The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project. For more information, visit: If you would like to add to or amend information included in this guide, please complete this Google Form. If you have additions or suggestions for this website, please email



The Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide is intended to provide up-to-date information on grants, programs and plans that may assist tribes in addressing climate change through a broad range of sectors. We will update this guide regularly, so please check back often. If you have questions or updates for this guide, email: Please note that for entries that are accepting applications continuously, the grant deadline column will list "12/31/2024" as the grant deadline. This ensures that those grants will appear immediately after those grants with a set deadline.

Title Organization Grant Deadline Description Funding Amount Sort ascending Geography Website
Climate Commitment Act Tribal Consultation Capacity Grant Program State of Washington Department of Ecology

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: July 18, 2023. This is a non-competitive grant program to support Tribes to engage in the consultation process on spending decisions from accounts created in the Climate Commitment Act (CCA). Funds will be distributed equally among all tribes with accepted applications. The Legislature appropriated $16 million for the 2023-2025 biennium. $4 million will be made available during this application window. The remaining $12 million will be distributed in fall 2023, via a distribution method  being developed by the Governor’s Office of Indian Affairs (GOIA).

Categories: non-competitive, consultation, assistance, Washington Climate Commitment Act

Varies ‎Washington State Link
Climate Commitment Act Tribal Carbon Offset Assistance Grants State of Washington Department of Ecology

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: July 18, 2023. This is a competitive grant program for Tribes to design, assess the feasibility of, and implement carbon offset projects within Washington State. These funds are intended to increase the number of offset projects developed on tribal land within the state. Up to $5,000,000 is available for the 2023-2025 biennium. Per the CCA, offsets can make up 8% of compliance obligation through 2026. Of that 3% must be on tribal lands. After that it is reduced to 6% and 2%, respectively, through 2030.

Categories: Washington Climate Commitment Act, assessment, carbon offset

Varies Washington state Link
Wetland Reserve Easements U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service 1/1/2025

Funding Available: Natural Resources Conservation Service offers technical & financial assistance to help farmers, ranchers and forest landowners. Land eligible includes privately held wetlands that were previously degraded due to agricultural uses and can be restored. 

Types of Projects: To enroll land through wetland reserve easements, NRCS enters into purchase agreements with eligible private landowners or Indian tribes that include the right for NRCS to develop and implement a Wetland Reserve Plan of Operations (WRPO).

Wetland Reserve enrollment options include:

  • Permanent Easements – Permanent easements are conservation easements in perpetuity. NRCS pays 100 percent of the easement value for the purchase of the easement. Additionally, NRCS pays between 75 to 100 percent of the restoration costs.
  • 30-year Easements – 30-year easements expire after 30 years. Under 30-year easements, NRCS pays 50 to 75 percent of the easement value for the purchase of the easement. Additionally, NRCS pays between 50 to 75 percent of the restoration costs.  
  • Term Easements - Term easements are easements that are for the maximum duration allowed under applicable State laws. NRCS pays 50 to 75 percent of the easement value for the purchase of the term easement. Additionally, NRCS pays between 50 to 75 percent of the restoration costs.
  • 30-year Contracts – 30-year contracts are only available to enroll acreage owned by Indian tribes and program payment rates are commensurate with 30-year easements.

Categories: Easement

Varies National Link
Cooperative Landscape Conservation and Adaptive Science Funding Opportunity FWS, DOI

USFWS uses a science-based, adaptive framework for setting and achieving cross-program conservation objectives that strategically address the
problems fish and wildlife will face in the future. This framework, called Strategic Habitat Conservation, is based on the principles of adaptive management and uses population and habitat data, ecological models, and focused monitoring and assessment efforts to develop and implement strategies that result in measurable fish and wildlife population outcomes. In addition, by leveraging resources and strategically targeting science to inform conservation decisions and actions, Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCC) are being established to create a network of partners working in unison to ensure the sustainability of America's land, water, wildlife and cultural resources.

