The Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide is intended to provide up-to-date information on grants, programs and plans that may assist tribes in addressing climate change through a broad range of sectors. We will update this guide regularly, so please check back often. If you have questions or updates for this guide, email: Please note that for entries that are accepting applications continuously, the grant deadline column will list "12/31/2024" as the grant deadline. This ensures that those grants will appear immediately after those grants with a set deadline.
Title | Organization | Grant Deadline | Description | Funding Amount Sort descending | Geography | Website |
Emergency Watershed Program State Contacts | USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service | The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) administers the Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWPP) which responds to emergencies created by natural disasters. It is not necessary for a national emergency to be declared for an area to be eligible for assistance. The EWP Program is a recovery effort aimed at relieving imminent hazards to life and property caused by floods, fires, windstorms, and other natural disasters. All projects must have a project sponsor. NRCS may bear up to 75 percent of the eligible construction cost of emergency measures (90 percent within limited-resource areas as identified by the U.S. Census data). The remaining costs must come from local sources and can be in the form of cash or in-kind services Categories: Watershed, Emergency Management |
NRCS completes a Damage Survey Report which provides a site-bysite investigation of the work and measures necessary to protect life and property from additional flooding and soil erosion. NRCS will only provide funding for work that is necessary to reduce applicable threats. Should sponsors want to increase the level of protection, the sponsor will be responsible for paying 100 percent of the costs of the upgrade and additional work |
National | Link | |
Network for Landscape Conservation Catalyst Fund | Network for Landscape Conservation | Deadline: April 26, 2024. The Network for Landscape Conservation is pleased to share the 2024 Request for Proposals for the Catalyst Fund, which is made possible through the generous support of the Doris Duke Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The Catalyst Fund strives to accelerate the pace and practice of collaborative landscape conservation and stewardship across the United States by investing in Landscape Partnerships. The Fund couples financial support (through a competitive grant program) with capacity building support (through in-depth Peer Learning) to catalyze Partnership efforts to achieve long-term conservation and stewardship goals. A portion of the Fund is reserved specifically to advance Tribal-led Partnerships. For more information, visit: Categories: Landscape conservation, collaboration, capacity-building |
Partnerships may request a one or two-year grant of up to $25,000 | National | Link | |
Local Food Promotion Program | USDA, AMS | Deadline Passed for 2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019. The Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP) offers grant funds with a 25% match to support the development and expansion of local and regional food business enterprises to increase domestic consumption of, and access to, locally and regionally produced agricultural products, and to develop new market opportunities for farm and ranch operations serving local markets. There are two types of project applications: planning grants and implementation grants. LFPP Planning Grants are used in the planning stages of establishing or expanding a local and regional food business enterprise. LFPP Implementation Grants are used to establish a new local and regional food business enterprise, or to improve or expand an existing local or regional food business enterprise. Categories: food security, local foods, agriculture, farm and ranch operations, development, food business enterprise |
Planning grants: $25,000 - $100,000 Implementation grants: $100,000 - $500,000 | National | Link | |
Russell Family Foundation | NGO | The Russell Family Foundation aims to protect and restore Puget Sound by supporting an environmental education program. They support organizations that provide opportunities for outdoor environmental education experiences throughout Puget Sound. These organizations deliver outdoor experiential learning to students in 5th through 12th grade who live in urbanized areas. Categories: Restoration, Conservation |
Previous round of awards were ~$43,000 | Puget Sound, Washington, Northwest | Link | |
Innovative Public Transportation Workforce Development Program (US Dept of Transportation) | US DOT | DOT is making available funding to develop innovative programs and activities in public transportation that address the human resources needs of public transportation operators, as well as build pathways to long-term careers in the public transportation industry. DOT is giving additional consideration to proposals that advance training related to maintenance of alternative energy, energy efficiency, or zero emission vehicles and facilities used in public transportation, as well as submissions that are geographically diverse, target areas with high rates of unemployment, and address current or projected workforce shortages in areas that require technical expertise. Categories: Infrastructure, Planning, career building, Research |
Program awards generally range between $200,000 to $1,000,000 | National | Link | |
Lake Pontchartrain Basin Restoration Program | US EPA | Most Recent Deadline: May 31, 2024. The University of New Orleans Research and Technology Foundation (UNORTF) seeks written proposals for restoration projects and related scientific and public education projects for the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Restoration Program (PRP). This funding opportunity is made through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 and the FY22 Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act. Categories: restoration |
