These conditions also require the use of insulated pipe, or in areas of permafrost, above ground utilidors, often with heat traced insulated pipe. The vast distances from the transportation hub of Anchorage to a village increases costs substantially as the material must be delivered by barge or air.

Categories: Adaptation, Emergency Management, Water, Health, Natural Resources

The maximum grant is 75 percent of the project cost. Alaska, Coastal Link
Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Opportunity to Advance Resilience (SOAR) Fund Program EPA

Most Recent Deadline: June 7, 2024 – The Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Opportunity to Advance Resilience (SOAR) Fund is an EPA New England program designed to improve climate resiliency in disadvantaged communities throughout southeast New England. With funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the EPA program will invest at least $5 million in SNEP disadvantaged communities by 2027. This Request for Proposal (RFP) represents the second round of funding for a total investment of over $2.5 million to date.

Categories: adaptation and resilience (1230)

The EPA program will invest at least $5 million in SNEP disadvantaged communities by 2027. This Request for Proposal (RFP) represents the second round of funding for a total investment of over $2.5 million to date EPA region 4; South; Southeast Link
Climate Solutions University NGO

Applications accepted throughout the year. CSU aids local rural communities, connected through a peer learning network, by offering training, expertise, and support in climate adaptation planning. Through this training, expertise, and support, CSU strengthens local leadership, public engagement, and ecosystem protection efforts in rural communities.

Categories: Adaptation

Each participating community receives $100K in training, mentoring, and access to tools/resources Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
Strategies for Responsibly Reporting Back Environmental Health and Non-Genomic Research Results NIEHS, NIH, NHGRI

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: June 15, 2023. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), the NIH Office of Science Policy (OSP), the All of Us Research Program, and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), have announced this new funding opportunity. Desirable applications will identify, develop and/or adapt, as well as test strategies for responsibly reporting back environmental health, non-genomic research, and gene-environment interaction (GxE) results to research participants and/or key partners.Key objectives include:Advance the science of responsible report-back of environmental health research and other non-genomic research results to establish best practices/guidelines through research and evaluation.Identify preferences, perceived risks and benefits, barriers and facilitators related to responsibly reporting back research results. Use these new insights to inform the evolving practice of Report-back of Research Results.Recognize the role of Report-back of Research Results in reducing health disparities and advancing health equity.

Categories: #EnvironmentalHealth, #ClimateResilience, environmental health, climate resilience, research, community health

Application budgets are limited to $250K direct costs per year. The maximum project period is 4 years. National Link