Categories: Conservation, Management

Vairies; $16,000,000 in total funding Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Midwest Link
North American Partnership for Environmental Community Action (NAPECA) Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: January 18, 2024. This NAPECA grant cycle aims to support climate adaptation in North America by engaging and empowering communities, particularly Indigenous and local communities, in applying Indigenous Knowledge to strengthen community-based resilience to climate change. The CEC is calling for proposals from organizations to support environmental initiatives that will help North American communities enhance climate adaptation by working with Indigenous Peoples and local communities to recognize, apply, and protect traditional and Indigenous knowledge systems.Project examples include: participatory science and community research, conducting outreach or education, sharing good practices, capacity building and training environmental and community leaders, engaging youth and elders in environmental and knowledge transmission activities, supporting community discussions on climate change adaptation, vulnerability and risk assessment of climate change impacts, development of hazard maps, emergency and adaptation plans, development of tools to support climate change adaptation planning, and implementing small-scale adaptation options, such as planting native vegetation to support water retention, installing backflow water valves to reduce flooding, or practicing cultural burning and other solutions to reduce the risk to infrastructure from wildfire.

Categories: TEK, IK, adaptation planning, vulnerability assessment, community, culture, risk assessment, hazard mitigation

Up to C$185,000 North America Link
Integrating Human Health and Well-Being with Ecosystem Services EPA, Sustainable and Healthy Communities (SHC) Research Program

Unknown for 2017. Specifically, this research examines how communities can integrate ecosystem services with human health and well-being to inform their decision making and management practices. This RFA aims to develop information that allows communities to integrate environmental, societal and economic information and to better manage multiple stressors and their cumulative impacts on humans and ecosystems. The ultimate goal is to help communities achieve their own objectives while taking advantage of more relevant and accessible information about ecosystem services.

Categories: Community Development, Community Resilience, Climate Resilience, Public Health, Management, Ecosystem Services.

Up to a total of $600,000 for regular awards and $400,000 for early-career awards, including direct and indirect costs, with a maximum duration of three years. National. Link
Drivers and Environmental Impacts of Energy Transitions in Underserved Communities EPA

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 28, 2022. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is seeking applications proposing community-engaged research that will address the drivers and environmental impacts of energy transitions in underserved communities. For purposes of this competition and the evaluation of applications, “underserved communities” refers to populations sharing a particular characteristic, as well as geographic communities, that have been systematically denied a full opportunity to participate in aspects of economic, social, and civic life, including people of color, low income, rural, tribal, indigenous, and other populations that may be disproportionately impacted by environmental harms and risks. Learn more and apply here.

Categories: Energy transitions, community-engaged research, underserved communities, environmental justice

Up to a total of $1,125,000 per regular award, and up to a total of $650,000 per early career award, including direct and indirect costs, with a maximum duration of four years. National Link
FY 2018 Fire Prevention and Safety Department of Homeland Security

Deadline Passed 12/21/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019. The purpose of the FP&S Grant Program is to enhance the safety of the public and firefighters with respect to fire and fire-related hazards by assisting fire prevention programs and supporting firefighter health and safety research and development. The objective of the FY 2018 FP&S Grant Program is for grantees to carry out fire prevention education and training, fire code enforcement, fire/arson investigation, firefighter safety and health programming, prevention efforts, and research and development.

Categories: fire prevention, safety, public health, research and development, training, hazards

up to 23,000 National Link
Hazardous Waste Management Grant Program for Tribes EPA

Deadline Passed 08/01/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications from federally-recognized tribes or intertribal consortia for the development and implementation of hazardous waste programs and for building capacity to address hazardous waste management in Indian country.  In accordance with the EPA Indian Policy of 1984, EPA recognizes tribal governments as the primary parties for managing programs for reservations.To maximize the benefits to tribes from the limited funding to support the Hazardous Waste Management Grant Program for Tribes, EPA has reassessed the criteria used to evaluate Applications submitted for funding through this grant program beginning in FY 2015.  The goal of this effort is to provide technical assistance to a greater number of tribes for activities that involve hazardous waste management on tribal lands.