Projects costs may range between $350,000 and $1,500,000. *Some projects may be outside the recommended range and may be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. |
Louisiana | Link | |
Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program | Western SARE, Montana State University | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: 05/20/2021.The Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program announces the Call for Pre- proposals for Research & Education grants for 2022. With a Research and Education grant, a researcher and at least three (3) Producers work together to develop a proposal to conduct both research and education on a sustainable agriculture topic. Outreach activities may include on-farm/ranch demonstrations, farmer-to-farmer educational activities, and other approaches to assist producer adoption of sustainable agricultural practices. The goal of this program is to achieve results that can be communicated to producers and professionals; sustain and improve the environmental quality and natural resource base on which agriculture depends; improve the profitability of farmers/ranchers and associated agricultural businesses; and enhance the quality of life for farmers/ranchers in their local communities. Categories: research and education, agriculture, sustainability farming, natural resources, ranching |
Projects may be one to three years in length. Total funds requested may not exceed $350,000 over the entire budget period. | |||
Tribal Climate Adaptation Research Projects Federal Fiscal Year 2021 | Northwest and Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center | Most recent deadline: 12/17/2020. Call for Statements of Interest for Tribal Climate Adaptation Research Projects Federal Fiscal Year 2021. Deadline for Statements of Interest – December 17, 2020. The Northwest and Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Centers (NW CASC, SW CASC) invite statements of interest for tribal climate adaption research projects to be initiated in Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2021. The NW CASC is seeking statements of interest for tribal climate adaptation research projects that focus on the following priorities, as identified and described in the NW CASC Science Agenda for 2018-2023: 1) management of aquatic resources, 2) management of at-risk species and habitats, 3) management of invasive species and diseases, 4) management of forest ecosystems, and 5) human dimensions of climate adaptation. Statements of interest that describe leveraging of existing projects will also be considered. The SW CASC is requesting statements of interest that specifically draw upon the application of traditional methods of ecosystem restoration and natural resource management, with special emphasis on fire in the context of climate change and adaptation. These projects can be used as seed funding in preparation for subsequent calls for proposals or focus on developing a process for implementing traditional practices and/or building bridges between western (conventional) and indigenous practices. Statements of interest that describe leveraging of existing efforts will also be considered. Categories: climate adaption, research, endangered species, invasive species, forests |
Provide estimated budget on proposal. | Northwest, Southwest | Link | |
Alaska Native Social Justice Fund | The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF) | Deadline for 2018 passed 1/5/2018. Deadline for 2019 unknown. The Alaska Community Foundation’s goals for the Alaska Native Social Justice Fund grant cycle are to support strategic collaborations that prioritize leadership development and allow Alaska Native communities to use their own voices to identify and address the social justice issues that are the most important to their communities. These may include, but are not limited to access to and use of traditional resources, overrepresentation in the prison system, under-representation in the political process, and unequal access to education. Categories: social justice, use of traditional resources |
rant awards through this program will range from $5,000 to $20,000 and may be eligible for renewal for an additional year. ACF anticipates awarding 8 to 12 grants. The total 2018 funding available for this program is $140,000. | Alaska | Link | |
Cobell Education Scholarship Fund | Cobell Scholarship | The Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance through scholarships to American Indian and Alaska Native students wishing to pursue post-secondary and graduate education and training. Funded in part by the Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations (Buy-Back Program), the scholarship program is overseen by the Cobell Board of Trustees and administered by Indigenous Education, Inc., a non-profit corporation expressly created to administer the Scholarship Fund. Thus far, approximately $2.2 million has been awarded in graduate and undergraduate scholarships to highly qualified American Indian students. Categories: scholarship, graduate funds, undergraduate funds, post-secondary, land buy-back |
Scholarship awards vary. Nearly $40 million total funding. | National | Link | |
START Renewable Energy Project Development Assistance | DOE, Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs | The DOE Office of Indian Energy is now accepting applications for the third round of the Strategic Technical Assistance Response Team (START) Renewable Energy Project Development Assistance Program to provide Tribes with technical assistance with furthering the development of community- and commercial-scale renewable energy projects. Categories: Renewable energy, Infrastructure |