Categories: Hazardous Waste Management

up to $98,000 Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Midwest Link
Higher Education Multicultural Scholars Program (MSP) USDA, NIFA

Deadline Passed 06/20/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019. The purpose of this competitive undergraduate scholarship grant program is to increase the multicultural diversity of the food and agricultural scientific and professional workforce, and advance the educational achievement of all Americans by providing competitive grants to colleges and universities.

Categories: diversity, food and agriculture, higher education

up to $945,000 National Link
The FY 2022 Assistance to Firefighter Grants (AFG) FEMA

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: February 10, 2023. The purpose of the AFG Program is to enhance the safety of the public and firefighters with respect to fire and fire-related hazards. The program provides direct financial assistance to eligible fire departments, nonaffiliated emergency medical service (EMS) organizations, and State Fire Training Academies (SFTA). The funds provide critically needed resources that equip and train emergency personnel to recognized standards, enhance operational efficiencies, foster interoperability, and support community resilience.Since 2001, AFG has helped firefighters and other first responders obtain critically needed equipment, protective gear, emergency vehicles, training and other resources necessary for protecting the public and emergency personnel from fire and related hazards.In awarding grants, the Administrator of FEMA is required to consider the following:The findings and recommendations of the Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP).The degree to which an award will reduce deaths, injuries, and property damage by reducing the risks associated with fire related and other hazards.The extent of an applicant’s need for an AFG grant and the need to protect the United States as a whole.The number of calls requesting or requiring a firefighting or emergency medical response received by an applicant.

Categories: fire-related hazards, emergency preparedness, public safety, firefighters

up to $9,000,000 National Link
Systems-Based Research for Evaluating Ecological Impacts of Manufactured Chemicals EPA

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR), and Chemical Safety for Sustainability (CSS) research programs is funding grants with the goal of applying systems-based approaches for identifying, addressing, and reducing uncertainties from limited exposure data and stressor-response relationships.EPA is seeking applications focusing on integrated, transdisciplinary research that would advance scientific understanding of potential for impacts to ecosystem wellbeing associated with the use of manufactured chemicals.Specifically, the RFA solicits proposals for systems-based research to develop and apply innovative metrics and modeling approaches to improve evaluation of ecological resilience and impact analyses, and to support environmental sustainability. Successful proposals will translate emerging and advanced methods, data, and computational tools to address complexity of these systems and distill drivers of adverse outcomes to ecological organisms and populations.

Categories: Research, Chemical Pollution

Up to $800,000 Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Alaska, National Link
Tribal and Insular Area Grants: Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) EPA

Most Recent Deadline: 7/09/2021. EPA anticipates awarding approximately $5 million in DERA funding under this announcement. A total of $4.5 million will be made available to tribal governments (or intertribal consortia) and Alaska Native villages, and $500,000 will be made available to insular area governments. EPA anticipates awarding five to ten cooperative agreements to tribal governments (or intertribal consortia) and Alaska Native villages and two to four cooperative agreements to insular area governments. This year's Request for Applications (RFA) has no mandatory cost share requirement and sets funding limits to $800,000 for tribal applicants and $250,000 for insular area applicants. Each applicant may submit up to two applications. Although funding for both tribes and insular areas is planned under this single RFA, the applications will be competed separately.  Tribal applications will be reviewed, ranked and selected by one review panel, and insular area applications will be reviewed, ranked and selected by a separate review panel. EPA's ten regional offices will manage awards. The number and size of cooperative agreements made under this announcement are subject to the availability of funds, the quality of applications received, and other considerations. 

Categories: Emissions Reduction, Mitigation, Energy efficiency

up to $800,000 Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Midwest Link
Fiscal Year 2018 National Sea Grant College Program Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship NOAA

Deadline passed as of April 7, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. The Sea Grant Act includes a legislative mandate to provide an educational experience in the policies and processes of the Legislative and Executive Branches of the Federal Government for students enrolled in graduate or professional programs that have an interest in ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources.

Categories: conservation, coastal, community, climate change, marine, health, ecosystem, student, graduate, funding

Up to $80,000. National Link
Human and Ecological Health Impacts Associated with Water Reuse and Conservation Practices (USEPA) EPA

The US Environmental Protection Agency, as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is seeking applications to conduct research on and demonstration of human and ecological impacts of treated wastewater applications (reclaimed water and wastewater reuse), and water conservation practices including the use of non-traditional water sources as well as more comprehensive long-term management and availability of water resources.

Categories: Resesarch, Wastewater, water quality, Water Conservation

Up to $750,000 Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
Partners for Fish and Wildlife FWS

Applications Due: September 30, 2022. The Partners for Fish and Wildlife (PFW) Program is a voluntary, incentive-based program that provides direct technical assistance and financial assistance in the form of cooperative and grant agreements to private landowners to restore and conserve fish and wildlife habitat for the benefit of federal trust resources. The PFW Program is delivered through more than 250 full-time staff, active in all 50 States and territories. Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program staff coordinate with project partners, stakeholders and other Service programs to identify geographic focus areas and develop habitat conservation priorities within these focus areas. Apply here.

Categories: conservation, management, restoration, rehabilitation, development

up to $750,000 United States, National Link
Colorado Conservation Innovation Grant NCRS

Deadline passed as of June 2, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. The purpose of CIG is to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies, while leveraging the Federal investment in environmental enhancement and protection in conjunction with agricultural production. CIG projects are expected to lead to the transfer of conservation technologies, management systems, and innovative approaches (such as market-based systems) into NRCS technical manuals and guides or to the private sector. CIG is used to apply or demonstrate previously proven technology in order to increase adoption with an emphasis on opportunities to scale proven, emerging conservation strategies. CIG promotes sharing of skills, knowledge, technologies, and facilities among communities, governments, and other institutions to ensure that scientific and technological developments are accessible to a wider range of users. CIG funds projects targeting innovative on-the-ground conservation, including pilot projects and field demonstrations.

Categories: climate change, sustainability, conservation, management, prevention, restoration

Up to $75,000. Colorado Link
Native American Agriculture Fund 2019 RFA NAAF

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: 5/25/2021. NAAF’s mission, as a private charitable trust created for educational and charitable purposes, is to support Native American farmers and ranchers and promote their continued engagement in agriculture. NAAF was created after conclusion of the lengthy Keepseagle v. Vilsack litigation and was designed for the purpose of addressing four areas important to the success of Native farmers and ranchers:  business assistance, agricultural education, technical support and advocacy.

Categories: agriculture, Native Farmers, Native Ranchers, business assistance, agricultural education, technical support, advocacy

up to $75,000 National Link
NOAA National Sea Grant College Program 2018 NOAA

Deadline Passed as of 3/2/2018. Deadline for 2019 Unknown. As part of the NAI, this competition is designed to foster the expansion of a sustainable U.S. ocean, coastal and Great Lakes aquaculture sector by addressing one or more of the following priorities: (a) supporting the development of emerging systems or technologies that will advance aquaculture in the U.S., including projects that will help stimulate aquaculture production by nascent industries; (b) developing and implementing actionable methods of communicating accurate, science based messages and information about the benefits and risks of U.S. marine and Great Lakes aquaculture to the public; and (c) increasing the resiliency of aquaculture systems to natural hazards and changing conditions. Successful applications must describe projects that clearly address major constraints, barriers or hurdles limiting aquaculture production in the U.S.