See application | National, Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, Alaska | Link | |
White House Champions of Change Award Nominations | US White House | Funding unknown for 2017. President Obama has challenged us all to help win the future by out-educating, out-innovating, and out-building our competitors in the 21st century. Know someone who is doing extraordinary things to make a difference in your community? Nominate them to be a Champion of Change. We’ll consider your nominations as we feature people who are bringing about change in their communities on the White House website to share their ideas on how to win the future. Categories: Leadership, Award, Climate Initiatives |
See Description | National | Link | |
National Coastal Resilience Fund | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, NOAA | Most Recent Deadline: July 2, 2024. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) is pleased to announce the 2024 National Coastal Resilience Fund (NCRF) Request for Proposals (RFP). NFWF will make investments in planning, design, and implementation of natural and nature-based solutions. The goal is to enhance protection for coastal communities from the impacts of storms, floods, and other natural coastal hazards and to improve habitats for fish and wildlife. NFWF will award approximately $140 million in grants to create and restore natural systems to increase protection for communities from current and future coastal hazards and improve habitats for fish and wildlife species. The availability of federal funds estimated in this solicitation is contingent upon the federal appropriations process; funding decisions will be made based on level of funding and timing of when it is received by NFWF. Categories: Coasts, resilience, habitat restoration, extreme weather events, mitigation, community preparedness |
see description | Coasts, US, US territories | Link | |
Rural Economic Development Loan & Grant Program | USDA | 12/31/2025 | Rolling Deadline. The Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant program provides funding for rural projects through local utility organizations. USDA provides zero-interest loans to local utilities which they, in turn, pass through to local businesses (ultimate recipients) for projects that will create and retain employment in rural areas. The ultimate recipients repay the lending utility directly. The utility is responsible for repayment to USDA. Categories: Economic Development, Rural Development, Grants and Loans |
See description. | National | Link |
Inflation Reduction Act Forest Landowner Support | Most Recent Deadline for Track B & C: August 21, 2024. The Inflation Reduction Act Forest Landowner Support programming provides financial assistance grants for projects that support underserved and small-acreage forest landowner participation in emerging private markets for climate mitigation and forest resilience. The Inflation Reduction Act provides the Forest Service $450 million for Forest Landowner Support which will be made available through a series of funding opportunities. Bookmark this webpage to stay up to date on current opportunities and deadlines or contact to be added to an email distribution list. Categories: forest landowners, IRA, inflation reduction act |
See description. | National | Link | ||
Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive (FINI) Grant Program | USDA - FNS (Food and Nutrition Service) | The Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive (FINI) Grant Program supports projects to increase the purchase of fruits and vegetables among low-income consumers participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by providing incentives at the point of purchase. There are three categories of projects: (1) FINI Pilot Projects (awards not to exceed a total of $100,000 over one year); (2) Multi-year, community-based FINI Projects (awards not to exceed a total of $500,000 over no more than four years); and (3) Multi-year, FINI Large-Scale Projects (awards of $500,000 or more over no more than four years). Categories: Food, nutrition |
See grant guidance | National | Link | |
Regional Climate Collaboratives Program Grant | California Strategic Growth Council | Most recent deadline: December 6, 2023. The California Strategic Growth Council recently released the Notice of Funding Availability for Round 2 of the Regional Climate Collaboratives (RCC) Program. RCC is a capacity building grant program that funds community-rooted and cross-sectoral partners to develop the processes, plans, and projects that will drive and sustain climate action in their communities. RCC invests in projects that advance the following key Program Objectives: Develop Actionable Plans and Projects, Build Social Infrastructure, Center Community Engagement and Decision Making, and Develop Equity-Centered Processes. Categories: Energy, climate, resilience, environmental justice, underserved communities |
Small grants between $500,000 and $999,999. Large grants between $1M and $1.75M | California | Link | |
Communities LEAP Program | DOE | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: December 17, 2021. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) launched an opportunity announcement for the Local Energy Action Program (Communities LEAP) - an initiative designed to help environmental justice communities and communities with historical ties to fossil fuel industries take direct control of their clean energy future. The Communities LEAP pilot program provides supportive services valued at up to $16 million to help communities develop locally-driven energy plans to more effectively leverage public and private sector resources to reduce local air pollution, increase energy resilience, lower utility costs and energy burdens, and create good-paying jobs. This opportunity is specifically open to low-income, energy-burdened communities (including Tribes) that are also experiencing either direct environmental justice impacts, or direct economic impacts from a shift away from historical reliance on fossil fuels. Tribes must register in order to apply for this opportunity. Categories: Clean energy, technical assistance, environmental justice, resilience, emissions, infrastructure, development |