Categories: coasts, great lakes, aquaculture, sustainability, resiliency, technology

Up to $75,000 West Coast, East Coast, Great Lakes area Link
FY24 NIDIS Tribal Drought Resilience with Inflation Reduction Act Support NOAA, NIDIS

Most Recent Deadline: February 15, 2024. This funding opportunity was made available through funds appropriated to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) by the Inflation Reduction Act. Awards made under this opportunity will enable tribal nations to address current and future drought and climate risk on tribal lands across the West by improving decision support and building drought resilience in a changing climate as authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act, P.L. 117-169, Section 40001. This Notice of Funding Opportunity will support the implementation of activities that address current and future drought risk on tribal lands across the West in the context of a changing climate. These activities could include, but are not limited to: conducting drought vulnerability assessments, developing drought plans and communication plans, identifying primary drought impacts, optimal drought indicators and/or triggers and improving drought monitoring; developing drought dashboards with relevant drought tools and information and demonstrating the application of drought data and information to enhance decision-making.

Categories: drought, research, impacts, tribal resilience, IRA

Up to $700,000 Western U.S. Link
Regional Initiative to Accelerate CCUS Deployment DOE

Deadline Passed 06/03/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. The primary objective of this Funding Opportunity Announcement is to award projects that identify and address onshore regional storage and transport challenges facing commercial deployment of Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS). Projects will focus on Addressing Key Technical Challenges; Facilitate Data Collection, Sharing, and Analysis; Evaluate Regional Infrastructure; and Promote Regional Technology Transfer.

Categories: carbon storage, utilization, energy, storage, data collection, infrastructure, technology

up to $7,000,000 Link
Coastal Zone Management Habitat Protection & Restoration Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding Program Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development

Most recent deadline: July 17, 2024. The Oregon Coastal Management Program (OCMP) at Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) is pleased to announce a new National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) funding opportunity designed to build a Climate Ready Nation under the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)) and available only through coastal management programs. The objective of this initiative is to increase resilience through landscape-scale habitat restoration and conservation in coastal ecosystems nationwide and promote coastal resilience in underserved coastal communities as well as those most vulnerable to climate impacts.

These funds will be awarded through a competitive process to support coastal habitat restoration and conservation. The restoration and conservation of ecologically significant ecosystems such as wetlands, headlands, and natural shoreline will help reduce the impacts of coastal hazards, including flooding and climate change, to property, infrastructure and cultural resources, and at the same time provide economic and social benefits to coastal communities.

Funding for this initiative is expected to be at least $207 million over 5 years for Coastal Zone Management Programs.

Categories: coastal restoration, implementation, habitat restoration, land acquisition, conservation

Up to $6M Oregon Link
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Pacific Northwest CESU USGS

Deadline passed 4/16/2019. Deadline 2020 unknown.The US Geological Survey is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU Partner for research on the Oregon Spotted Frog. The overarching objective is to provide high-quality demographic information for use by management agencies and other interested parties and to assess management actions. Specific questions are 1) how does seasonal survival of frogs relate to changes in water level; 2) what is population growth rate following pond creation; 3) what are positive and negative effects of beaver on frogs (for use as a restoration tool); 4) What is the range of individual survival for this species in the wild; and 5) what are the positive and negative effects of bullfrog removal on this species?

Categories: Oregon Spotted Frog, management actions, planning, water levels, beavers, habitat restoration, species management

up to $66,000 Oregon Link
Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program DOI, BOR

Deadline Passed as of 2/23/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019.The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (GCDAMP) was established for the long-term preservation and management of the cultural and natural resources of the Grand Canyon in accordance with the Grand Canyon Protection Act of 1992 (GCPA) and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (NHPA). Reclamation has determined that its operation of Glen Canyon Dam under the 2016 Record of Decision for the Glen Canyon Dam Long-Term Experimental and Management Plan is an undertaking (36 CFR 88.16y) that might result in changes to the character of downstream historic properties. To facilitate compliance, a Programmatic Agreement (PA) was entered into by Reclamation, the Western Region and Rocky Mountain Region of the National Park Service (NPS), the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the Arizona State Historic Preservation Officer, the Hopi Tribe, the Hualapai Tribe, the Navajo Nation, the Zuni Pueblo, and the Paiute Consortium. The GCDAMP, GCPA, NHPA, and PA all contain language mandating consultation with concerned Native American Tribes, for the identification, evaluation, and treatment of historic properties of significance to these Native American Tribes. The Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians’ participated in this process to identify, evaluate, monitor, and equally participate in the long-term management of all historic properties, sacred areas, and locations of traditional Paiute cultural use that are within the area affected by the operations of Glen Canyon Dam. The Tribe's participation in the GCDAMP is essential to ensuring that the tribal values are represented at the various program functions and to ensure effective government-to-government consultation on federal undertakings that may affect resources important to the Tribe. Funding Opportunity #: BOR-UC-18-N007