Technical assistance services valued at up to a total of $16 million | National | Link | |
Strategic Technical Assistance Response Team (START) Program | DOE | The Strategic Technical Assistance Response Team (START) Program is part of the DOE Office of Indian Energy effort to assist in the development of tribal renewable energy projects. Through START, Tribes in the 48 contiguous states and Alaska can apply for and are selected to receive technical assistance from DOE and national laboratory experts to move projects closer to implementation. Categories: Renewable energy, Infrastructure |
technical assistance, not funds, are provided | Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska | Link | |
Marine Mammal Commission Grants | DOC | The Marine Mammal Commission carries out a small research program that supports projects aimed at meeting the conservation and protection goals of the Marine Mammal Protection Act. The Commission’s research program includes all relevant activities including basic and applied research, workshops, literature reviews, compilation of expert opinion, and drafting manuscripts. Categories: Natural Resources, Wildlife, Research, Education, Conservation, Coastal, Water |
The amount of funds available varies from year to year, depending on the level of congressional appropriations. Since it was established in 1972, the Commission has supported more than 1,000 projects. | Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska | Link | |
Clean Water Act Indian Set-Aside Program | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | The purpose of the Clean Water Act Indian Set-Aside (CWISA) Program is to provide funding for wastewater infrastructure to federally recognized tribal governments and Alaska Native Villages. Funds may be used for planning, design and construction Categories: clean water, wastewater, sanitation, Indian Health Service |
The average award amount for individual projects is $300,000. | Pacific Southwest | Link | |
Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Research Opportunities in Environmental Health Sciences (R21) | DHHS, NIH | Deadline passed 09/03/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is intended to support environmental health research in which an unpredictable event provides a limited window of opportunity to collect human biological samples or environmental exposure data. The primary motivation of the FOA is to understand the consequences of natural and man-made disasters or emerging environmental public health threats in the U.S. and abroad. A distinguishing feature of an appropriate study is the need for rapid review and funding (substantially shorter than the typical NIH grant review/award cycle) in order for the research question to be addressed and swiftly implemented. The shortened timeframe will be achieved by more frequent application due dates and expediting peer review, council concurrence and award issuance. The entire cycle, from submission to award, is expected to be within 3-4 months. Categories: environmental health, research, disaster preparedness, environmental exposure, public health |
The combined budget for direct costs for the 2-year project period may not exceed $275,000. No more than $200,000 may be requested in any single year. | National | Link | |
Environmental Sustainability | NSF | Proposals accepted anytime. The goal of the Environmental Sustainability program is to promote sustainable engineered systems that support human well-being and that are also compatible with sustaining natural (environmental) systems. These systems provide ecological services vital for human survival. Research efforts supported by the program typically consider long time horizons and may incorporate contributions from the social sciences and ethics. The program supports engineering research that seeks to balance society's need to provide ecological protection and maintain stable economic conditions. Categories: Environmental Sustainability, Social Sciences Research, Environmental Ethics, Economic Sustainability, Engineering. |
The duration of unsolicited awards is generally one to three years. The typical award size for the program is around $100,000 per year. Proposals requesting a substantially higher amount than this, without prior consultation with the Program Director, may be returned without review. | United States, National | Link | |
Emergency Coastal Resilience Fund | NWF, NOAA | Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: February 3, 2022. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), in coordination with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), announces the 2021 Emergency Coastal Resilience Fund (ECRF) to support projects that increase the resilience of coastal communities impacted by hurricanes and wildfires in 2020 and 2021. The fund supports conservation projects that create and restore natural systems to help protect coastal communities from the impacts of coastal storms, floods, sea-level rise, inundation, coastal erosion, wildfires and associated landslides/debris flows, and enable communities to recover more quickly from these events, all while improving habitats for fish and wildlife species. The ECRF seeks to fund shovel-ready projects to improve wildlife habitat that also improves community resilience and recovery both in and around impacted areas. An Informational webinar will be held December 7, 2021 3-4 p.m., register here. Categories: Coastal communities, resilience, recovery, restoration, hurricanes, wildfires, floods, sea-level rise |