Categories: grand canyon, adaptation, preservation, cultural resources, natural resources, reclamation, evaluation, monitoring

Up to $625,000 Arizona, Utah, Nevada Link
FY20 Guidelines for Brownfield Assessment Grants EPA

Deadline Passed 12/03/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), as amended by the Brownfields Utilization, Investment, and Local Development (BUILD) Act (P.L. 115-141), requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to publish guidance for grants to assess and clean up brownfield sites. EPA’s Brownfields Program provides funds to empower states, communities, tribes, and nonprofit organizations to prevent, inventory, assess, clean up, and reuse brownfield sites. This guidance provides information on applying for Assessment Grants.

Categories: Health

up to $600,000 Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National Link
Funding Opportunity for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure State of Washington, Department of Ecology

Deadline Passed 02/04/2020. Deadline Unknown for 2021. The Washington Department of Ecology will open a grant opportunity to install or upgrade existing publicly available direct current fast chargers (DCFC) along high-traffic transportation corridors. Preliminary information on eligibility and minimum criteria is available to provide applicants sufficient time to prepare this funding opportunity. Additional detail, including scoring criteria and process, will be available in the grant guidelines when the funding opportunity opens on December 3, 2019.

Categories: Electric vehicles, transportation, installation, charging stations

up to $600,000 Washington state Link
International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) and UN Environment Grants Programme 2017 International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), United Nations

Deadline passed as of September 15, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. The ICRI/UN Environment Grants Programme is designed to encourage projects that demonstrate and catalyze enhanced protection and management of coral reefs and related ecosystems, in particular by promoting resilience of ecosystems, dependent people and economic sectors. Innovative and replicable projects will be favourably considered.

Categories: coral reefs, ocean acidification, marine ecology, marine biology, conservation, climate change, adaptation, mitigation

Up to $60,000. Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, International Link
Urban Waters Small Grants EPA

EPA’s Urban Waters Program helps local residents and their organizations, particularly those in underserved communities, restore their urban waters in ways that also benefit community and economic revitalization. One of the ways the Urban Waters Program is accomplishing this mission is through the Urban Waters Small Grants Program. This program recognizes that healthy and accessible urban waters can help grow local businesses and enhance educational, recreational, social, and employment opportunities in nearby communities.

Categories: Water, urban communities, community revitalization

Up to $60,000 per award Unknown Link
Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) DOI, BLM, JFSP, NIFC

Deadline Passed 12/04/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. The Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) is a partnership of six federal wildland fire management and research agencies that have a shared need to address problems associated with managing wildland fuels, fires, and fire-impacted ecosystems.

Categories: land management, wildland fire, wildfire management, research, stakeholders, collaboration

up to $504,000 National Link
FY17 WIC Special Project Grants Full Mini DOA- Food and Nutrition Service

Deadline passed as of September 11, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. The purpose of the fiscal year (FY) 2017 WIC Special Project Grants is to help WIC State Agencies develop, implement, and evaluate new or innovative methods of service to meet the changing needs of WIC participants, with special attention to the improved delivery of program services and demonstrate national or regional significance.

Categories: food, nutrition, food security, food assistance, community health, wellness, diet, WIC,

Up to $500,000. National, United States Link