The ECRF will award approximately $24 million in grants in 2022, with no minimum or maximum expected award amount. | National | Link | |
Coastal Ecosystems Climate Resilience | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Most recent deadline: May 1, 2024. This funding opportunity solicits research needed to advance our understanding of the properties and processes important to climate resilience in estuarine and coastal marine ecosystems to better inform coastal ecosystem management strategies Types of Projects: 1) characterize, quantify, and define resilience for coastal ecosystems, especially those that have climate mitigation and adaptation and 2) develop methods to advance economic valuation of resilience benefits of coastal ecosystems. Categories: Coast, Ecosystem, Climate, Resilience, |
The EPA anticipates funding approximately 7 awards under this funding opportunity up to $1,200,000 per award. |
National | Link | |
Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Opportunity to Advance Resilience (SOAR) Fund Program | EPA | Most Recent Deadline: June 7, 2024 – The Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Opportunity to Advance Resilience (SOAR) Fund is an EPA New England program designed to improve climate resiliency in disadvantaged communities throughout southeast New England. With funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the EPA program will invest at least $5 million in SNEP disadvantaged communities by 2027. This Request for Proposal (RFP) represents the second round of funding for a total investment of over $2.5 million to date. Categories: adaptation and resilience (1230) |
The EPA program will invest at least $5 million in SNEP disadvantaged communities by 2027. This Request for Proposal (RFP) represents the second round of funding for a total investment of over $2.5 million to date | EPA region 4; South; Southeast | Link | |
Partners for Places | Partners for Places | A successful matching grant program, Partners for Places creates opportunities for cities and counties in the United States and Canada to improve communities by building partnerships between local government sustainability offices and place-based foundations. Categories: environmentalism, social justice, green space, economy, development, restoration, urban development |
The grant program will provide partnership investments between $25,000 and $75,000 for one year projects, or $50,000 and $150,000 for two year projects. | National, United States | Link | |
Wood Innovations Funding Opportunity | USDA Forest Service | Deadline Passed. Most recent deadline: March 23, 2023. The Wood Innovations Grant Program, launched in 2015, stimulates, expands, and supports U.S. wood products markets and wood energy markets to support the long-term management of National Forest System and other forest lands. National focus areas include mass timber, renewable wood energy, and technological development that supports hazardous fuel reduction and sustainable forest management Read the funding announcement here. Categories: wood energy, wood products, hazardous fuels reduction, forest health, forest management, economic health, environmental health |
The maximum for each award is $300,000. | National | Link | |
Bureau of Indian Affairs Endangered Species Program | Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) | Most recent deadline: January 13, 2023.The Bureau of Indian Affairs has announced plans to provide funding (of up to $150,000 per applicant) in an effort to support restoration, management, and economic development, of “tribal trust resources”, as they are defined in the FOA attachment: "Those natural resources, either on or off Indian lands, retained by, or reserved by or for Indian tribes through treaties, statutes, judicial decisions, and executive orders, which are protected by a fiduciary obligation on the part of the U.S." (BIA, Endangered Species Program, Ranking Criteria and Application Process). As highlighted in the application process, the project proposals are expected to promote tribal revenue, through the utilization of these resources. Therefore, significant effort and concern should be placed in the preservation of important natural and traditional resources. BIA Northwest Region website: Categories: Endangered Species, Tribal Trust Resources, Restoration, Management, Economic Development |
The maximum funding request is $120,000 per application. The funding request cannot include the tribal indirect rate. | Midwest, West, Pacific, Northwest, East, Southeast, Alaska, Southwest, Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, Southern Plains, Navajo, Eastern Oklahoma | Link | |
Grants for Rural and Native Alaskan Villages | USDA | 12/31/2025 | Applications accepted continuously. Meant to fund water and waste disposal systems in rural Alaskan Villages. Funds must be used for development and construction of water and wastewater systems to correct dire health and sanitation conditions in those villages. Many communities in remote rural Alaska, where villages are accessible by plane or boat only, are essentially inaccessible during the long, hard winters. They lag far behind the lower 48 States in having safe and dependable drinking water and suitable waste disposal systems available. Construction costs are extremely high. This is due in part to the severe weather conditions, which makes laying pipe difficult, if not impossible. These conditions also require the use of insulated pipe, or in areas of permafrost, above ground utilidors, often with heat traced insulated pipe. The vast distances from the transportation hub of Anchorage to a village increases costs substantially as the material must be delivered by barge or air. Categories: Adaptation, Emergency Management, Water, Health, Natural Resources |
The maximum grant is 75 percent of the project cost. | Alaska, Coastal | Link |
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